Overtime and Compensatory Time Sample Clauses
Overtime and Compensatory Time. Overtime work shall be compensated as follows:
A. Hours in an active pay status in excess of forty (40) hours in any calendar week shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the total rate of pay, as defined by Section 43.01, for each hour of such time. Total rate of pay includes the base rate plus longevity, all applicable supplements, and shift differential where applicable.
B. An employee may elect to take compensatory time off in lieu of cash overtime payment for hours in an active pay status more than forty (40) hours in any calendar week. Such compensatory time shall be granted on a time and one-half (1 1/2) basis.
C. The maximum accrual of compensatory time shall be two hundred forty (240) hours and compensatory time must be taken within one (1) year of its being earned.
D. When the maximum hours of compensatory time accrual is rendered, payment for overtime work shall be made in cash. Compensatory time not taken within one (1) year shall be paid in cash to a maximum of eighty (80) hours in any pay period.
E. Compensatory time is not available for use until it appears on the employee’s earnings statement and on the date the funds are made available.
F. Upon termination of employment, an employee shall be paid for unused compensatory time at a rate which is the higher of:
1. The final total rate received by the employee, or
2. The average total rate received by the employee during the last three (3) years of employment. For the purposes of this Article, active pay status is defined as the conditions under which an employee is eligible to receive pay, and includes, but is not limited to, vacation leave and personal leave. Sick leave and any leave used in lieu of sick leave shall not be considered as active pay status for purposes of this Article. Compensatory time requests must be submitted in writing twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the anticipated time off, unless the need for time off is of an emergency nature.
Overtime and Compensatory Time. Because of the unique nature of the duties and emergency response obligations of members of this unit, management reserves the right to assign employees to work overtime as needed.
1. Any member who is in active pay status more than forty (40) hours in one week shall be paid one and one-half (1.5) times his/her regular rate of pay plus shift differential if ordinarily paid for all time over forty (40) hours in active pay status. All overtime must be authorized by an administrative authority. Schedules will not be changed solely to avoid the payment of overtime.
2. The employee may elect to take compensatory time off in lieu of cash overtime payment for hours in an active pay status more than forty (40) hours in any calendar week Such compensatory time shall be granted on a time and one-half (1.5) basis. A bargaining unit member shall be paid for unused compensatory time only upon termination of employment and under the terms of paragraph 8, hereunder. (The Employer shall not substitute compensatory time in lieu of cash payment should the maximum accrual for compensatory time allowed by the Fair Labor Standards Act as amended be reached.)
3. The employee may choose to accrue compensatory time to a maximum of 480 hours (i.e., 320 hours at time and one-half). Effective at the beginning of the pay period that includes December 1, 2020, the employee may choose to accrue compensatory time only to a maximum of 360 hours (i.e., 240 hours at time and one-half). Any compensatory time in the employee’s balance as of the pay period that includes December 1, 2020, that exceeds 360 hours will be converted to cash.
4. When the maximum hours of compensatory time accrual is rendered, payment for overtime work must be made in cash.
5. Upon termination of employment, an employee shall be paid for unused compensatory time at the rate which is the higher of:
a. the final regular rate of pay received by the employee or
b. the average regular rate of pay received by the employee during the last three (3) years of employment.
6. Compensatory time may not be used for the purpose of pyramiding overtime.
7. For purposes of this Article, active pay status is defined as the conditions under which an employee is eligible to receive pay, and includes, but is not limited to, vacation leave, personal leave, bereavement leave and administrative leave. Sick leave or any leave used in lieu of sick leave shall not be considered as active pay status for purposes of this Article. Holidays obser...
Overtime and Compensatory Time. Employees shall be on a 21 consecutive day work period for the purpose of computing overtime. Employees assigned to a Unit day rotation shall be regularly scheduled to work a tour of duty consisting of 24 consecutive hours and shall be off the following 48 hours consecutive hours. Regularly scheduled time worked in excess of 159 hours in a work period shall be compensated at a rate of one and one half (1.5) times the employee's hourly rate of pay. Any time worked other than regularly scheduled time shall be compensated at the rate of 2.15 times the employee's hourly rate of pay, if the employee takes the compensation as cash overtime compensation in the pay period corresponding to the time the compensation is earned. Employees assigned to a permanent forty (40) hour position, or temporary forty (40) hour assignment, shall be scheduled a standard work week of Monday through Friday, 0800-1600, or otherwise dictated by departmental needs. While assigned in this capacity, the employee shall be paid the standard pay rate to which they are entitled times one and four tenths (1.4). Overtime for forty (40) hour position shall be compensated at one and one half (1.5) times the aforementioned forty hour positions shall be compensated at one and one half (1.5) times the aforementioned forty hour pay rate, and will include any time accrued beyond forty hours in a calendar week. As used herein, hourly rate of pay shall include base hourly rate of pay, paramedic compensation, and educational incentive plan payment. In the event that an employee opts to take compensatory time in lieu of cash overtime compensation, as authorized by this article, the employee may take such compensatory time off work as permitted by the Fire Chief, or designee, at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) hours of time off work per hour of accrued compensatory time at a time mutually convenient to the employee and the Fire Chief or designee. Time worked for the purpose of this section, shall be defined as the sum of hours actually worked and hours of authorized leave used. Overtime shall be computed to the nearest fifteen (15) minutes. When an employee is called in for unscheduled work, overtime shall be for time actually worked, and in no case less than three (3) hours. An employee called in to work before the start of a regularly scheduled work shift is not entitled to the aforementioned three (3) hour minimum call in pay if the period of work abuts the shift. An employee held over from a regula...
