Administrative Leave. The Employer agrees to permit, pursuant to the following conditions, the use of Employer-paid time for the conduct of Union business and for certain training functions: 1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees may collectively use administrative leave from an administrative leave bank to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank shall be calculated on the basis of one hour per employee of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay period. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include: a. Unit employee name; b. Unit employee department; c. Dates for release; d. Number of bank hours to be used and, e. Whether the leave is for Union business or training. 2. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State Employer. 3. Up to 250 hours of the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the administrative leave bank by stewards, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concerns.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement
Administrative Leave. Section A. The Employer agrees president of the FOP shall receive 1092 hours of administrative leave for each year of this Agreement.
Section B. Officers and members of the FOP Negotiations Committee shall receive reasonable administrative leave in connection with contract negotiations and preparation.
Section C. An administrative leave bank of four hundred (400) hours shall be created for use by FOP officers and officials to permitattend workshops, pursuant seminars, conferences, and conventions related to the following conditions, the use of Employer-paid time for the conduct of Union their duties in the FOP.
Section D. In addition, members will be assessed 3 hours annual or compensatory leave per year, which leave shall be contributed to an administrative leave bank for the purpose of providing additional administrative leave to the president and/or other officers and officials of the FOP. Administrative leave identified in this section and Section A shall be the sole source of leave for the FOP president, and shall result in the president being placed on administrative leave full-time (2080 hours), except the president shall continue to use annual and sick leave pursuant to applicable regulations and the provisions of this Agreement.
Section E. The Board of Directors, consisting of 12 unit members, subject to Section F below, shall be granted two hours administrative leave for a monthly FOP Board meeting. Board members and six stewards, subject to Section F below, shall also be granted two hours administrative leave for a general monthly meeting. The FOP will provide the Department of Police with a current list of FOP Board members and stewards.
Section F. An employee requesting administrative leave shall do so by giving reasonable notice to his/her supervisor.
Section G. The department shall provide the FOP president with an administrative vehicle for the purpose of conducting FOP and County business and for certain training functionsonly. The reimbursement of the vehicle shall be in compliance with the provisions of Administrative Procedure 1-4.
Section H. In addition to the above, administrative leave may be granted by the chief administrative officer, or designee to:
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union An employee or groups of employees may collectively use administrative leave from an administrative leave bank to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank shall be calculated on the basis of one hour per employee of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay period. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will includecases of:
a. Unit employee name;General public emergency, or
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business An unhealthy or trainingdangerous situation in a county facility.
2. The Department may deny An employee who is relieved of duties pending:
a. An investigation of incidents or charges,
b. Removal, or
c. A determination as to fitness for continued duty;
3. An employee for attendance at officially approved meetings or conferences;
4. An employee who is subpoenaed to appear in administrative proceedings before an administrative body;
5. An employee under other circumstances as the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change chief administrative officer determines necessary and in the designation best interest of the Executive Officers County government.
Section I. In addition, administrative leave shall be granted to:
1. An employee who is subpoenaed as a witness in a civil or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice criminal case, administrative proceeding or is to serve on a jury unless the employee is subpoenaed as a witness in a civil case that is unrelated to the Office employee’s official duties and to which the employee is a party. [See Side Letter: July 1, 2001.]
2. A full-time or part-time employee shall be granted paid leave for 3 consecutive workdays in the event of State Employera death in the immediate family as defined as follows: Parent, step-parent, spouse, brother or sister, child or stepchild, grandparent, grandchild, domestic partner, and legal guardian; Domestic partner’s parent, step-parent, grandparent, and grandchild; Spouse’s parent, step-parent, grandparent, and grandchild; or any other relative living with the employee at the time of death. In extenuating circumstances the chief administrative officer may approve administrative leave for other relatives. [See Side Letter: June 20, 2001.] In addition, an employee who must travel more than 250 miles one way from their residence in connection with a death in the immediate family is entitled to an additional consecutive workday of leave.
3. Up to 250 hours A unit member who is a member of a reserve component of the administrative armed forces of the United States for training purposes not to exceed fifteen (15) days annually. Application for military leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will training purposes shall be made to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needsimmediately upon receipt of orders for active duty for training. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office chief administrative officer may permit waiver of the State Employer and the Union15-day limitation when two annual training periods are scheduled in one calendar year.
4. In the event that the Employer An employee who is relieved of police powers in excess of 90 days pending (excludes employees who are suspended for alleged commission of a felony):
a. An investigation of incidents or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the administrative leave bank by stewardscharges, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concernsor
b. Removal.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Administrative Leave. Section A. The Employer agrees president of the FOP shall receive 1092 hours of administrative leave for each year of this Agreement.
Section B. Officers and members of the FOP Negotiations Committee shall receive reasonable administrative leave in connection with contract negotiations and preparation.
Section C. An administrative leave bank of four hundred (400) hours shall be created for use by FOP officers and officials to permitattend workshops, pursuant seminars, conferences, and conventions related to the following conditions, the use of Employer-paid time for the conduct of Union their duties in the FOP.
Section D. In addition, members will be assessed 3 hours annual or compensatory leave per year, which leave shall be contributed to an administrative leave bank for the purpose of providing additional administrative leave to the president and/or other officers and officials of the FOP. Administrative leave identified in this section and Section A shall be the sole source of leave for the FOP president, and shall result in the president being placed on administrative leave full-time (2080 hours), except the president shall continue to use annual and sick leave pursuant to applicable regulations and the provisions of this Agreement.
