Accessory Discount. Accessories Discount. Subject to the restrictions set forth in this §4.3, AT&T will provide Customer with a thirty (30%) discount on select Accessories purchased by Customer and/or its CRUs through Customer’s Premier website (the “Accessory Discount”). The discount off accessories is not available to Customer for orders placed through any other method. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “
Accessory Discount. The accessory discount of 25% applies to the national retail price for Sprint Device accessories purchased for Corporate-Liable Active Units and Individual-Liable Active Units under this Agreement.
Accessory Discount. Customer will receive a 25% discount off of the national retail price for select accessories purchased for Customer Lines and Employee Lines.
Accessory Discount. Master Account and Employee Account Users shall receive a twenty-five percent (25%) discount off of the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) on Equipment Accessories ordered for each lie of Service with a Fixed Term of one year or more. The 25% Accessory Discount shall not be combined with any rebate or promotional pricing that is currently available for Accessories, however, a User may participate in any rebate program or promotional Accessory pricing in lieu of receiving the 25% Accessory Discount referenced above. T-Mobile Business Sales EasyOrder is a streamlined, flexible ordering process for our Business Customers. EasyOrder is available for Corporate Liable (Master Account/Business Sales Amendment) orders ONLY.
1. Complete and sign this EasyOrder Request Form and Agreement and submit to your Business Sales Representative.
2. EasyOrder allows a Business Customer to submit orders via phone, email (excluding credit card orders), fax or in-person through your Business Sales Representative, without having to complete an order form. (Business Customer should use Corporate Order Form as a guide for required order information.)
3. Your Sales Representative or system generated auto response will follow up each order with an email including a summary of your order.