Accrual/Accumulation. Employees may accrue up to two hundred (200) hours of compensatory time. All overtime or holiday time worked which would result in a compensatory time accumulation of more than two hundred (200) hours and all overtime generated as a result of football games shall be paid and not accumulated as compensatory time. In accordance with the above, employee requests to accrue compensatory time in lieu of pay for all overtime or holiday time worked will be honored.
Appears in 12 contracts
Accrual/Accumulation. Employees may accrue up to two hundred forty (200240) hours of compensatory time. All overtime or holiday time worked which would result in a compensatory time accumulation of more than two hundred forty (200240) hours hours, and all overtime generated as a result of football games shall games, can be paid and not accumulated or taken as compensatory time. In accordance with the above, employee requests to accrue compensatory time in lieu of pay for all overtime or holiday time worked will be honored.
Appears in 5 contracts
Accrual/Accumulation. Employees may accrue up to two hundred (200) hours of compensatory time. All overtime or holiday time worked which would result in a compensatory time accumulation of more than two hundred (200hundred(200) hours hours, and all overtime generated as a result of football games shall games, can be paid and not accumulated or taken as compensatory time. In accordance with the above, employee requests to accrue compensatory time in lieu of pay for all overtime or holiday time worked will be honored.
Appears in 1 contract
Accrual/Accumulation. Employees may accrue up to two hundred (200) hours of 4 compensatory time. All overtime or holiday time worked which would result in a 5 compensatory time accumulation of more than two hundred (200) hours and all 6 overtime generated as a result of football games shall be paid and not accumulated as 7 compensatory time. In accordance with the above, employee requests to accrue 8 compensatory time in lieu of pay for all overtime or holiday time worked will be honored.. 9
Appears in 1 contract
Accrual/Accumulation. Employees may accrue up to two hundred (200) hours of 5 compensatory time. All overtime or holiday time worked which would result in a 6 compensatory time accumulation of more than two hundred (200) hours and all overtime 7 generated as a result of football games shall be paid and not accumulated as 8 compensatory time. In accordance with the above, employee requests to accrue 9 compensatory time in lieu of pay for all overtime or holiday time worked will be honored.. 10
Appears in 1 contract