Section E. The Board of Directors, consisting of 12 unit members, subject to Section F below, shall be granted two hours administrative leave for a monthly FOP Board meeting. Board members and six stewards, subject to Section F below, shall also be granted two hours administrative leave for a general monthly meeting. The FOP will provide the Department of Police with a current list of FOP Board members and stewards.
Section F. An employee requesting administrative leave shall do so by giving reasonable notice to his/her supervisor.
Section G. The department shall provide the FOP president with an administrative vehicle for the purpose of conducting FOP and County business and for certain training functionsonly. The reimbursement of the vehicle shall be in compliance with the provisions of Administrative Procedure 1-4.
Section H. In addition to the above, administrative leave may be granted by the chief administrative officer, or designee to:
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union An employee or groups of employees may collectively use administrative leave from an administrative leave bank to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank shall be calculated on the basis of one hour per employee of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay period. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will includecases of:
a. Unit employee name;General public emergency, or
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business An unhealthy or trainingdangerous situation in a county facility.
2. The Department may deny An employee who is relieved of duties pending:
a. An investigation of incidents or charges,
b. Removal, or
c. A determination as to fitness for continued duty;
3. An employee for attendance at officially approved meetings or conferences;
4. An employee who is subpoenaed to appear in administrative proceedings before an administrative body;
5. An employee under other circumstances as the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change chief administrative officer determines necessary and in the designation best interest of the Executive Officers County government.
Section I. In addition, administrative leave shall be granted to:
1. An employee who is subpoenaed as a witness in a civil or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice criminal case, administrative proceeding or is to serve on a jury unless the employee is subpoenaed as a witness in a civil case that is unrelated to the Office employee’s official duties and to which the employee is a party. [See Side Letter]
2. A full-time or part-time employee shall be granted paid leave for 3 consecutive workdays in the event of State Employera death in the immediate family as defined as follows: Parent, step-parent, spouse, brother or sister, child or stepchild, grandparent, grandchild, domestic partner, and legal guardian; Domestic partner’s parent, step-parent, grandparent, and grandchild; Spouse’s parent, step-parent, grandparent, and grandchild; or any other relative living with the employee at the time of death. In extenuating circumstances the chief administrative officer may approve administrative leave for other relatives. [See Side Letter.] In addition, an employee who must travel more than 250 miles one way from their residence in connection with a death in the immediate family is entitled to an additional consecutive workday of leave.
3. Up to 250 hours A unit member who is a member of a reserve component of the administrative armed forces of the United States for training purposes not to exceed fifteen (15) days annually. Application for military leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will training purposes shall be made to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needsimmediately upon receipt of orders for active duty for training. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office chief administrative officer may permit waiver of the State Employer and the Union15-day limitation when two annual training periods are scheduled in one calendar year.
4. In the event that the Employer An employee who is relieved of police powers in excess of 90 days pending (excludes employees who are suspended for alleged commission of a felony):
a. An investigation of incidents or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the administrative leave bank by stewardscharges, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concernsor
b. Removal.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Administrative Leave. The Employer agrees Full time employees shall be granted three (3) days administrative leave at the beginning of each fiscal year. Employees hired after the beginning of the fiscal year shall be granted a one-half day (1/2) administrative leave after each full calendar month of service in the first fiscal year of employment to permita maximum of three (3) days. Employees appointed on a ten-month basis shall be granted administrative leave on the same basis, pursuant except the maximum shall be two and one-half (2 1/2) days per year. If an employee is notified that their appointment is going to be converted from a twelve-month to a ten-month appointment, the employee shall not have the maximum reduced to two and one-half (2 1/2) days during the fiscal year in which the employee receives the notification. If an employee is notified that their appointment is going to be converted from a ten-month to a twelve-month appointment, the employee shall receive an additional one-half (1/2) day, for a maximum of three (3) days for the fiscal year in which the employee receives the notification and also the following conditionsfiscal year in cases where the notice is provided less than 45 days before the start of the following fiscal year. Administrative leave for part time employees shall be prorated in accordance with the length of their work week. Administrative leave shall be granted by Rutgers University upon request of the employee and shall be scheduled in advance provided the request can be granted without interference with the proper discharge of the work in the work unit involved. Requests for such leave shall not be unreasonably denied. Administrative leave may be used for personal business, including emergencies and religious observances. Administrative leave may be taken in conjunction with other types of paid leave. Where there are more requests at one time than can be granted without interfering with the proper conduct of the work unit, priorities in granting such requests shall be: (1) emergencies and (2) religious or cultural holidays or other personal matters. If there is still a conflict, the use of Employer-paid time for the conduct of Union business and for certain training functions:
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees may collectively use administrative leave from an administrative leave bank to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank matter shall be calculated resolved on the basis of one hour per employee seniority within the work unit. In the case of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is an emergency, where advance notice and approval are not used may be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officerspossible, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this requests for administrative leave bankfor emergencies shall not be unreasonably denied. Administrative leave will must be granted only scheduled in blocks minimum units of one (1) or more hours, hour. Such leave shall not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee be cumulative. Unused balances in any pay periodyear shall be cancelled. The unit An employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as who leaves employment shall not be required to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request reimburse Rutgers for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar earned days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or trainingalready used.
2. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State Employer.
3. Up to 250 hours of the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the administrative leave bank by stewards, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concerns.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Administrative Leave. The Employer agrees to permit, pursuant to the following conditions, the use of Employer-paid time for the conduct of Union business and for certain training functions:
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees The secretary may collectively use authorize an employee administrative leave from an administrative leave bank up to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank shall be calculated on five consecutive workdays when it is in the basis of one hour per employee best interest of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this administrative leave bankDepartment. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks excess of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay periodfive consecutive days must have written approval of the state personnel director. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In additionsecretary, the Union will normally make a upon written request for release by a deputy secretary of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request operations, may authorize up to the Appointing Authority 160 consecutive hours of administrative leave during a disciplinary action or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or traininginvestigation.
