Repayment of Amounts Advanced for Network Upgrades. Upon the Commercial Operation Date, the Interconnection Customer shall be entitled to a repayment, equal to the total amount paid to the Participating TO for the cost of Network Upgrades. Such amount shall include any tax gross-up or other tax-related payments associated with Network Upgrades not refunded to the Interconnection Customer, and shall be paid to the Interconnection Customer by the Participating TO on a dollar-for- dollar basis either through (1) direct payments made on a levelized basis over the five- year period commencing on the Commercial Operation Date; or (2) any alternative payment schedule that is mutually agreeable to the Interconnection Customer and Participating TO, provided that such amount is paid within five (5) years from the Commercial Operation Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this Agreement terminates within five (5) years from the Commercial Operation Date, the Participating TO’s obligation to pay refunds to the Interconnection Customer shall cease as of the date of termination. Any repayment shall include interest calculated in accordance with the methodology set forth in FERC’s regulations at 18 C.F.R. §35.19a(a)(2)(iii) from the date of any payment for Network Upgrades through the date on which the Interconnection Customer receives a repayment of such payment. Interest shall continue to accrue on the repayment obligation so long as this Agreement is in effect. The Interconnection Customer may assign such repayment rights to any person. If the Small Generating Facility fails to achieve commercial operation, but it or another Generating Facility is later constructed and makes use of the Network Upgrades, the Participating TO shall at that time reimburse Interconnection Customer for the amounts advanced for the Network Upgrades. Before any such reimbursement can occur, the Interconnection Customer, or the entity that ultimately constructs the Generating Facility, if different, is responsible for identifying the entity to which reimbursement must be made.
Repayment of Amounts Advanced for Network Upgrades. Interconnection Customer shall be entitled to a cash repayment by Transmission Owner(s) and the Affected System Owner(s) that own the Network Upgrades, of the amount paid respectively to Transmission Owner and Affected System Operator, if any, for the Network Upgrades, as provided under Attachment FF of this Tariff and including any tax gross-up or other tax-related payments associated with the repayable portion of the Network Upgrades, and not repaid to Interconnection Customer pursuant to Article 5.17.8 or otherwise, to be paid to Interconnection Customer on a dollar-for-dollar basis for the non-usage sensitive portion of transmission charges, as payments are made under the Tariff and Affected System’s Tariff for Transmission Services with respect to the Generating Facility. Any repayment shall include interest calculated in accordance with the methodology set forth in FERC’s regulations at 18 C.F.R. § 35.19 (a)(2)(iii) from the date of any payment for Network Upgrades through the date on which Interconnection Customer receives a repayment of such payment pursuant to this subparagraph. Interest shall not accrue during periods in which Interconnection Customer has suspended construction pursuant to Article 11 or the Network Upgrades have been determined not to be needed pursuant to this Article 11.
4.1. Interconnection Customer may assign such repayment rights to any person.
Repayment of Amounts Advanced for Network Upgrades. The Interconnection Customer shall be entitled to a cash repayment, equal to the total amount paid to the Area EPS Operator and Affected System operator, if any, for Network Upgrades, including any tax gross-up or other tax-related payments associated with the Network Upgrades, and not otherwise refunded to the Interconnection Customer, to be paid to the Interconnection Customer on a dollar-for-dollar basis for the non- usage sensitive portion of transmission charges, as payments are made under the Area EPS Operator’s Tariff and Affected System’s Tariff for transmission services with respect to the Distributed Energy Resource. Any repayment shall include interest calculated in accordance with the methodology set forth in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC’s) regulations at 18 C.F.R. § 35.19a(a)(2)(iii) from the date of any payment for Network Upgrades through the date on which the Interconnection Customer receives a repayment of such payment pursuant to this subparagraph. The Interconnection Customer may assign such repayment rights to any person.
Repayment of Amounts Advanced for Network Upgrades. Interconnection Customer shall be entitled to ongoing credits to its transmission charges, the total amount of which will be paid in a timely manner and will equal the total amount paid to Transmission Provider and Affected System Operator, if any, for the Network Upgrades, to be credited to Interconnection Customer on a dollar-for-dollar basis for the non-usage sensitive portion of transmission charges, as payments are made under Transmission Provider's Tariff or Affected System's Tariff for transmission services with respect to the Large Generating Facility; provided, that Transmission Provider shall net bill or bill credit Interconnection Customer for any amounts to be credited. Any credits shall include interest calculated from the date of any payment for Network Upgrades through the date on which the Interconnection Customer receives a repayment of such payment pursuant to this subparagraph, with such interest to be fixed for the length of the crediting period at the lower of either (1) Interconnection Customer’s interest rate applicable to the Network Upgrades or (2) the Federal interest rate applicable to Transmission Provider’s Transmission System at the time the Network Upgrades are placed in service and ownership thereof is transferred to Transmission Provider. With Transmission Provider’s approval, Interconnection Customer may assign such crediting rights to any person having an executed net billing or bill crediting agreement with Transmission Provider that is effective throughout the entire term of the assignment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Transmission Provider or Affected System Operator will continue to provide credits to Interconnection Customer on a dollar-for-dollar basis for the non-usage sensitive portion of transmission charges, without any restriction as to the period of time under which such crediting will occur. If the Large Generating Facility fails to achieve commercial operation, but it or another Generating Facility is later constructed and makes use of the Network Upgrades, Transmission Provider and Affected System Operator shall at that time reimburse Interconnection Customer for the amounts advanced for the Network Upgrades; provided, that the party making use of the Network Upgrades must first pay to Transmission Provider all amounts to be reimbursed to Interconnection Customer. Such amounts shall be subsequently credited by Transmission Provider to the new party in accordance with Article 11.4 of this LGIA. Before any ...
