Advanced Search Sample Clauses
Advanced Search. WorldCard also offers an advanced search function. To use the advanced search function, you may click on the View\ Search\Advanced Search menu. After selecting the Advanced Search function, the Advanced Search screen will open and appear as right.
Advanced Search. For the sake of a more simple interaction, when initially arriving at the advanced search page, the fields displayed will be the ones listed below. The user will have available, on the left, a menu to indicate which additional fields (among the ones listed above) should be added in the query section. Text of the inscription Object type Ancient findspot Type of inscription Bibliography In advanced search, in the fields having a controlled vocabulary, the user is allowed to enter only values coming from the vocabulary. For this purpose, those fields have a “drop-down menu” which displays all the defined values for that field. Some of the vocabularies may have the same value represented in more than one language (e.g. altar, altare) and in this case the drop-down menu will display only the “preferred label”, i.e. the text string that has been indicated in the vocabulary as the preferred one for display, regardless of the language in which the string is defined. Each item in the result list of an advanced search contains the following same information, if available, as in a simple search made on “artefacts”, namely (see Figure 7): Thumbnail of the item Title Content Provider Location (values of the fields “RomanProvinceItalicRegion and “AncientFindSpot”) First 256 characters of text of the transcription Date
Advanced Search. Using the advanced search interface, a user can specify values for a number of fields, in order to have more accurate results. The fields that are available for an advanced search are the following, as described in Deliverable D5.1 (see Figure 6). Modern findspot Ancient findspot Detailed findspot (village, street, building...) Location Bibliography Text of the inscription Type of inscription Decoration Object type Material Type of writing State of preservation Social status of the persons mentioned in the text
Advanced Search. The Advanced search is a material search in which the material restrictions are set independently for two different groups of squares. Call the Search | Advanced command in the main menu. There are two markers, red and blue. The current color is indicated below the chessboard. To define the first area, click on all the squares you want to include, then set the material restrictions for the selected area as described above.
Advanced Search. The Advanced search is a material search in which the material restrictions are set independently for two different groups of squares. Call the Search | Advanced command in the main menu. There are two markers, red and blue. The current color is indicated below the chessboard. To define the first area, click on all the squares you want to include, then set the material restrictions for the selected area as described above. To set the material restrictions for another group of squares, click on the Blue marker tab. Like wise define another area and set the corresponding material restrictions. An example of this kind of search is given in Section 4.7 Combining Searches. Tip: Position, Material and Advanced searches can also be performed in variations by enabling Search in variations in the Search dialog box.
Advanced Search. To search on an alarm severity or rule name, or to combine different search criteria, update or add one or more rules in the Match all the following rules area.
Advanced Search. At the EAGLE Portal is also possible to formulate “advanced queries”, where the user can specify values for a number of fields (some of them with controlled vocabularies) displayed in the advance search page. From the point of view of the SOLR engine, there is really no difference between the simple search and the advanced search. In the simple search no fields are indicated in the query, and the search is performed on ALL the fields indexed. In the advanced search the query indicates the fields on which the search has to be done, and the search will be done only on those fields. The table below gives in the left column the fields shown to the user in the advanced search page, and in the right column the corresponding fields to be indicated in the query. As explained before, for those fields that have a controlled vocabulary, some entries in the vocabulary may have more than one value (i.e. a label) associated with it, each one corresponding to a different language. In order to make the query not dependent on the language, for all the fields with a controlled vocabulary the value indexed in the Aggregator is the URI associated with the “concept” expressed by the vocabulary entry, and therefore the value provided in the query to SOLR is a URI, and not the label selected by the user on the screen. This is accomplished by the portal GUI, by showing a drop-down menu with all the values in the vocabulary (each entry is shown using its “preferred label”) and then inserting in the query the URI corresponding to the selected item. Ancient findspot ancientfindspot Modern findspot modernfindspot Detailed findspot (village, street, building...) modernfindspot moderncountry modernregion modernprovince Location conservationcountry conservationregion conservationcity museum Bibliography bibliography Text of the inscription inscriptiontext Type of inscription Inscriptiontypevoc Decoration (controlled vocabulary) Decorationvoc Object type (controlled vocabulary) Objecttypevoc Material (controlled vocabulary) Materialvoc Type of writing (controlled vocabulary) Writingtypevoc State of preservation (controlled vocabulary) stateofpreservationvoc Social status of the persons mentioned in the text socialstatus In this example the user is not requesting any facet values and is searching for all artifacts (query string=entitytype:artefact AND *) having specific values for the fields “decoration” and “object type”.
Advanced Search. You can simply type your query in the search box and click on “Go” (see Figure 45). Furthermore you can define in which field the search term should appear (see Figure 46). If you need help during your research you can use the “Lookup” function (see Figure 47).
Advanced Search. The advanced search form allows the user to perform a Standard Boolean fielded search. The user can combine fielded search terms with other terms through operators to include AND, OR and NOT. Wildcards can also be used to refine the search. The search can be restricted to (a) All journals, (b) Favourite journals as defined by the user (from Your Home Page list), (c) a selected journal, (d) journals in a selected subject group as defined in the Publisher Interface. The user will have a choice to rank search results by publication date or relevancy. The advanced search can be further restricted to (a) all issues, (b) issues published in the last 1,3,6,9 or 12 months, (c) between 2 specified dates. The Publisher and HealthGate will mutually agree to the design of the search form which will include some field names as well as a free-text field.
Advanced Search. The advanced search functionality enables searching for Processes, Organisations and Annual Procurement and Disposal Plan entries. In order to perform an advanced search query, the user should: Select the type of the search by using the appropriate button Provide information in one or more fields (use of * wildcard is also enabled). Select the button “Search” For further information on each criterion select the respective info icon The results, if any, will be presented in a tabular form. A Provider user can only search for Procuring and Disposing entities when searching for Organisations and cannot search for other Provider organisations. Figure 31 provides an example of a search query for Procuring and Disposing Entities. Annual procurement and disposal plan entries can be filtered by any combination of the publication date, the procurement type, the procurement or disposal method, the UNSPSC code or the procuring and disposing entity.