2. The Department Employees who are registered voters may deny absent themselves from work for up to two hours for the request if operational needs preclude releasepurpose of voting between the time of the opening and the closing of the polls. The Union supervisor may change specify the designation hours during the period in which the voter may be absent. This leave is not available to employees whose workday begins more than two hours after the opening of the Executive Officers polls or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice ends more than three hours before the closing of the polls. Employees who take voting leave must vote. Failure to the Office of State Employerdo so may result in disciplinary action.
3. Up Employees shall be entitled to 250 administrative leave when appearing in obedience to a subpoena as a witness before a grand jury or court or before a federal or state agency. Xxxx received as a witness, excluding reimbursement for travel and per diem shall be remitted to the department.
4. Employees shall be entitled to administrative leave with pay for serving on a grand or petit jury. Fees received, as a juror, excluding reimbursement for travel and per diem shall be remitted to the Department.
5. In accordance with the Governor’s inclement weather policy, the Governor and Cabinet Secretary may authorize the closure, late reporting, or early release of employees due to inclement weather. Local radio stations, the State Personnel Office, and the Human Resource Bureau, normally carry out notifications or the website, or Weather Hotline at 000-000-0000.
6. Employees shall be entitled to sixteen (16) hours of the administrative leave bank will be available per calendar year for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from the purpose of interviewing for other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated positions within the employee’s department or Corrections Department.
7. All requests for administrative leave not specifically authorized above (e.g., voting, jury, and obedience to a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer subpoena) must be submitted in writing to the employee Department’s Secretary, signed by a Deputy Secretary of Operations and must state the specific reason(s) for the requested leave.
8. The Secretary will review the request and notify the requesting Appointing Authority in writing that the request has been approved or disapproved or that in addition to his/her approval the request requires the approval of the State Personnel Director.
9. Employees must complete an SPB 101, Leave Request form or submit a request via email requesting administrative leave when requesting such leave for voting, in obedience to a subpoena or for serving on a grand or petit jury. The completed form, along with supporting documentation, must be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made submitted to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject or Roster Management Coordinator for approval.
10. Administrative leave shall not be granted for an employee to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office serve a sentence of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the administrative leave bank by stewards, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concernsincarceration.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Leave Request and Approval, Leave Request and Approval
Administrative Leave. The Employer agrees RPD and Union recognize that the RPD and the Board has the right to permit, pursuant place an employee on forced administrative leave (or residential reassignment) subject to the Board’s statutory powers and the following conditions: In the event an employee is to be relieved of duty pending the outcome of an internal investigation which may result in discipline, then that employee shall first be given an opportunity to consult with a Union representative prior to being relieved of duty. Such consultation must occur within thirty (30) minutes of being informed of the right to Union representation. If, however, after being informed of Union representation the employee declines Union representation, the use of Employer-paid time for employee will execute the conduct “Waiver of Union business and for certain training functions:
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Representation Agreement.” The President of the Union employees may collectively use administrative leave from an administrative leave bank to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank his designee shall be calculated on the basis of one hour per employee provided a copy of the bargaining unit on Waiver of Union Representation Agreement no later than five (5) business days after the payroll during employee is relieved of duty if the first full pay period of October in each yearemployee elects this option. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may be carried forward Upon being assigned to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay period. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In additionleave, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7employee shall surrender to RPD any RPD issued firearm(s) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or training.
2. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State Employer.
3. Up to 250 hours of the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office of the State Employer and the Unionpossession. In the event that the Employer employee is in possession of a non-RPD issued firearm at the time he or she is placed on such leave, the RPD shall without undue delay, arrange to have a Union raises concerns regarding this use representative take custody of said firearm and legally transport it to the employee’s residence. When an employee is removed from their regular assignment and is instead assigned to their place of residence, they must remain at their residence from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, not including City observed holidays, and shall be available to the RPD if needed by the RPD. Said employee shall be allowed to leave their residence for a 1 hour unpaid lunch to be taken during the normal lunch hours of 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. An employee assigned to administrative leave bank by stewardsmust contact the Chief or his/her designee, for any time off such as vacation, Time Coming (TC), personal leave days or funeral leave. Said administrative leave shall be with or without full pay and benefits. If written disciplinary charges against the employee on administrative leave are pending with the Board, the parties agree Board pursuant to meet its’ statutory powers may suspend the employee pending a disciplinary hearing before the Board with or without pay, but not to resolve exceed thirty (30) days. If the concernsBoard determines the charges against an employee are not sustained, the employee shall be reimbursed for all wages withheld, if any.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Administrative Leave. The 30 Subject to the operational needs of the Employer agrees to permitand in accordance with the 31 provisions below, pursuant employees in this Bargaining Unit shall be released and permitted 32 time off without loss of pay or benefits during scheduled working hours for Union 33 business, subject to the following conditions, :
35 A. The administrative leave provided in this Section shall be the use of Employer-paid time only 36 administrative leave for the conduct of Union business and for certain training functions:that may be utilized by any employee 37 in this Bargaining Unit.
