Services Provided by Party A Sample Clauses

Services Provided by Party A. 1.1 Party B hereby appoints Party A as Party B’s exclusive services provider to provide Party B with comprehensive technical support, consulting services and other services during the term of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to the follows: (1) Licensing Party B to use any software legally owned by Party A; (2) Development, maintenance and update of software involved in Party B’s business; (3) Design, installation, daily management, maintenance and updating of network system, hardware and database design; (4) Technical support and training for employees of Party B; (5) Assisting Party B in consultancy, collection and research of technology and market information (excluding market research business that wholly foreign-owned enterprises are prohibited from conducting under PRC law); (6) Providing business management consultation for Party B; (7) Providing marketing and promotion services for Party B; (8) Providing customer order management and customer services for Party B; (9) Leasing of equipments or properties; and (10) Other services requested by Party B from time to time to the extent permitted under PRC law. 1.2 Party B agrees to accept all the services provided by Party A. Party B further agrees that unless with Party A’s prior written consent, during the term of this Agreement, Party B shall not directly or indirectly accept the same or any similar services provided by any third party and shall not establish similar corporation relationship with any third party regarding the matters contemplated by this Agreement. Party A may designate other parties, who may enter into certain agreements described in Section 1.3 with Party B, to provide Party B with the services under this Agreement. For the purpose of this Agreement, Party A and other parties designated by Party A may be respectively referred to as a “Service Provider,” or collectively as “Service Providers.”
Services Provided by Party A. 1.1 Party B hereby appoints Party A as Party B’s exclusive services provider to provide Party B with complete technical support, business support and related consulting services during the term of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which may include all necessary services within the scope of the Principal Business as may be determined from time to time by Party A, such as but not limited to technical services, business consultations, marketing consultancy, product research and development. 1.2 Party B agrees to accept all the consultations and services provided by Party A. Party B further agrees that unless with Party A’s prior written consent, during the term of this Agreement, Party B shall not directly or indirectly accept the same or any similar consultations and/or services provided by any third party and shall not establish similar corporation relationship with any third party regarding the matters contemplated by this Agreement. Party A may appoint other parties, who may enter into certain agreements described in Section 1.3 with Party B, to provide Party B with the consultations and/or services under this Agreement.
Services Provided by Party A. 1.1 按照本协议条款和条件,乙方在此委任甲方在本协议期间作为乙方的独家服务提供者向乙方提供全面的管理和咨询服务,具体内容包括所有在乙方主营业务范围内由甲方不时决定必要的服务,包括但不限于以下内容:管理咨询、业务咨询、企业形象策划。 Party B hereby appoints Party A as Party B's exclusive services provider to provide Party B with complete management support, business support and related consulting services during the term of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which may include all necessary services within the scope of the Principal Business as may be determined from time to time by Party A, such as but not limited to technical services, business consultations, management consultancy, and enterprise image design. 1.2 乙方接受甲方的咨询和服务。乙方进一步同意,除非经甲方事先书面同意,在本协议期间,就本协议约定的服务或其他事宜,乙方不得直接或间接地从任何第三方获得任何与本协议相同或类似的咨询和/或服务,并不得与任何第三方就本协议所述事项建立任何类似的合作关系。双方同意,甲方可以指定其他方(该被指定方可以与乙方签署本协议第1.3条描述的某些协议)为乙方提供本协议约定的服务和/或支持。 Party B agrees to accept all the consultations and services provided by Party A. Party B further agrees that unless with Party A's prior written consent, during the term of this Agreement, Party B shall not directly or indirectly accept the same or any similar consultations and/or services provided by any third party and shall not establish similar corporation relationship with any third party regarding the matters contemplated by this Agreement. Party A may appoint other parties, who may enter into certain agreements described in Section 1.3 with Party B, to provide Party B with the consultations and/or services under this Agreement.