Overtime and Compensatory Time. Because of the unique nature of the duties and emergency response obligations of the Division, management reserves the right to assign employees to work overtime as needed.
1. Any member who is in active pay status more than forty (40) hours in one week shall be paid one and one-half (1.5) times his/her regular rate of pay including shift differential if ordinarily paid for all time over forty (40) hours in active pay status. The regular rate of pay includes all premium pay routinely received.
2. An employee may elect to take compensatory time off in lieu of cash overtime payment of hours in an active pay status more than forty (40) hours in any calendar week except that for voluntary statewide overtime details (e.g., State Fair, Boy’s State and Girl’s State), voluntary turnpike overtime and federally funded positions the Employer shall retain the right to pay compensatory time in cash rather than in time off. Such compensatory time shall be granted on a time and one-half (1.5) basis.
3. The maximum accrual of compensatory time shall be three hundred sixty (360) hours for all employees.
4. When the maximum hours of compensatory time accrual is rendered, payment for overtime shall be made in cash.
5. Upon termination of employment, an employee shall be paid for unused compensatory time at a rate which is the higher of:
a. The final regular rate received by the employee, or
b. The average regular rate received by the employee during the last three years of employment.
Overtime and Compensatory Time. Section 1. Non-exempt" employees, as defined by the Labor Standards Division of the Department of Labor and Industry, State of Montana, shall be paid at a rate of one and one- half times their regular rate of pay for any time they work over 40 hours per week. No overtime will be worked without prior authorization of the appropriate or immediate supervisor.
Subsection 1. With management approval, non-exempt employees may elect to receive compensatory time off at a rate of one and one-half times each additional hour worked in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and agency policy, when adopted. If the employee's leave balance reaches 120 hours, the employee's election will automatically be changed to overtime. The overtime will remain in force until the next open election period. The month of June each year is the period when an employee may change their election by submitting a new form approved by the supervisor.
Subsection 2. The Employer and the employee shall arrange for the taking of such compensatory time by mutual agreement.
Subsection 3. Compensatory time earned will not be recorded in increments of less than one-half hour.
Subsection 4. Compensatory time may be accumulated to a maximum of 120 hours.
Section 2. The Employer will make a good faith effort to equalize the offer of scheduled overtime and compensatory time among employees in the same work unit and classification where training and ability are sufficient to do the work.
Section 3. Employees attending workshops or training shall have their compensatory time and overtime considered on a 40-hour work week basis. If job-related travel time is scheduled for other than the employee's normal work week, such travel time shall be compensated in accordance with the terms of this Section.
Section 4. Sick leave, annual leave, or compensatory time off shall not constitute time worked when computing overtime or compensatory time credits under this Article. Management may adjust an employee’s work schedule in a work week or require the employee to take time off so that the employee does not become eligible for the payment of overtime or accrual of compensatory time while using annual leave, compensatory time, and sick leave in a work week.
Section 5. The Employer agrees that no supervisor or administrator will regularly perform the duties of an employee covered by this Agreement who is ready, willing, and able to perform such duties.
Section 6. Overtime or compensatory time as ...