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees may collectively use 38 B. An Administrative Leave Bank is established based on one hour of 39 administrative leave from an administrative leave for each employee in the Bargaining Unit. Such bank to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank 40 shall be calculated computed on the basis of one hour per employee the number of employees in the Bargaining 41 Unit who are on active payroll status at the end of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period which 42 includes January 1 of October in each calendar year. 1 Such Administrative Leave administrative leave which is not used may be carried forward to 2 other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities 3 authorized by this sectionSection. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this 5 Such administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will shall be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, hour increments. 7 Approval for such time off shall not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee be unreasonably denied. 9 It is agreed that the Administrative Leave Bank provided herein replaces 10 the Administrative Leave Bank granted in any pay periodthe Civil Service Commission Rules 11 and Regulations. 13 The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number Employer shall provide the Union with an annual 14 report on the number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or training.
2. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State Employer.
3. Up to 250 hours of the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave utilized from the bank for this purposeduring the preceding 15 calendar year. Requests for time will 17 No deduction shall be made made, nor shall any employee be entitled to be 18 released on such administrative leave, without prior written authorization from 19 the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject Union President or his/her designee. Such authorization shall be sent to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, 20 the Office of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the Departmental/Agency Employer.
22 C. An administrative leave bank of 2,088 hours shall be established on January
23 1 of each year to be used by stewardsany employee in this Bargaining Unit who is a 24 duly elected member of the State of Michigan AFL-CIO Executive Council 25 and/or serving on the State of Michigan AFL-CIO Standing Committee on 26 Unemployment Insurance as appointed by the President of the State of 27 Michigan AFL-CIO, within five (5) days after such election or appointment (or 28 if already elected or serving, within five (5) days after the parties agree effective date of this 29 contract). The Union will furnish to meet the State Employer in writing the name 30 and department of such employee. Notification of any change in membership 31 of the AFL-CIO Executive Council and/or the Standing Committee on 32 Unemployment Insurance shall also be in writing to resolve the concerns.State Employer within 33 five (5) days after such change. 35 Any such administrative leave, which is not used, may not be carried 36 forward to other years. 37
38 D. A duly elected member of the Human Services Support Unit of SEIU Local 39 517-M Executive Board (not to exceed one (1) in this Bargaining Unit) shall 40 be granted time off without loss of pay to prepare for and attend meetings of 41 the Executive Board. Such time shall not exceed two (2) days per executive 42 board meeting or twelve (12) days per year. Provisions for notice to the 43 Employer of such member’s intent to prepare for and attend Executive Board 44 Meetings shall be mutually agreed to by the parties. 45
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Administrative Leave. The Subject to the operational needs of the Employer agrees to permitand in accordance with the provisions below, pursuant employees in this Bargaining Unit shall be released and permitted time off without loss of pay or benefits during scheduled working hours for Union business, subject to the following conditions, :
A. The administrative leave provided in this Section shall be the use of Employer-paid time only administrative leave for the conduct of Union business and for certain training functions:that may be utilized by any employee in this Bargaining Unit.
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees may collectively use B. An Administrative Leave Bank is established based on one hour of administrative leave from an administrative leave bank to conduct Union business or attend Union trainingfor each employee in the Bargaining Unit. This administrative leave Such bank shall be calculated computed on the basis of one hour per employee the number of employees in the Bargaining Unit who are on active payroll status at the end of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period which includes January 1 of October in each calendar year. Such Administrative Leave administrative leave which is not used may be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this sectionSection. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this Such administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will shall be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, hour increments. Approval for such time off shall not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee be unreasonably denied. It is agreed that the Administrative Leave Bank provided herein replaces the Administrative Leave Bank granted in any pay periodthe Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number Employer shall provide the Union with an annual report on the number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or training.
2. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State Employer.
3. Up to 250 hours of the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave utilized from the bank for this purposeduring the preceding calendar year. Requests for time will No deduction shall be made made, nor shall any employee be entitled to be released on such administrative leave, without prior written authorization from the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject Union President or his/her designee. Such authorization shall be sent to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the Departmental/Agency Employer.
C. An administrative leave bank of 2,088 hours shall be established on January 1 of each year to be used by stewardsany employee in this Bargaining Unit who is a duly elected member of the State of Michigan AFL-CIO Executive Council and/or serving on the State of Michigan AFL-CIO Standing Committee on Unemployment Insurance as appointed by the President of the State of Michigan AFL-CIO, within five (5) days after such election or appointment (or if already elected or serving, within five (5) days after the parties agree effective date of this contract). The Union will furnish to meet the State Employer in writing the name and department of such employee. Notification of any change in membership of the AFL-CIO Executive Council and/or the Standing Committee on Unemployment Insurance shall also be in writing to resolve the concernsState Employer within five (5) days after such change. Any such administrative leave, which is not used, may not be carried forward to other years.
D. A duly elected member of the Human Services Support Unit of SEIU Local 517-M Executive Board (not to exceed one (1) in this Bargaining Unit) shall be granted time off without loss of pay to prepare for and attend meetings of the Executive Board. Such time shall not exceed two (2) days per executive board meeting or twelve (12) days per year. Provisions for notice to the Employer of such member’s intent to prepare for and attend Executive Board Meetings shall be mutually agreed to by the parties.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Administrative Leave. The Employer agrees to permit, pursuant to the following conditions, the use of Employer-paid time for the conduct of Union business and for certain training functions:
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees The Secretary may collectively use authorize an employee administrative leave from an administrative leave bank up to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank shall be calculated on five consecutive workdays when it is in the basis of one hour per employee best interest of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this administrative leave bankDepartment. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks excess of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay period. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a five consecutive days must have written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office approval of the State EmployerPersonnel Director. The Secretary, upon written request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number by a Deputy Secretary of bank Operations, may authorize up to 160 consecutive hours to be used and,
e. Whether the of Administrative leave is for Union business during a disciplinary action or traininginvestigation.
