Accountable Professional Development Account (APDA. The Accountable Professional Development Account (APDA) is available to eligible members except those on unpaid leave. Eligible members are defined as:
1) Permanent or seasonal employees in a greater than or equal to 0.5 FTE position
2) Term appointments that are greater than or equal to 0.5 FTE and have greater than or equal to a one (1) year appointment
3) Other term appointments less than 0.5 FTE and greater than one (1) year or less than or equal to 1.0 FTE and less than one (1) year receive APDA allocation prorated based on their total FTE On May 1, each member will receive an annual APDA allocation of $1,100. The allocations are cumulative from year to year to a maximum of $9,000. Members who are appointed between November 1 and April 30 will have their APDA allowance reduced by 50% for the first year of employment only. Members returning from leave without pay will have their allocation prorated in proportion to time worked during the fiscal year and their payroll FTE status on the date of return to work. APDA shall be used to defray expenses associated with related professional activities, teaching, education, or research. Professional development includes those activities which enhance a member’s work performance, ability or effectiveness. Consult Financial Services for a list of eligible expenses and claim procedures.
Accountable Professional Development Account (APDA. The Accountable Professional Development Account (APDA) is available to eligible members except those on unpaid leave.
1) Permanent or seasonal employees in a greater than or equal to 0.5 FTE position
2) Term appointments that are greater than or equal to 0.5 FTE and have greater than or equal to a one (1) year appointment
3) Other term appointments less than 0.5 FTE and greater than one (1) year or less than or equal to 1.0 FTE and less than one (1) year receive APDA allocation prorated based on their total FTE On May 1, each member will receive an annual APDA allocation of $1,100. The allocations are cumulative from year to year to a maximum of $9,000. Members who are appointed between November 1 and April 30 will have their APDA allowance reduced by 50% for the first year of employment only. Consult Financial Services for a list of eligible expenses and claim procedures.
Accountable Professional Development Account (APDA. The Accountable Professional Development Account (APDA) is available to eligible members as defined in Table 12.B except those on unpaid leave. Effective 1 May 2012, the annual APDA allocation will be $1,100 per member and cumulative to a maximum of $9,000. APDA shall be used to defray expenses associated with related professional activities, teaching, education, or research. Professional development includes those activities which enhance a member’s work performance, ability or effectiveness.