Afforestation. Area Nil. Runoff reduction Nil.
Afforestation. The maximum areas of afforestation in hectares stated in Article 12(8) have been derived as follows: EXISTING (1978) PROVISION FOR FUTURE7 TOTAL Republic of South Africa 53 100 37 133 90 233 Kingdom of Swaziland 29 400 3 042 32 442 Total 82 500 40 175 122 675 5 The constant draft used was that flow which can be abstracted from a dam at a uniform monthly rate throughout the simulation period without the dam failing in any one month. 6 The stepped draft used was made up of two elements, the upper draft and the lower draft. The upper draft is a uniform monthly flow which can be abstracted from a dam at least 80% of the time on average (whenever the dam storage is above a particular rule curve). The lower draft is a uniform monthly flow which can be delivered throughout the remainder of the simulation period without the dam failing in any one month.
Afforestation and the provision of vegetative coverage, including planting of trees and shrubs, and the protection of areas for natural re-vegetation.
Afforestation. Design, contract management, and construction supervision.
Afforestation. In carrying out Part C of the Project, the Recipient shall ensure that: (a) all afforestation sites shall be established in accordance with afforestation models acceptable to the Bank; (b) all sites to be converted to plantation are outside of intact forest, will not significantly convert or degrade natural habitats or adversely affect cultural property, following an objectively monitorable process acceptable to the Bank; (c) all afforestation activities, including land tenure arrangements, production arrangements, and project implementation and cooperation arrangements involving afforestation entities, shall be carried out in accordance with guidelines acceptable to the Bank; and (d) the project management office of each Project Province shall finalize all technical design plans for afforestation sites, in accordance with guidelines acceptable to the Bank not later than December 31, 2002, and shall thereafter carry out said afforestation activities in accordance with such plan.
Afforestation. Planting and maintenance of trees and other vegetation on embankment slopes (about 1,700 hectares) and provision of fertilizers and pesticides for the first three years of afforestation.
Afforestation. Afforestation of about 20,000 ha on land owned by the Borrower with an appropriate mix of conifers and broadleaf species.
Afforestation. Implementation of a program of afforestation in the Irrigation Areas to protect land from wind erosion, enhance eco-environments for crop production and human habitation, provide a source of fuel energy for Settlers, and provide for soil and water, including:
Afforestation. Programme- At present more plantation exists within the AG land. The lessee had proposed 1000 per year saplings.
Afforestation. The maximum areas of afforestation in hectares stated in Article 12(8) have been derived as follows: EXISTING (1978) PROVISION FOR FUTURE1 TOTAL Republic of South Africa 53 100 37 133 90 233 Kingdom of Eswatini 29 400 3 042 32 442 Total 82 500 40 175 122 675 The estimated mean gross water use of these areas of afforestation in terms of reduction of mean annual runoff is accepted to be as follows in cubic hectometres: EXISTING (1978) PROVISION FOR FUTURE1 TOTAL Republic of South Africa 63 36 99 Kingdom of Eswatini 42 4 46 Total 105 40 14 The provision for future afforestation in the Republic of South Africa and the Kingdom of Eswatini is estimated to be equivalent to High Assurance demands of 16.2 cubic hectometres per year and 2.5 cubic hectometres per year respectively. The mean basic water shortages are defined as those shortages experienced by consumers (irrigation, domestic, livestock, municipal, industrial and mining use) downstream of Vygeboom Dam on the Komati River and along the Lomati River as they existed in 1981 but under conditions of afforestation as it existed in 1978. These shortages are deemed to be divided as follows: 29.2 0.89 3.6 0.11 32.8 1.00 Republic of South Africa Kingdom of Eswatini Total