2. The Department Employees who are registered voters may deny absent themselves from work for up to two hours for the request if operational needs preclude releasepurpose of voting between the time of the opening and the closing of the polls. The Union supervisor may change specify the designation hours during the period in which the voter may be absent. This leave is not available to employees whose workday begins more than two hours after to the opening of the Executive Officers polls or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice ends more than three hours before the closing of the polls. Employees who take voting leave must actually vote. Failure to the Office of State Employerdo so may result in disciplinary action.
3. Up Employees shall be entitled to 250 administrative leave when appearing in obedience to a subpoena as a witness before a grand jury or court or before a federal or state agency. Xxxx received as a witness, excluding reimbursement for travel and per diem shall be remitted to the Department.
4. Employees shall be entitled to administrative leave with pay for serving on a grand or petit jury. Fees received, as a juror, excluding reimbursement for travel and per diem shall NUMBER: CD-032801 REVIEWED: 10/31/18 REVISED: 10/24/16 PAGE: 4 be remitted to the Department.
5. In accordance with the Governor’s inclement weather policy, the Governor and Cabinet Secretary may authorize the closure, late reporting or early release of employees due to inclement weather. Local radio stations, the State Personnel Office and the Human Resource Bureau, normally carry out notifications or the website, or Weather Hotline at 000-000-0000.
6. Employees shall be entitled to sixteen (16) hours of the administrative leave bank will be available per calendar year for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from the purpose of interviewing for other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated positions within the employee’s department or Corrections Department.
7. All requests for administrative leave not specifically authorized above (e.g., voting, jury, and obedience to a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer subpoena) must be submitted in writing to the employee Department’s Secretary, signed by a Deputy Secretary of Operations and must state the specific reason(s) for the requested leave.
8. The Secretary will review the request and notify the requesting Appointing Authority in writing that the request has been approved or disapproved or that in addition to his/her approval the request requires the approval of the State Personnel Director.
9. Employees must complete an SPB 101, Leave Request form or submit a request via email requesting administrative leave when requesting such leave for voting, in obedience to a subpoena or for serving on a grand or petit jury. The completed form, along with supporting documentation, must be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made submitted to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject or Roster Management Coordinator for approval.
10. Administrative leave shall not be granted for an employee to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office serve a sentence of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the administrative leave bank by stewards, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concernsincarceration.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Leave Request and Approval
Administrative Leave. The Employer agrees reserves the right to permitplace employees on administrative leave for the following:
A. Any circumstance when an employee is relieved of duty pending the need for an investigation of an alleged violation that could lead to disciplinary action; under any circumstance when an employee is relieved of duty pending an investigative- administrative process due to misconduct which may include, pursuant but is not limited to; harassment of any type, patient abuse/neglect, violation of the Employers Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy, theft or destruction of Employer’s property, allegations of work place violence; until completion of the investigative-administrative process and a resolution has been rendered.
B. When clinical privileges are suspended during the course of an investigation/administrative process of inquiry. Employees shall be provided written notice of the reason for the investigation when placed on administrative leave. Employees shall be required to cooperate, honestlyand earnestly, in the investigation and remain available for an administrative interview, subject to reasonable advance notice of same while on administrative leave or be subject to discipline. The Employer shall use its reasonable and diligent effort to expedite the investigation / administrative proceedings for all employees on leave. If such leave exceeds 48 scheduled hours, the leave shall be paid for the remainder of the leave, unless the leave is due to an outside agency. For full-time employees, their scheduled hours will be counted toward the 48 hours. For regular part-time employees, their minimum requirement of 20 hours per pay period or hours previously scheduled (whichever is greater) will be counted toward the 48 hours. Per diem employees will be paid 20 hours per pay period for the paid portion of their Administrative Leave. Regular part-time employees scheduled to work more than 20 hours, will be paid according to the approved shifts in existence at the time the administrative leave starts. Employees are allowed to use available accrued PTO while on administrative leave solelyat the employee’s option. However, employees placed on administrative leave following conditionssuspension of theirclinical privileges by the State or Local EMS Agency or following an arrest for alleged serious criminal misconduct (felony) will be continued on unpaid administrative leave until completion of the EMS Agencyor criminal proceedings. If an allegation is found to be without merit for disciplinary action and unrelated to any outside service or agency, the use employee will receive back pay for lost time as time worked and employee's PTO account will be restored. If the allegation is found to have merit, the employee will not receive back pay and PTO will not be restored. At the conclusion of Employer-paid time for the conduct administrative leave, the employee will be returned to their regular assignments and/or served with notice of Union business and for certain training functions:
1disciplinary action. Executive OfficersUpon return from administrative leave, Directors and duly authorized Union employees may collectively use the employee will be placed back on the same shift/position they had on their next scheduled shift (the first shift that starts the day after administrative leave ends). The employee who is temporarily filling the shift will be removed from an administrative leave bank all future scheduled shifts and may pick-up another vacant shift. Any lost hoursto the employee who is filling the temporary shift shall not be subject to conduct Union business or attend Union trainingthe grievance procedure. This administrative leave bank shall Further, the lost shifts(s) do not count toward the minimum shift requirements that still need to be calculated on the basis of one hour per employee of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this sectionmet. The Union shall designate reserves the right to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this grieve anydisciplinaryaction that may be imposed during and/or after an administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay period. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or trainingleave.
2. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State Employer.
