ANNUAL LEAVE (VACATION). A. Annual Leave shall be paid to every full-time Employee according to the following schedule: Years Of Consecutive Service Completed: Days Earned Per Bi-Weekly Period: Up To A Maximum Of: Less than 3 0.38 10 days 5 0.65 17 days 10 0.73 19 days 13 0.84 22 days 20 0.88 23 days 21 0.92 24 days 22 0.96 25 days 23 1.00 26 days 24 1.038 27 days B. Leave days may be accumulated to thirty (30) work days, except as hereinafter provided. Employees hired on or after January 1, 1974, may not accumulate Annual Leave days and shall be required to use their accumulated Annual Leave days in the year subsequent to the year earned. Each Employee's date of hire will be used to determine the "year subsequent" referred to above. Failure to use accumulated Annual Leave in the year subsequent to the year earned will result in the loss of days accumulated. If the Sheriff requires the services of Employees referred to herein, and requests an exception to this non accumulation provision, the Sheriff shall submit such request in writing to the Human Resources Director for approval prior to granting the exception. In the event approval is granted, the affected Employees may accumulate their respective Annual Leave days not to exceed thirty (30) work days. C. Leave Days cannot be used by Employees until they have been on the payroll for six (6) continuous months. D. Upon termination of employment, an Employee who has worked at least thirteen (13) continuous bi- weekly pay periods shall be compensated for his/her accrued vacation leave at the rate of pay received by the Employee during the time the leave accrued. E. Employees who are working as regular Employees, but for a period each week less than the hours of normal employment, shall be entitled to Annual Leave as above on a basis proportionate to the time they have worked. F. County of Macomb Employees who have been in the Armed Services of the United States under military leave from Macomb County shall, upon reinstatement, if within ninety (90) days following separation from military service, be given a vacation bank at the rate of one (1) day for each month, or part thereof, spent in the Armed Service. Such leave shall not exceed two (2) weeks in any single year, or an accumulated total of twenty-four (24) days. G. Vacation schedules for Employees of all Departments shall be developed by the Sheriff or designee and must have his/her approval; provided, however, that Employees shall be granted vacation preference in order of classification seniority subject to the following restrictions: 1. Employees receiving at least twenty (20) leave days annually and/or who have in their Annual Leave Bank sufficient time, shall receive two (2) weeks summer annual leave (April/ September) and two (2) weeks winter annual leave (October/March). Exceptions to the two
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL LEAVE (VACATION). A. Subsection 1. Annual Leave leave time shall be paid to every full-time Employee according to accrue at the following schedule: Years Of Consecutive Service Completed: Days Earned Per Bi-Weekly Period: Up To A Maximum Of: Less than 3 0.38 rate established by law as follows:
a) From one full pay period through 10 days 5 0.65 17 days 10 0.73 19 days 13 0.84 22 days 20 0.88 23 days 21 0.92 24 days 22 0.96 25 days 23 1.00 26 days 24 1.038 27 days
B. Leave days may be accumulated to thirty (30) work days, except as hereinafter provided. Employees hired on or after January 1, 1974, may not accumulate Annual Leave days and shall be required to use their accumulated Annual Leave days in the year subsequent to the year earned. Each Employee's date years of hire will be used to determine the "year subsequent" referred to above. Failure to use accumulated Annual Leave in the year subsequent to the year earned will result in the loss of days accumulated. If the Sheriff requires the services of Employees referred to herein, and requests an exception to this non accumulation provision, the Sheriff shall submit such request in writing to the Human Resources Director for approval prior to granting the exception. In the event approval is granted, the affected Employees may accumulate their respective Annual Leave days not to exceed thirty (30) work days.
C. Leave Days cannot be used by Employees until they have been on the payroll for six (6) continuous months.
D. Upon termination of employment, an Employee who has worked at least thirteen (13) continuous bi- weekly pay periods shall be compensated for his/her accrued vacation leave employment at the rate of pay received by the Employee during the time the leave accrued15 working days per year.
E. Employees who are working as regular Employees, but for a period each week less than the hours b) After 10 years through 15 years of normal employment, shall be entitled to Annual Leave as above on a basis proportionate to the time they have worked.
F. County of Macomb Employees who have been in the Armed Services of the United States under military leave from Macomb County shall, upon reinstatement, if within ninety (90) days following separation from military service, be given a vacation bank employment at the rate of one (1) day for each month, or part thereof, spent in the Armed Service. Such leave shall not exceed two (2) weeks in any single 18 working days per year, or an accumulated total of twenty-four (24) days.
