ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND PERMITS. The Parties recognize that the existing SCE distribution system on which the Fibers are to be installed has been constructed on rights of way that may be owned by SCE in fee or by grant of an easement or license or as a result of statutory grant resulting from SCE's status as a public utility under the laws of the State of California, and that some significant portion of these rights of way may not include grants of a right to construct or lease facilities such as the Fiber without obtaining further rights from the present owners of such rights of way. To the extent SCE determines that such rights of way permit construction and operation of facilities such as the Fiber for use by CUSTOMER without further grants, and CUSTOMER concurs with SCE's determination, SCE agrees to allow CUSTOMER to use such rights of way for the purpose described in this Agreement. On a mutually convenient date after SCE completes its property rights analysis of the Routes, the Parties shall meet and assess the adequacy of these property rights. Either Party may elect to terminate this Agreement without liability to the other Party by sending a written notice of termination as provided in Section 24 within one (1) week of the meeting. If either Party elects to terminate the Agreement, CUSTOMER shall receive a full refund of its One-Time Payments already paid to SCE, less the total of all costs incurred by SCE in connection with performing its obligations under this Agreement, plus an additional fifteen percent (15%) of those costs for overhead expenses. The total amount withheld or billed by SCE shall not exceed the total One-Time Fee. The Parties may also agree to proceed with acquisition of the required property rights or to redesign the Routes in an attempt to reduce the property rights that must be obtained. If the Parties elect to redesign the Route, the process described above, including the right to terminate the agreement without liability, shall be repeated for the redesigned Route. If the Parties elect to proceed with the acquisition of additional rights, SCE shall use commercially reasonable efforts to negotiate such rights from the property owners. SCE shall not be required to condemn for any property right on the Route. If SCE is unable to secure all required property rights needed for the Route, CUSTOMER may, at its sole discretion and expense, attempt to obtain such rights either through further negotiations with the property owner or by condemnation. If CUSTOMER ele...
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  • Specially Created Intellectual Property Rights 27.1. All Intellectual Property Rights in Deliverables and and any reports, guidance, specification, instructions, toolkits, plans, data, drawings, databases, patents, patterns, models, designs or other material prepared by or for the Contractor on behalf of the Authority for use, or intended use, in relation to the performance by the Contractor of its obligations under the Framework Agreement belong to the Authority.

  • COPY RIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 8.1. All information (inclusive of data, text, image) displayed in shall not be used or published in other channels without the express written permission of PAH. PAH has the right to use any available legal remedies which may include the demand for factual or statutory damages, solicitor's fees and injunctive relief for any violation of PAH's intellectual property rights.

  • Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights 1. This Agreement gives you limited rights to use the Software. Syncro retains any and all rights, title and interest in and to the Software and all copies thereof, including copyrights, patents, trade secret rights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights. All rights not specifically granted in this Agreement, including International Copyrights, are reserved by Syncro. The structure, organization and code of the Software are valuable trade secrets and confidential information of Syncro.

  • INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND INDEMNITY 42.1 Save as granted under this Framework Agreement, neither the Authority nor the Supplier shall acquire any right, title or interest in the other's Pre-Existing Intellectual Property Rights.

  • Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership 5.1. You acknowledge that all Intellectual Property Rights (including any new Intellectual Property Rights) arising out of or in connection with the Access Products and associated Documentation, belong at all times to Us or Our licensors.

  • Intellectual Property Matters A. Definitions

  • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 9.1 The Institution acknowledges that all copyrights, patent rights, trade marks, database rights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights relating to the Licensed Material are the sole and exclusive property of Publisher or are duly licensed to the Publisher and that this Licence does not assign or transfer to the Institution any right, title or interest therein except for the right to use the Licensed Material in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Licence.

  • Intellectual Property Rights Assignment For no additional compensation, Contractor hereby assigns to City all of Contractor’s rights, title, and interest in and to the content of the Deliverable Materials created by Contractor or its employees, agents, or subcontractors, including copyrights, in connection with the services performed under this Contract. Contractor shall promptly execute and deliver, and shall cause its employees, agents, and subcontractors to promptly execute and deliver, upon request by the City or any of its successors or assigns at any time and without further compensation of any kind, any power of attorney, assignment, application for copyright, patent, trademark or other intellectual property right protection, or other papers or instruments which may be necessary or desirable to fully secure, perfect or otherwise protect to or for the City, its successors and assigns, all right, title and interest in and to the content of the Deliverable Materials. Contractor also shall cooperate and assist in the prosecution of any action or opposition proceeding involving such intellectual property rights and any adjudication of those rights.

  • Intellectual Property Ownership We, our affiliates and our licensors will own all right, title and interest in and to all Products. You will be and remain the owner of all rights, title and interest in and to Customer Content. Each party will own and retain all rights in its trademarks, logos and other brand elements (collectively, “Trademarks”). To the extent a party grants any rights or licenses to its Trademarks to the other party in connection with this Agreement, the other party’s use of such Trademarks will be subject to the reasonable trademark guidelines provided in writing by the party that owns the Trademarks.


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