3. Up to 250 hours of the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the administrative leave bank by stewards, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concerns.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Administrative Leave. The Employer agrees to permitEach employee will be granted 80 hours of Administrative Leave (a pro-rated amount for the first year in the unit from when the employee becomes a member of the unit) each calendar year (all of which is available for use starting on January 1 of each year, but which accrues (for purposes of cash-out in case a unit member leaves the City) pro-rata during each pay period throughout the year) pursuant to the following conditions, the use of Employer-paid time for the conduct of Union business and for certain training functionsfollowing:
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees may collectively use administrative leave from an administrative leave bank to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank Administrative Leave shall be calculated on granted in recognition of work performed above normal work hours and the basis of one hour per employee nature of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period work performance and expectations placed upon employees. Use of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may shall be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized approved by this section. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing employee’s Department Head or designee, noting the names needs of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay period. The unit employee department and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on necessity of having Management and Professional employees available for the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release effective functioning of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or training.
2. The Department may deny Administrative Leave as provided herein is non-cumulative between calendar years. At the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change end of each calendar year, employees will receive cash payment for up to 40 hours of Administrative Leave earned but not taken as time off by the designation end of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven payroll year. If, after cashing out Administrative Leave, an employee still has Administrative Leave on the books (7because the employee had in excess of 40 hours of Administrative Leave on the books), for the following calendar year they will only accrue (during each pay period) days notice that amount of Administrative Leave which (when added to the Office of State Employer.
3. Up to 250 carried over Administrative Leave from the prior calendar year) will result in the employee accruing 80 hours of leave. For example, if an employee has 60 hours of Administrative Leave at the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office end of the State Employer year and is cashed out 40 of those hours, in the Unionfollowing calendar year, they will accrue 60 hours of Administrative Leave. In This is so, notwithstanding that they may use their annual allotment of such leave during any time during the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the administrative leave bank by stewards, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concernsyear.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Understanding
Administrative Leave. The Subject to the operational needs of the Employer agrees to permitand in accordance with the provisions below, pursuant employees in this Bargaining Unit shall be released and permitted time off without loss of pay or benefits during scheduled working hours for Union business, subject to the following conditions, :
A. The administrative leave provided in this Section shall be the use of Employer-paid time only administrative leave for the conduct of Union business and for certain training functions:that may be utilized by any employee in this Bargaining Unit.
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees may collectively use B. An Administrative Leave Bank is established based on one hour of administrative leave from an administrative leave bank to conduct Union business or attend Union trainingfor each employee in the Bargaining Unit. This administrative leave Such bank shall be calculated computed on the basis of one hour per employee the number of employees in the Bargaining Unit who are on active payroll status at the end of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period which includes January 1 of October in each calendar year. Such Administrative Leave administrative leave which is not used may be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this sectionSection. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this Such administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will shall be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, hour increments. Approval for such time off shall not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee be unreasonably denied. It is agreed that the Administrative Leave Bank provided herein replaces the Administrative Leave Bank granted in any pay periodthe Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number Employer shall provide the Union with an annual report on the number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or training.
2. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State Employer.
3. Up to 250 hours of the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave utilized from the bank for this purposeduring the preceding calendar year. Requests for time will No deduction shall be made made, nor shall any employee be entitled to be released on such administrative leave, without prior written authorization from the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject Union President or his/her designee. Such authorization shall be sent to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the Departmental/Agency Employer.
C. An administrative leave bank of 2,088 hours shall be established on January 1 of each year to be used by stewardsany employee in this Bargaining Unit who is a duly elected member of the State of Michigan AFL-CIO Executive Council and/or serving on the State of Michigan AFL-CIO Standing Committee on Unemployment Insurance as appointed by the President of the State of Michigan AFL-CIO, within five (5) days after such election or appointment (or if already elected or serving, within five (5) days after the parties agree effective date of this contract). The Union will furnish to meet the State Employer in writing the name and department of such employee. Notification of any change in membership of the AFL-CIO Executive Council and/or the Standing Committee on Unemployment Insurance shall also be in writing to resolve the concernsState Employer within five (5) days after such change. Any such administrative leave, which is not used, may not be carried forward to other years.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Administrative Leave. The Employer agrees to permit, pursuant Employees are provided with 96 hours of Administrative Leave each calendar year. Administrative Leave is provided in recognition of the work performed above normal work hours and the nature of the work performance and expectations placed upon employees in this unit. Use of Administrative Leave shall be approved by the Chief of Police subject to the following conditions, needs of the use department and the necessity of Employer-paid time having employees available for the conduct effective functioning of Union business and for certain training functions:
1the department. Executive OfficersAdministrative Leave is non-cumulative between calendar years because it does not accrue. By December 15 of each year, Directors and duly authorized Union employees may collectively use administrative leave from make an administrative leave bank irrevocable election to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank shall be calculated on the basis of one hour per employee of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may be carried forward cash out up to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours of administrative leave which they can accrue per year which will be earned in the following calendar year at the employee’s base rate of pay. In the following year, the employee can receive the cash for the administrative leave they irrevocably elected to cash out The employee will be paid for the administrative leave (up to a maximum of forty (40) hours) they irrevocably elected to cash out on the first pay day in any pay periodJanuary. The unit However, if the employee’s administrative leave balance is less than the amount the employee elected to cash out (in the prior calendar year) the employee will receive cash for the amount of administrative leave the employee has on the books at the time of the cash out. If, after cashing out 40 hours of Administrative Leave, an employee still has unused Administrative Leave from that calendar year, at the beginning of the following calendar year the City will provide the employee with additional hours of Administrative Leave so that the employee has 96 hours of Administrative Leave available to use for that calendar year. At no time may an employee have more than 96 hours of Administrative Leave available to use. In addition to the above, an employee who has an “unforeseen emergency” (defined as an unanticipated emergency that is caused by an event beyond the control of the employee and that would result in severe financial hardship to the immediate supervisor(semployee if early withdrawal were not permitted) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as shall be entitled to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office Director of the State EmployerHuman Resources for a payoff of accrued Administrative Leave. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number amount of bank hours Administrative Leave which may be paid off is limited to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or training.
