Agency Audits. Promptly upon delivery to the Company, the Company shall furnish to the Bank a copy of the results of any field or desktop audit of the Company's business and/or records performed by GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC, the Department of Housing and Urban Development or any state agency audit, together with a copy of all subsequent correspondence relating to such audit between the Company and such agency.
Agency Audits. Institution and Principal Investigator shall notify Sponsor immediately by telephone, facsimile, or email (with a follow-up by mail) upon, but not later than twenty-four (24) hours after, learning that an Agency inspection is scheduled to take place, or, if there is no prior notice by an Agency, that an inspection has commenced. Institution shall make all reasonable efforts to coordinate any scheduling of Agency inspections to permit Sponsor and Sponsor representative to attend such inspections. Institution and Principal Investigator shall provide Sponsor with copies of all Study Data, Source Records, and any other materials, correspondence and documents which such party receives, obtains, or generates pursuant to any such inspection or in connection with any inquiries, communications or correspondence from any Agency. Institution shall make, and shall ensure that Research Personnel make reasonable efforts to segregate, and not disclose, any Study Data, Inventions (as defined in Section 9.0), Source Records and other materials, correspondence and documents that are not required to be disclosed during such an inspection, including financial data and pricing information. If FDA issues Form FDA-483 Notice of Observations or a warning letter relating to the Study or another Agency issues a similar regulatory document, Institution or 7.3
Agency Audits. Institution and Principal Investigator shall notify Sponsor immediately by telephone, facsimile, or email (with a follow-up by mail) upon, but not later than twenty-four (24) hours after, learning that an Agency inspection is scheduled to take place, or, if there is no prior notice by an Agency, that an inspection has commenced. Institution shall make all reasonable efforts to coordinate any scheduling of Agency inspections to permit Sponsor and Sponsor representative to attend such inspections. Institution and Principal Investigator shall provide Sponsor with copies of all Study Data, Source Records, and any other materials, correspondence and documents which such party receives, obtains, or generates pursuant to any such inspection or in connection with any inquiries, communications or correspondence from any Agency. Institution shall make, and shall ensure that Research Personnel make reasonable efforts to segregate, and not disclose, any Study Data, Inventions (as defined in Section 9.0), Source Records and other materials, correspondence and documents that are not required to be disclosed during such an inspection, including financial data and pricing information. If FDA issues Form FDA-483 Notice of Observations or a warning letter relating to the Study or another Agency issues a similar regulatory document, Institution or Principal Investigator, as applicable, shall send a copy of such document promptly to Sponsor, and obtain Sponsor’s approval of the draft response to such document before it is sent to the applicable Agency. 7.3
Agency Audits. Institution and Principal Investigator shall notify Sponsor immediately by telephone, facsimile, or email (with a follow-up by mail) upon, but not later than twenty-four (24) hours after, learning that an Agency inspection is scheduled to take place, or, if there is no prior notice by an Agency, that an inspection has commenced. Institution shall make all reasonable efforts to coordinate any scheduling of Agency inspections to permit 7.3
Agency Audits. The Company shall have furnished the Agent with a copy of the results of any field audit of the Company’s business and/or records performed by GNMA, Xxxxxx Xxx, FHLMC, for the Department of Housing and Urban Development within two (2) years prior to the date of this Credit Agreement, together with a copy of all subsequent correspondence relating to such audit between the Company and such agency, to the extent copies of such field audits have not been heretofore delivered to the Agent.
Agency Audits. Furnish to the Bank, promptly upon receipt thereof, a copy of any audit, examination or report performed on or with respect to any Borrower or Subsidiary by an Agency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development or any other governmental agency or authority.
