Administrative schemes Sample Clauses

Administrative schemes. The WIPO International Bureau report for the SCT (see below, Annex 1) also refers to administrative schemes for protection which would include national regulations that govern labelling and other admin- istrative aspects of wine production and marketing. These schemes may include the application of penalties for false or misleading labelling of products, including with respect to the geographical origin of the goods. It is apparent that the concept of the “geographical indication” was unsettled in the period prior to and during the TRIPS Agreement negotiations. The highest level of attention to the subject was paid by the European Community, in particular as a feature of the common agricultural policy.
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Related to Administrative schemes

  • Administrative Services In addition to the portfolio management services specified above in section 2, you shall furnish at your expense for the use of the Fund such office space and facilities in the United States as the Fund may require for its reasonable needs, and you (or one or more of your affiliates designated by you) shall render to the Trust administrative services on behalf of the Fund necessary for operating as an open end investment company and not provided by persons not parties to this Agreement including, but not limited to, preparing reports to and meeting materials for the Trust's Board of Trustees and reports and notices to Fund shareholders; supervising, negotiating contractual arrangements with, to the extent appropriate, and monitoring the performance of, accounting agents, custodians, depositories, transfer agents and pricing agents, accountants, attorneys, printers, underwriters, brokers and dealers, insurers and other persons in any capacity deemed to be necessary or desirable to Fund operations; preparing and making filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") and other regulatory and self-regulatory organizations, including, but not limited to, preliminary and definitive proxy materials, post-effective amendments to the Registration Statement, semi-annual reports on Form N-SAR and notices pursuant to Rule 24f-2 under the 1940 Act; overseeing the tabulation of proxies by the Fund's transfer agent; assisting in the preparation and filing of the Fund's federal, state and local tax returns; preparing and filing the Fund's federal excise tax return pursuant to Section 4982 of the Code; providing assistance with investor and public relations matters; monitoring the valuation of portfolio securities and the calculation of net asset value; monitoring the registration of Shares of the Fund under applicable federal and state securities laws; maintaining or causing to be maintained for the Fund all books, records and reports and any other information required under the 1940 Act, to the extent that such books, records and reports and other information are not maintained by the Fund's custodian or other agents of the Fund; assisting in establishing the accounting policies of the Fund; assisting in the resolution of accounting issues that may arise with respect to the Fund's operations and consulting with the Fund's independent accountants, legal counsel and the Fund's other agents as necessary in connection therewith; establishing and monitoring the Fund's operating expense budgets; reviewing the Fund's bills; processing the payment of bills that have been approved by an authorized person; assisting the Fund in determining the amount of dividends and distributions available to be paid by the Fund to its shareholders, preparing and arranging for the printing of dividend notices to shareholders, and providing the transfer and dividend paying agent, the custodian, and the accounting agent with such information as is required for such parties to effect the payment of dividends and distributions; and otherwise assisting the Trust as it may reasonably request in the conduct of the Fund's business, subject to the direction and control of the Trust's Board of Trustees. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to shift to you or to diminish the obligations of any agent of the Fund or any other person not a party to this Agreement which is obligated to provide services to the Fund.

  • Administrative Penalty That Respondent shall pay an Administrative Penalty of $1,000.00 to the Participating States to be distributed equally amongst the Participating States (the “per-state payment”).

  • Administrative Procedure iTrip staff will administer and determine whether a damage qualifies as Covered Damage. Such staff will have the sole authority to determine the nature and extent of damages, necessary repairs and eligibility for the waiver of liability described herein. The Covered Guest must report any theft or damage to the unit or its contents to iTrip staff by the time of check-out or any otherwise applicable damage waiver for such Covered Guest will be void. The iTrip Franchisee has ultimate claim administration authority. Arbitration is required prior to litigation.

  • Administrative Arrangements 1. The Parties, through their respective competent authorities, shall establish administrative arrangements to implement this Agreement effectively. Such arrangements shall include the procedures necessary for the competent authorities to implement and administer this Agreement.

  • Educator Plans: Directed Growth Plan A) A Directed Growth Plan is for those Educators with PTS whose overall rating is needs improvement.

  • Administrative Rules The City shall comply with the administrative rules of the United States Department of Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the United States Department of Transportation (49 C.F.R. Part 21) which are herein incorporated by reference and made part of this Agreement.

  • Administrative Support Employee shall be provided with office space and administrative support.

  • Administrative Structure ‌ This agency’s organizational chart is attached. It identifies the units and staff within the agency that are involved in the operation of the district’s employment program. Following is a description of the office(s) in and/or outside of the Department of Social Services that are involved in the operation of the district’s employment program. The responsibilities of each office are described below.

  • Joint Labor/Management Committees Purpose and Membership. Joint Labor/Management Committees are established to provide a forum for communications and problem-solving between the two parties and to deal with matters of a general personnel Union/Employer concern, as well as professional practices within the hospital related to patient care and professional issues. The Committees will work toward the improvement of patient care and recommend ways and means to improve patient care; and will address problems and concerns related to staffing and workloads. The Committees’ function will be limited to an advisory capacity and shall not include any decision making or collective bargaining authority. Committee memberships:

  • Administrative data Before the mobility, it is necessary to fill in page 1 with information on the student, the Sending and the Receiving Institutions. The three parties have to agree on this section to be completed before the mobility. On page 1, most of the information related to the student, Sending and Receiving Institutions will have to be encoded in the Mobility Tool+ (for Capacity Building projects, in the EACEA Mobility Tool).

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