2amount necessary to meet the emergency. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State Employer.
3. Up to 250 hours of the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to maximum payoff the employee can receive for an emergency is limited to forty (40) hours. These forty (40) hours would be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from same forty (40) hours the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made employee elected to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the departmentcash out, the Office of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the administrative leave bank by stewards, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concernsnot an additional forty (40) hours.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Understanding
Administrative Leave. The Employer agrees RPD and Union recognize that the RPD and the Board has the right to permit, pursuant place an employee on forced administrative leave (or residential reassignment) subject to the Board’s statutory powers and the following conditions: In the event an employee is to be relieved of duty pending the outcome of an internal investigation which may result in discipline, then that employee shall first be given an opportunity to consult with a Union representative prior to being relieved of duty. Such consultation must occur within thirty (30) minutes of being informed of the right to Union representation. If, however, after being informed of Union representation the employee declines Union representation, the use of Employer-paid time for employee will execute the conduct “Waiver of Union business and for certain training functions:
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Representation Agreement.” The President of the Union employees may collectively use administrative leave from an administrative leave bank to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank his designee shall be calculated on the basis of one hour per employee provided a copy of the bargaining unit on Waiver of Union Representation Agreement no later than five (5) business days after the payroll during employee is relieved of duty if the first full pay period of October in each yearemployee elects this option. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may be carried forward Upon being assigned to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay period. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In additionleave, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7employee shall surrender to RPD any RPD issued firearm(s) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or training.
2. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State Employer.
3. Up to 250 hours of the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office of the State Employer and the Unionpossession. In the event that the Employer employee is in possession of a non-RPD issued firearm at the time he or she is placed on such leave, the RPD shall without undue delay, arrange to have a Union raises concerns regarding this use representative take custody of said firearm and legally transport it to the employee’s residence. When an employee is removed from their regular assignment and is instead assigned to their place of residence, they must remain at their residence from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, not including City observed holidays, and shall be available to the RPD if needed by the RPD. Said employee shall be allowed to leave their residence for a 1 hour unpaid lunch to be taken during the normal lunch hours of 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. An employee assigned to administrative leave bank by stewardsmust contact the Chief or his/her designee, for any time off such as vacation, Time Coming (TC), personal leave days or funeral leave. Said administrative leave shall be with or without full pay and benefits. If written disciplinary charges against the employee on administrative leave are pending with the Board, the parties agree Board pursuant to meet its’ statutory powers may suspend the employee pending a disciplinary hearing before the Board with or without pay, but not to resolve the concerns.exceed thirty
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Administrative Leave. The Employer agrees to permitA. When the appropriate authority has determined that there is a need for a period of administratively authorized absence from official duties, pursuant to employees who are in duty status shall be excused in accordance with the following conditions, the use of Employer-paid time for the conduct of Union business and for certain training functionsprovisions:
1. Executive Officersif an employee is on duty and excused, Directors no charge to leave is made for the remaining hours of the scheduled work shift following dismissal;
2. the employee must be present in a duty status at the time of the early dismissal to benefit from the early dismissal;
3. An employee who is on authorized leave covering the dismissal time continues on leave and duly authorized Union is charged leave for the entire absence. An employee who is on leave but who is scheduled to return to duty for a shift will be charged leave if they are still in a leave status at the beginning of the shift. If the employee returns to duty before the shift begins, then they will not be charged leave for the cancelled shift;
4. Employees who are telework eligible and have a telework agreement in place, will follow the telework policy and agreement as those employees may collectively use administrative leave have to continue work from an administrative leave bank to conduct Union business or attend Union trainingthe telework location.
B. When emergency conditions occur, the following shall apply:
1. This administrative leave bank shall be calculated Where offices are open but where conditions inhibit arrival on the basis of one hour per employee of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is not used time, tardiness may be carried forward excused by supervisors up to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section59 minutes.
2. The Union shall designate Where offices are open but where the inhibitory factors in the above paragraph are not uniform and do not affect everyone in the area to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officerssame degree, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this administrative leave bank. Administrative appropriate leave will be granted only in blocks of one (1) annual, compensatory time off, or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay period. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or training.
2. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State EmployerLWOP).
3. Up Where offices are closed for the full work period, no charge to 250 leave may be made. In accordance with 5 C.F.R. 630.1606(c), employees may not receive weather and safety leave for hours of during which they are on other preapproved leave (paid or unpaid) or paid time off.
4. Employees who are telework eligible and have a telework agreement in place, will follow the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards telework policy and agreement as those employees may have to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release continue work from the union telework location.