Agency Audits. Institution and Principal Investigator shall notify Sponsor immediately by telephone, facsimile, or email (with a follow-up by mail) upon, but not later than twenty-four (24) hours after, learning that an Agency inspection is scheduled to take place, or, if there is no prior notice by an Agency, that an inspection has commenced. Institution shall make all reasonable efforts to coordinate any scheduling of Agency inspections to permit Sponsor and Sponsor representative to attend such inspections. Institution shall provide Sponsor with copies of all Study Data, Source Records, and any other materials, correspondence and documents which such party receives, obtains, or generates pursuant to any such inspection or in connection with any inquiries, communications or correspondence from any Agency. Institution shall make, and shall ensure that Research Personnel make reasonable efforts to segregate, and not disclose, any Study Data, Inventions (as defined in Section 9.0), Source Records and other materials, correspondence and documents that are not required to be disclosed during such an inspection, including financial data and pricing information. If FDA issues Form FDA-483 Notice of Observations or a warning letter relating to the Study or another Agency issues a similar regulatory 7.3 Audity zo strany úradu. Akonáhle sa inštitúcia a zodpovedný skúšajúci dozvedia, že úrad naplánoval inšpekciu, budú o tom informovať zadávateľa telefonicky, faxom alebo e-mailom (a následne poštou), najneskôr však do dvadsiatich štyroch (24) hodín od dozvedenia sa o inšpekcii, a pokiaľ inšpekcii nepredchádza oznámenie úradu, musia informovať o tom, že sa začala inšpekcia. Inštitúcia vynaloží všetko primerané úsilie na koordináciu plánovania každej inšpekcie úradu, aby tak zadávateľovi a zástupcovi zadávateľa umožnila zúčastniť sa na takýchto inšpekciách. Inštitúcia poskytne zadávateľovi kópie všetkých údajov zo skúšania, zdrojových záznamov a všetkých ostatných materiálov, korešpondencie a dokumentov, ktoré daná zmluvná strana prijme, získa alebo vytvorí v súlade s akoukoľvek inšpekciou alebo v súvislosti s akýmikoľvek otázkami, komunikáciami alebo korešpondenciou od akéhokoľvek úradu. Inštitúcia vynaloží primerané úsilie na to, aby oddelila a nezverejnila údaje zo skúšania, vynálezy (definované v článku 9.0), zdrojové záznamy a iné materiály, korešpondenciu a dokumenty, ktoré netreba xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx údajov a informácií o cenách. Inštitúcia zároveň z...
Agency Audits. Institution and Principal Investigator shall notify Sponsor immediately by telephone, facsimile, or email (with a follow-up by mail) upon, but not later than twenty-four (24) hours after, learning that an Agency inspection is scheduled to take place, or, if there is no prior notice by an Agency, that an inspection has commenced. Institution, unless prohibited by law, shall make all reasonable efforts to coordinate any scheduling of Agency inspections to permit Sponsor and Sponsor representative to attend such inspections. Institution and Principal Investigator shall provide Sponsor with copies of all Study Data, Source Records, and any other materials, correspondence and documents which such party receives, obtains, or generates pursuant to any such inspection or in connection with any inquiries, communications or correspondence from any Agency. Institution shall make, and shall ensure that Research Personnel make reasonable efforts to segregate, and not disclose, any Study Data, Inventions (as defined in Section 9.0), Source Records and other materials, correspondence and documents that are not required to be disclosed during such an inspection, including financial data and pricing information. If Agency issues Notice of Observations or a warning letter relating to the Study or another Agency issues a similar regulatory document, Institution or Principal Investigator, as applicable, shall send a copy of such document promptly to Sponsor, and obtain Sponsor’s approval of the draft response to such document before it is sent to the applicable Agency. 7.3
Agency Audits. To provide to Intuit copies of any notices from FNMA, FHLMC, VA, or HUD indicating immediate termination or suspension of Borrower’s approval.
Agency Audits promptly upon receipt thereof, a copy of any audit, examination or report performed on or with respect to any Company or Subsidiary by GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC, the Department of Housing and Urban Development or any other governmental agency or authority.