Services Provided by Party A. 1.1 In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Party B hereby appoints Party A as its sole and exclusive service provider to supply Party B with comprehensive business support, technical services, and consultation services within the term of this Agreement. The specific contents of the services shall include all services that are determined from time to time by Party A and are within the Business Scope of Party B, including but not limited to technical services, network support, business consulting, intellectual property licensing, leasing of equipment or office premises, market consultation, system integration, product development and system maintenance. 1.2 Party B agrees to accept the consultation and services provided by Party A. Party B further agrees that Party B shall neither accept any consultation and/or service provided by any third party nor cooperate with any third party for any matter as specified in this Agreement during the effective term of this Agreement, unless otherwise approved by Party A in writing in advance. Party A may appoint any other party (such designated party may sign certain agreements as described under Article 1.3 with Party B), to provide Party B with consultation and/or services under this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, no provision of this Agreement may, in any way whatsoever, limit Party A’s supply of consultation and/or services to any third party, and Party A’s supply of any consultation and/or service to any third party is not subject to notice to or consent of Party B.
Services Provided by Party A. 1.1 Party B hereby appoints Party A as Party B’s exclusive services provider to provide Party B with comprehensive information consulting services and other services during the term of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to the follows: (1) Licensing Party B to use any software (if any) legally owned by Party A and providing software maintenance and updating services for Party B; (2) Technical support and training for employees of Party B; (3) Providing services in related to consultancy, collection and research of project investment for Party B (excluding market research business that wholly foreign-owned enterprises are prohibited from conducting under PRC laws); (4) Providing consultation services in economic information, business information, technology information, and business management consultation for Party B; (5) Providing marketing and promotion and corporate image planning services for Party B; (6) Leasing of equipment or properties; and (7) Other services requested by Party B from time to time to the extent permitted under PRC law. 1.2 Party B agrees to accept such services provided by Party A. Party B further agrees that unless with Party A’s prior written consent, during the term of this Agreement, Party B shall not directly or indirectly accept the same or any similar services provided by any third party and shall not establish similar corporation relationship with any third party regarding the matters contemplated by this Agreement. Party A may designate other parties, who may enter into certain agreements described in Section 1.3 with Party B, to provide Party B with relevant services as set forth in this Agreement.
Services Provided by Party A. 1.1 按照本协议条款和条件,乙方在此委任甲方在本协议期间作为乙方的独家服务提供者向乙方提供全面的技术支持、咨询服务和其他相关服务,包括但不限于以下内容: Party B hereby appoints Party A as Party B's exclusive services provider to provide Party B with comprehensive technical support, consulting services and other related services during the term of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to the following: (1) 许可乙方使用甲方拥有合法权利的与主营业务有关的技术和软件; Licensing Party B to use the technology and software legally owned by Party A in relation to the Principal Business; (2) 为乙方主营业务所需的技术进行设计、开发、维护与更新,并提供相关技术咨询和技术服务; Design, development, maintenance and updating of technologies necessary for Party B’s Principal Business, and provision of related technical consultation and technical services; (3) 计算机网络系统及相关数据库的设计、安装和日常管理、维护、更新; Design, installation, daily management, maintenance and updating of network systems and related database; (4) 乙方相关人员的技术支持和专业培训; Technical support and training for employees of Party B; (5) 协助乙方进行有关的技术和市场信息的收集与调研(中国法律限制外商独资企业从事的市场调查除外); Assisting Party B in collection and research of technology and market information (excluding market research business that wholly foreign-owned enterprises are restricted from conducting under PRC law); (6) 为乙方提供企业管理咨询; Providing business and management consultation for Party B; (7) 为乙方提供市场营销和推广服务; Providing marketing and promotional services for Party B; (8) 开发和测试新产品; Development and testing of new products; (9) 设备、资产出租;和 Leasing of equipments or properties; and (10) 在中国法律允许的情况下,其他应乙方要求而不时提供的其他相关服务。 Other related services requested by Party B from time to time to the extent permitted under PRC law. 1.2 乙方接受甲方提供的服务。双方同意,甲方可以指定其关联方或者其他合格的服务提供方(该被指定方可以与乙方签署本协议第1.3条描述的一些协议)为乙方提供本协议约定的服务。乙 方进一步同意,除非经甲方事先书面同意,在本协议期间,就本协议约定的服务或其他事宜,乙方不得直接或间接地从任何第三方获得任何与本协议相同或类似的服务,并不得与任何第三 方就本协议所述事项建立任何相同或类似的合作关系。 Party B agrees to accept all the services provided by Party A. The Parties agree that Party A may appoint or designate its affiliates or other qualified parties to provide Party B with the services under this Agreement (the parties designated by Party A may enter into certain agreements described in Section 1.3 with Party B). Party B further agrees that unless with Party A’s prior written consent, during the term of this Agreement, Party B shall not directly or indirectly accept the same or any similar services provided by any third party and shall not establish same or similar corporation relationships with any third party regarding the matters...
Services Provided by Party A. 1.1 Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Party B hereby appoints Party A as its exclusive service provider during the term of this Agreement to provide comprehensive business support, technical services and consulting services, including all services as determined by Party A from time to time which are within Party B’s business scope, including, but not limited to, the investment consulting services in relation to the medical treatment, medicine and equipment to Party B. 1.2 Party B agrees to accept all the consulting and services provided by Party A. Party B further agrees that, during the effective term of this Agreement, unless obtaining the prior written consent of Party A, Party B shall not accept any services and/or supports provided by any third party, nor shall establish any cooperation with any third party, with respect to the matters contemplated herein. The Parties agree that, Party A may designate any other party to provide Party B with the services and/or support as agreed hereunder.
Services Provided by Party A. 1.1 Party B hereby appoints Party A as Party B’s exclusive services provider to provide Party B with comprehensive technical support, consulting services and other services during the term of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to the follows: (1) Licensing Party B to use any software legally owned by Party A; (2) Development, maintenance and update of software involved in Party B’s business; (3) Design, installation, daily management, maintenance and updating of network system, hardware and database design; (4) Technical support and training for employees of Party B; (5) Assisting Party B in consultancy, collection and research of technology and market information (excluding market research business that wholly foreign-owned enterprises are prohibited from conducting under PRC law); (6) Providing business management consultation for Party B; (7) Providing marketing and promotion services for Party B; (8) Providing customer order management and customer services for Party B; (9) Leasing of equipments or properties; and (10) Other services requested by Party B from time to time to the extent permitted under PRC law.
Services Provided by Party A. 按照本协议条款和条件,乙方在此委任甲方在本协议期间作为乙方的独家服务提供者向乙方提供全面的技术支持、咨询服务和其他服务,包括但不限于以下内容: Party B hereby appoints Party A as Party B’s exclusive services provider to provide Party B with comprehensive technical support, consulting services and other services during the term of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to the follows:
Services Provided by Party A. 1.1 按照本协议条款和条件并在中国现行法律允许的范围内,乙方在此委任甲方在本协议期间作为乙方的独家服务提供者向乙方提供全面的业务支持、运营管理和技术服务和咨询服务,具体内容包括所有在乙方营业范围内由甲方不时决定的服务,包括但不限于以下内容:技术服务、业务咨询、资产设备租赁和市场咨询。 Party B hereby appoints Party A as Party B’s exclusive services provider to provide Party B with complete business support, operational management and technical and consulting services during the term of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to the extent permitted by the currently effective laws of China, which may include all services within the business scope of Party B as may be determined from time to time by Party A, such as but not limited to technical services, business consultations, equipment or property leasing and marketing consultancy. 1.2 甲方应全面独家地对乙方的经营活动负责,包括有权任免董事会和高管成员。乙方的董事会和股东会应当按照甲方的要求通过决议。甲方有权独家全面的管理和处置乙方的资产和现金流。甲方有权决定乙方资金的使用。甲方有权控制乙方的财务和日常运营,包括签署协议和支付费用开支等。 Party A shall be fully and exclusively responsible for the operation of Party B, which includes the right to appoint and terminate members of Board of Directors and the right to hire managerial and administrative personnel etc. Party A or its voting proxy shall make a shareholder’s resolution and a Board of Directors’ resolution based on the decision of Party A. Party A has the full and exclusive right to manage and control all cash flow and assets of Party A. Party A has the full and exclusive right to decide the use of the funds of Party B. Party A shall have the full and exclusive right to control and administrate the financial affairs and daily operation of Party B, such as entering into and performance of contracts, and payment of fees and expenses etc.