Repayment of Amounts Advanced for Network Upgrades. Upon the Commercial Operation Date of a Generating Facility that is not a Phased Generating Facility, the Interconnection Customer shall be entitled to a repayment, equal to the total amount paid to the Participating TO for the costs of Network Upgrades for which it is responsible, as set forth in Appendix G. Such amount shall include any tax gross-up or other tax-related payments associated with Network Upgrades not refunded to the Interconnection Customer pursuant to Article 5.17.8 or otherwise, and shall be paid to the Interconnection Customer by the Participating TO on a dollar-for-dollar basis either through (1) direct payments made on a levelized basis over the five-year period commencing on the Commercial Operation Date; or (2) any alternative payment schedule that is mutually agreeable to the Interconnection Customer and Participating TO, provided that such amount is paid within five (5) years from the Commercial Operation Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this LGIA terminates within five (5) years from the Commercial Operation Date, the Participating TO’s obligation to pay refunds to the Interconnection Customer shall cease as of the date of termination. [Not Used]
Repayment of Amounts Advanced for Network Upgrades. Upon the Commercial Operation Date, the Interconnection Customer shall be entitled to a repayment, equal to the total amount paid to the Participating TO for the cost of Network Upgrades. Such amount shall include any tax gross-up or other tax-related payments associated with Network Upgrades not refunded to the Interconnection Customer pursuant to Article
Repayment of Amounts Advanced for Network Upgrades. Repayment Amounts Advanced Regarding Non-Phased Generating Facilities
Repayment of Amounts Advanced for Network Upgrades. Upon the Commercial Operation Date, the Interconnection Customer shall be entitled to a repayment, equal to the total amount paid to the Participating TO for the costs of Network Upgrades for which it is responsible, as set forth in Appendix G. Such amount shall include any tax gross-up or other tax-related payments associated with Network Upgrades not refunded to the Interconnection Customer pursuant to Article 5.17.8 or otherwise, and shall be paid to the Interconnection Customer by the Participating TO on a dollar-for-dollar basis either through (1) direct payments made on a levelized basis over the five-year period commencing on the Commercial Operation Date; or (2) any alternative payment schedule that is mutually agreeable to the Interconnection Customer and Participating TO, provided that such amount is paid within five (5) years from the Commercial Operation Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this LGIA terminates within five (5) years from the Commercial Operation Date, the Participating TO’s obligation to pay refunds to the Interconnection Customer shall cease as of the date of termination. Any repayment shall include interest calculated in accordance with the methodology set forth in FERC’s regulations at 18 C.F.R. §35.19a(a)(2)(iii) from the date of any payment for Network Upgrades through the date on which the Interconnection Customer receives a repayment of such payment. Interest shall continue to accrue on the repayment obligation so long as this LGIA is in effect. The Interconnection Customer may assign such repayment rights to any person.
Repayment of Amounts Advanced for Network Upgrades. Interconnection Customer may be entitled to a cash repayment based on the amount paid to Distribution Provider and Affected System Operator, if any, for the Network Upgrades, including any tax gross-up or other tax-related payments associated with Network Upgrades, and not refunded to Interconnection Customer pursuant to Article 5.17.8 or otherwise, as follows:
Repayment of Amounts Advanced for Network Upgrades. The Interconnection Customer shall be entitled to a cash repayment, equal to the total amount paid to the Transmission Owner for Network Upgrades, including any tax gross-up or other tax-related payments associated with the Network Upgrades, and not otherwise refunded to the Interconnection Customer, to be paid to the Interconnection Customer on a dollar-for-dollar basis for the non-usage sensitive portion of transmission charges, as payments are made under the Transmission Provider’s Tariff for transmission services with respect to the Small Generating Facility. Any repayment shall include interest calculated in accordance with the methodology set forth in FERC’s regulations at 18 C.F.R. §35.19a(a)(2)(iii) from the date of any payment for Network Upgrades through the date on which the Interconnection Customer receives a repayment of such payment pursuant to this subparagraph. The Interconnection Customer may assign such repayment rights to any person.