C. All employees are expected to make reasonable adjustments in their arrangements for getting to work when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from it is anticipated that hazardous or other extraordinary circumstances that disrupt public or private transportation may complicate the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office arrival of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use employees at their post of the administrative leave bank by stewards, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concernsduty.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Administrative Leave. The Employer agrees to permit, pursuant to the following conditionsUpon receiving a specific complaint or charge brought against EMPLOYEE by another person or employee, the use Chair of Employer-paid time for the conduct COUNTY Board of Union business and for certain training functions:
1. Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees Supervisors may collectively use place EMPLOYEE on administrative leave when, in the sole opinion of the Chair, EMPLOYEE’s temporary removal from an office would be in the best interests of COUNTY. The Chair’s decision to place EMPLOYEE on administrative leave bank is subject to conduct Union business or attend Union trainingratification by the Board of Supervisors at its next, legally permissible, noticed Board closed session meeting. This The Chair’s decision remains subject to review, at any time, by the Board of Supervisors. The administrative leave bank shall be calculated will commence on the basis Chair’s delivery to EMPLOYEE’s office of one hour per employee a written notice to that effect. The Chair shall also deliver a copy of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section. The Union shall designate to the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled to utilize the hours in this administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay period. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or training.
2. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State Employer.
3employee, determined by the Chair, to be next in authority as County Administrator. Up to 250 hours Upon the delivery of the notice to EMPLOYEE’s office, performance of EMPLOYEE’s job duties under this Agreement are suspended but all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Thereafter, EMPLOYEE’s job duties shall be performed by the employee next in authority until further written notice by the Chair. COUNTY and EMPLOYEE agree that COUNTY will incur damages, if, during the period of administrative leave, EMPLOYEE performs or attempts to perform any of the duties provided in paragraph 2, or in any other way interferes with the administration or operation of the County Administrator’s Office. COUNTY and EMPLOYEE agree that the measurement of these damages would be difficult and speculative and accordingly further agree that if EMPLOYEE performs or attempts to perform any of the duties provided in job specification for the position of County Administrator, or in any other way interferes with the administration or operation of the Department that COUNTY’s duties to compensate EMPLOYEE under the Agreement are discharged for each day during which EMPLOYEE engages in such non-cooperation and/or interference. The administrative leave bank will be available for stewards and the suspension of job duties shall terminate on the Chair’s delivery to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employeeEMPLOYEE’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for office of a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made notice to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the administrative leave bank by stewards, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concernseffect.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Personal Services Agreement
Administrative Leave. Administrative leave is paid leave used to properly record an excused absence. It shall be granted for the following:
A. Pre-induction physical examination as ordered by the U.S. Selective Service System.
B. Time necessary for grievance administration up to one hundred and fifty (150) hours, the allocation to individual Association representatives to be at the discretion of the Association. The Employer agrees Association shall furnish the State reasonable advance notice when a member is to permit, pursuant be absent from his/her station for the purpose of grievance administration.
C. When appropriate during a transfer for the purposes of house hunting and moving according to the following conditionsState Administrative Manual and Article 12.02 (E).
D. A leave of absence for up to twelve (12) consecutive months from the date of initial injury/illness for a member who has suffered an illness or injury in the line of duty that would normally qualify them for Workers' Compensation. In such instances, the use member may be assigned work at the discretion of Employer-paid the Department providing such work assignment does not adversely affect the nature of the illness or injury. Should it be determined the member shall not be eligible to return to full duty and applies for retirement, and retirement is granted prior to the twelve (12) months expiration of administrative leave, the Department's obligation under this provision shall then be nullified. It is the intent of this provision that a member would not be eligible to receive lost wage compensation from Workers' Compensation for that period of time covered by Administrative leave. However, in the event the member does receive lost wage compensation for the conduct that period of Union business and for certain training functions:
1. Executive Officerstime covered by Administrative leave, Directors and duly authorized Union employees may collectively use administrative leave from an administrative leave bank to conduct Union business or attend Union training. This administrative leave bank such payment shall be calculated on submitted to the basis Department. In extraordinary circumstances, the parties may mutually agree to modify the provisions of one hour per employee of the bargaining unit on the payroll during the first full pay period of October in each year. Such Administrative Leave which is not used may be carried forward to other years to cover absences from regularly scheduled work activities authorized by this section. The Union This provision does not apply to probationary recruit employees in training at the academy. These employees, however, shall designate be subject to eligibility of the Employer in writing the names of its Executive Officers, Directors and duly authorized Union employees entitled Alaska Workers’ Compensation Act.
E. When conducting a shift change to utilize the attend a training class at least four (4) hours in this duration, in which the member’s regularly scheduled shift adjoins the scheduled training shift, the member shall be granted administrative leave bank. Administrative leave will be granted only in blocks of one (1) or more hours, not to exceed forty (40) hours per employee in any pay period. The unit employee and the immediate supervisor(s) will mutually agree on the scheduling of this time so as to minimize the disruption of work schedules. In addition, the Union will normally make a written request for release of the unit employees seven (7) calendar days in advance. The Union will send the request to the Appointing Authority or designee and the Office of the State Employer. The request will include:
a. Unit employee name;
b. Unit employee department;
c. Dates for release;
d. Number of bank hours to be used and,
e. Whether the leave is for Union business or trainingaccordance with Article 9.
2. The Department may deny the request if operational needs preclude release. The Union may change the designation of the Executive Officers or Directors and duly authorized members by providing seven (7) days notice to the Office of State Employer.
3. Up to 250 hours of the administrative leave bank will be available for stewards to use in order to represent bargaining unit employees from other departments during investigative interviews, disciplinary conferences and grievance meetings where no xxxxxxx is authorized or designated within the employee’s department or a xxxxxxx from another department is located closer to the employee to be represented. There is no requirement for a written request for release from the union when a designated xxxxxxx uses leave from the bank for this purpose. Requests for time will be made to the immediate supervisor with as much advance notice as possible and subject to approval based on operational needs. The time will be promptly reported to the department, the Office of the State Employer and the Union. In the event that the Employer or the Union raises concerns regarding this use of the administrative leave bank by stewards, the parties agree to meet to resolve the concerns.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement