Alternate Covered Employee Trustee. The Covered Employee Trustees shall, as a group, nominate an Alternate Covered Employee Trustee (herein "Alternate Trustee"), and any successor Alternate Trustee(s) in the event of a vacancy, who shall be eligible to hold office (for the same term, including renewal terms) upon approval by the Board Of Trustees, as an elected Covered Employee Trustee, subject to the requirements of this Trust Agreement. An Alternate Trustee shall be an individual who has worked as a freelance or staff employee in a Plan covered job category(ies) for a contributing employer(s) to the Plan and has achieved coverage under the Plan of Benefits. An Alternate Trustee shall, as a condition to taking office, accept in writing the responsibilities of Trusteeship, as required of other Trustees under this Trust Agreement. An Alternate Trustee may attend in person, have voice and vote in place of a Covered Employee Trustee who is unable to attend any regular or special meeting of the Board of Trustees or any committee meeting on which an elected Covered Employee Trustee is a member. The Alternate Trustee may attend and have voice but no vote at any meeting where there are four (4) Covered Employee Trustees in attendance. Nothing herein shall be deemed or operate to increase the total number Covered Employee Trustees or the votes which may be cast by Covered Employee Trustees, (i.e. not more than 4 votes cast by not more than 4 attending Covered Employee Trustees at any meeting of the Board of Trustees, as provided in this Trust Agreement). The term of office of an Alternate Trustee shall be four years from date of taking office and may be renewed by designation of the incumbent, elected Covered Employee Trustees, without limit as to renewal terms so long as he/she is a Covered Employee.