Overtime and Compensatory Time. All overtime must be pre-approved by the supervisor of the employee and must be recorded in the pay period in which the work was completed. Any classified employee required to work more than forty (40) hours in a week shall be paid time and one-half (1-1/2) the regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week. Any classified employee required to work on Sunday, excluding building checks which will be paid in accordance with Article 6 - Section 6.4, Building Check Rate, shall receive a minimum of three (3) hours premium pay of one and one- half (1.5X) the regular rate of pay for all hours worked. Repair issues which arise as a result of a building check and require work beyond the hour specified under Section 6.4 will be paid in accordance with this section. If additional time is needed beyond three hours, reasonable effort shall be made to notify the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds or the Superintendent or Superintendent Designee. All days and time spent in active pay status with the exception of sick leave shall be counted toward the calculation of hours for eligibility for overtime rates of pay. Triple time shall be paid for work on the following holidays: * Nationally observed New Year’s Day (Jan. 1) Fourth of July (July 4) Memorial Day * Labor Day * Christmas Day (Dec. 25) Thanksgiving Day * All persons required to work on Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Day shall be paid their regular per diem rate plus an additional day’s pay or receive one day compensatory time. Prior approval from your immediate supervisor shall be required before any employee reports to work on a holiday unless an emergency arises requiring the employee’s presence on the job. The head custodians and cafeteria managers shall establish a list of all employees in their classifications who are interested in working overtime. The lists shall be compiled according to seniority and shall include the head custodians and cafeteria managers. When overtime is necessary it shall be awarded on a rotation basis. If an employee passes his/her turn on the rotation schedule, or if for any reason is not available; or the employee does not accept or deny the extra assignment within 48 hours of the posting, the turn on the rotation schedule shall be forfeited in favor of the next employee on the schedule. When the posting or need for an assignment occurs less than 48 hours prior to the assignment the employee must accept or deny immediately upon inquiry.
Overtime and Compensatory Time. 7.11.1 Hours assigned and worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week shall be compensated by overtime pay or compensatory time at 1.5 times the hourly rate for the number of overtime hours worked. With the exception of Holiday Leave, paid time off shall not be considered time worked for the purpose of calculating eligibility for overtime.
7.11.2 Part-time employees are only eligible for overtime pay or compensatory time if the employee works over twelve (12) consecutive hours in the same assignment or over forty (40) hours in one week, or if the overtime exceeds eight (8) hours and is scheduled without a twenty-four (24)-hour notice.
7.11.3 An employee who is assigned or elects and is approved for an alternative work schedule as defined by Section 7.10 and is authorized or required to work overtime in excess of forty (40) hours per the employee’s designated work week shall be compensated at the rate of 1.5 times the employee's hourly rate, except when such excess hours result from a change in such employee's workweek or shift or from the requirement that such employee fulfill their workweek requirement.
7.11.4 If an employee is scheduled to work overtime on the employee’s day off and the work is canceled within twenty-four (24) hours of the scheduled overtime, the employee is entitled to two (2) hours compensation at the appropriate rate. If the overtime is canceled at least twenty-four (24) hours before the work is scheduled, no compensation is due.
7.11.5 Overtime worked shall be compensated at the 1.5 times rate. An employee assigned to work overtime may elect to either be paid for such overtime or be credited with compensatory time off, except under the following circumstances: The employee’s choice of compensatory time would interfere with a department’s ability to recover the cost of the overtime; The employee’s choice of compensatory time would interfere with the department’s ability to have sufficient staffing or coverage; The employee’s choice of pay cannot be accommodated within the department’s overtime budget; If the work is being performed for another City department or outside agency, the employee’s department may choose to compensate overtime with pay or compensatory time, provided the employee is notified of the method of payment prior to working the overtime; or If the employee fails to request an election during the pay period in which the overtime is worked. o If the employee is not allowed to make the election to be paid ov...
Overtime and Compensatory Time. Overtime: All hours worked beyond forty (40) hours in a week shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee’s regular hourly rate.
Overtime and Compensatory Time. A. For overtime calculation, time worked will include vacation leave, sick leave, compensatory time, holidays, and any other paid time not listed below.
B. For overtime calculation, time worked does not include shared leave or leave without pay.
C. Any time worked, approved by the immediate supervisor, in excess of forty (40) hours per week will be considered overtime to be paid at the rate of time and one-half per hour.
D. Any time worked, approved by the immediate supervisor, in excess of forty- eight (48) hours per week will be paid at two (2) times the employee's regular rate. Work performed on a holiday will be paid at two and a half (2 1/2) times the employee's regular rate (inclusive of their holiday pay).
Overtime and Compensatory Time a. The Parties agree that an employee directed (orally or in writing) to work in excess of 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week by his/her supervisor or authorized Management official has been “officially ordered” with respect to overtime work. An employee who performs such work is entitled to be paid at the overtime rate or earn compensatory time in accordance with 5 CFR 550 and 5 CFR 551.
b. Compensatory time off is time off from regularly scheduled work in lieu of overtime pay for irregular or occasional overtime hours previously worked. Compensatory time may not be granted in lieu of regularly scheduled overtime that is established in a tour of duty, regardless of whether the overtime is scheduled within the 40-hour basic workweek or outside the 40-hour basic workweek, unless the employee is using a flexible work schedule as defined in Article 18.3.b.