Other Administrator Conditions Sample Clauses
Other Administrator Conditions. 4.6.1 Schools shall have the following administrative personnel in addition to the Principal: 10 or more total FTE teaching staff excluding the Principal 1 Assistant Principal 17 or more total FTE teaching staff excluding the Principal 1 Assistant Principal and 1 Vice Principal provided however, that in larger schools the administrative organization may consist of a Principal and Assistant Principals, together with such other officials as may be necessary or desirable for the efficient functioning of the school. The Principal and staff of a school, in consideration of the school’s educational needs, may make application to the Chief Superintendent of Schools or delegated authority for the appointment of two (2) or more learning leaders in lieu of a Vice Principal where the school is entitled to such an appointment.
4.6.2 Except for Learning Leaders, Strategists and Consultants who only receive the basic allowance in Clause 4.2.8 in addition to their grid salary, teachers appointed to administrative or supervisory positions and assigned to Board administrative offices which operate on a year round basis shall be entitled to an annual vacation of not less than six (6) weeks, exclusive of the week between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. The length of vacation shall be determined by the workload of the office and the teachers shall be so informed prior to April 30 of each year.
Other Administrator Conditions. 4.5.1 Lieu Days for School-Based Administrators Effective the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, school-based principals and vice principals will be granted two (2) days in lieu per school year, at a mutually agreeable time for the principal, with the superintendent or designate, and the vice principal, with the principal. The paid days must be taken by May 31, of the school year, or days will be forfeited, and no payment shall be made in lieu. For any extension to the end of the year, permission of the superintendent or designate must be granted.
Other Administrator Conditions. 4.5.1 In article 4, reference to ‘high school’ shall mean only Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Comprehensive High School and Hunting Hills High School.
4.5.2 Each school with eight (8) or more teachers (excluding the principal) shall have a vice principal.
4.5.3 Each school with twenty-two (22) or more teachers (excluding the principal) shall have a second vice principal.
4.5.4 Each of Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Comprehensive High School and Hunting Hills High School shall have a principal and two (2) or more vice principals.
4.5.5 The teaching staff allocation as of September 30 shall be used for establishing the school category. The school principal shall not be included in this number.
4.5.6 Principals shall be eligible to be absent from duty for up to four (4) operational days during each school year and vice principals shall be eligible to be absent from duty for up to two (2) operational days during each school year, with full salary and benefits, and with each absence requiring the notification and approval of the Superintendent of Schools.
4.5.7 Teachers appointed to seconded positions within the division shall be paid their annual salary and any applicable allowance(s), as if they had retained their previous position, throughout the duration of the secondment. However, if an individual is seconded to a position for which the remuneration is higher than the individual’s salary as a teacher, the individual shall receive the higher salary.
4.5.8 School Division psychologists within the scope of the collective agreement will have vacation entitlements determined by the vacation schedule contained in the classified staff handbook.
Other Administrator Conditions. 4.5.1. In a school with two hundred and fifty (250) or more pupils, the School Division shall designate one (1) or more teachers to full-time or part- time supervisory positions to assist the principal.
4.5.2. Administrator Lieu Days School-based administrators are required to perform duties that extend beyond a school year calendar, specifically ensuring that each school is prepared for opening at the beginning of a school year. To compensate school-based administrators for this work: principals will be granted two (2) lieu days per school year. Additional lieu days may be granted to a maximum of five (5) days at the sole discretion of the superintendent. Assistant principals will be granted one (1) lieu day per school year. Additional lieu days may be granted to a maximum of two (2) days at the sole discretion of the superintendent. Lieu days will be scheduled in consultation with the superintendent with consideration of the operational needs of the school and shall not adversely impact the operations of the school. Unused days will not be subject to carryover or paid out if they are not used in the year for which they are earned.
Other Administrator Conditions. Principals, vice principals, supervisors, consultants and coordinators, will receive five (5) paid leave (lieu) days per year as recognition for time worked outside of the school calendar. Use of these days are approved at the discretion of the superintendent and requests will not be unreasonably denied.
Other Administrator Conditions. 4.6.1 School-based principals will be granted two (2) paid leave days per school year, at a time mutually agreeable to the principal and the Superintendent or designate. Failing agreement about where the dates are mutually agreeable to the principal and the Superintendent, the School Division shall pay out the unused paid leave days at 1/200th of the principal’s annual salary and allowance by the end of June each year.
4.6.2 Two (2) lieu days with pay and benefits will be provided to associate principals in each school year. The lieu day will be accessed by associate principals with the mutual agreement of the Superintendent. Substitutes, when needed, will be paid for by the School Division.
Other Administrator Conditions. 4.7.1 Effective September 2017, teachers in receipt of an allowance as per 4.2 will receive three (3) days in lieu per year as recognition for time worked outside of the school calendar. Use of these days are approved at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Other Administrator Conditions. 4.6.1. Each principal shall receive (two) 2 days in lieu per year and each vice principal shall receive one (1) day in lieu per year. These days will not be paid out if unused.
4.6.1. Effective September 1, 2023, each principal shall receive three (3) days in lieu per year and each vice principal shall receive two (2) days in lieu per year. These days will not be paid out if unused.
Other Administrator Conditions. 4.5.1 In a school with two hundred and fifty (250) or more pupils, the School Division shall designate one or more teachers to full-time or part-time supervisory positions to assist the principal.
Other Administrator Conditions. 4.5.1 In Article 4, reference to ‘high school’ shall mean only Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Comprehensive High School and Hunting Hills High School.