Allocation and Appointment of Administration Sample Clauses
Allocation and Appointment of Administration. A vice principal may be appointed at the discretion of the School Division when a school, regardless of its type, Has reached a student enrolment of two hundred (200) students at the beginning of the school term, or two hundred and twenty (220) students during the school term. Has reached ten (10) teaching staff at the beginning of the school term or twelve (12) teaching staff during the school term.
Allocation and Appointment of Administration. In a school where there are nine or more teachers including the principal, the Employer shall designate one teacher to be vice- principal, unless an alternative administrative designation is deemed to be more practical after consultation and agreement between the Employer and the principal of the school concerned.
Allocation and Appointment of Administration. In a school where there are nine (9) or more teachers including the principal, the School Division shall designate one (1) teacher to be assistant principal, unless an alternative administrative designation is deemed to be more practical after consultation and agreement between the School Division and the principal of the school concerned.
Allocation and Appointment of Administration. The School Division may, at its discretion, appoint an Assistant Principal when a school, regardless of its type:
(a) Has reached a pupil enrolment of two hundred (200) students at the beginning of the school term, or two hundred and twenty (220) students during the school term.
(b) Has reached ten (10) certificated teachers at the beginning of the school term or twelve
Allocation and Appointment of Administration. In schools where there are fifteen (15) or more teachers (exclusive of the principal) the Employer shall designate a teacher as vice principal or assistant principal.
Allocation and Appointment of Administration. The superintendent / designate may designate a teacher(s) to be vice-principal(s), regardless of the number of full-time equivalent students. The superintendent / designate and the principal of the school concerned may determine that an alternative administrative agreement may be more practical. At a minimum standard, the School Division will examine the need for a vice-principal(s) once a school population reaches two hundred (200) students.
Allocation and Appointment of Administration. (Expires when clause 4.5.2
Allocation and Appointment of Administration. (Effective September 1, 2019) The Employer may add vice-principal or assistant principal positions at any school as it deems appropriate.
Allocation and Appointment of Administration. In a school where there are two (2) or more teachers, the Employer shall designate one (1) teacher to be the principal of the school. In a school where there are eight (8) or more full-time equivalent teachers, the Employer shall appoint an assistant principal. Additional assistant principals may be appointed by the Employer if it is deemed necessary. It is the intent that all administrative appointments will be finalized for the school year on the number of full-time equivalent teachers as of September 30.
Allocation and Appointment of Administration. The School Division may employ a District Principal. This person shall receive an allowance equal to the average of the principal allowances. Should the allowance be lower than the allowance paid previously to that administrator in their prior position, the allowance shall be red-circled at the higher rate for three years, or until such time as the District Principal allowance exceeds the red-circled amount, whichever comes first. The District Principal shall be responsible for overseeing the operation of all Colony Schools, along with the other duties determined by the Superintendent or designate.