G. Vacation schedules for Employees c) After 15 years through 20 years of all Departments employment at the rate of 21 working days per year.
d) After 20 years of employment at the rate of 24 working days per year.
Subsection 2. There shall be developed by no annual leave granted until the Sheriff employee has worked continuously for a period of six calendar months. Annual leave time shall be granted at the time requested insofar as possible subject to the requirement of maintaining Department of Transportation operations:
a) Leaves of three days or less require a day's notice to the Maintenance Chief or designee. Unforeseen circumstances which do not allow the employee to give a day's notice may be approved at the discretion of the Maintenance Chief or designee and must have provided the employee has contacted the Maintenance Chief or designee one hour prior to the beginning of the employee's shift.
b) When leave requests of more than three days are submitted at least 10 days in advance, the employer shall approve or disapprove the request in writing not less than five days before the beginning of the requested leave period. The reason for disapproval shall be in writing.
c) In instances when it is necessary for an employee to make an early request for annual leave, the employer will respond to the leave request at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the requested leave period. The reason for disapproval shall be in writing.
Subsection 3. Part-time employees who work at least 20 hours per week normally shall accrue annual leave credits on a pro-rata basis.
Subsection 4. The amount of annual leave permitted to accrue past the beginning of a new calendar year shall be two times the number of days earned annually.
Subsection 5. Annual leave time earned but not used at the time of termination shall be paid the employee at his/her approval; provided, however, that Employees shall be granted vacation preference in order of regular permanent classification seniority subject to the following restrictions:
1. Employees receiving at least twenty (20) leave days annually and/or who have in their Annual Leave Bank sufficient time, shall receive two (2) weeks summer annual leave (April/ September) and two (2) weeks winter annual leave (October/March). Exceptions to the twosalary grade rate.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Union Contract
ANNUAL LEAVE (VACATION). A. Annual Leave leave shall be paid to every full-time Employee according to the following schedule: Years Of Consecutive Service Completed: Days Earned Per Bi-Weekly Period: Up To A Maximum Of: Less than 3 0.38 10 days 5 0.65 17 days 10 0.73 19 days 13 0.84 22 days 20 0.88 23 days 21 0.92 24 days 22 0.96 25 days 23 1.00 26 days 24 1.038 27 days
B. Leave days may be accumulated to thirty (30) work days, except as hereinafter provided. Employees hired on or after January 1, 1974, may not accumulate Annual Leave days and shall be required to use their accumulated Annual Leave days in the year subsequent to the year earned. Each Employee's date of hire will be used to determine the "year subsequent" referred to above. Failure to use accumulated Annual Leave in the year subsequent to the year earned will result in the loss of days accumulated. If the Sheriff requires the services of Employees referred to herein, and requests an exception to this non accumulation provision, the Sheriff shall submit such request in writing to the Human Resources Director for approval prior to granting the exception. In the event approval is granted, the affected Employees may accumulate their respective Annual Leave days not to exceed thirty (30) work days.
C. Leave Days cannot be used by Employees until they have been on the payroll for six (6) continuous months.
D. Upon termination of employment, an Employee who has worked at least thirteen (13) continuous bi- weekly pay periods shall be compensated for his/her accrued vacation leave at the rate of pay received by the Employee during the time the leave accrued.
E. Employees who are working as regular Employees, but for a period each week less than the hours of normal employment, shall be entitled to Annual Leave as above on a basis proportionate to the time they have worked.
F. County of Macomb Employees who have been in the Armed Services of the United States under military leave from Macomb County shall, upon reinstatement, if within ninety (90) days following separation from military service, be given a vacation bank at the rate of one (1) day for each (eight hours) per month of employment during the first year of employment. No annual leave may be taken during the first six (6) months of employment.
B. Beginning in the fourth year of employment, annual leave shall be accrued at the rate of one and one-quarter (1-1/4) days per month. Beginning in the sixth year of employment, annual leave shall be accrued at the rate of one and one-half (1- 1/2) days per month. Beginning in the sixteenth year of employment, annual leave shall be accrued at the rate of one and three-fourths (1-3/4) days per month, or part thereofeffective January 1, spent in 2000.
C. Any unused days of annual leave may be carried over from year to year provided that the Armed Service. Such leave maximum accrual of vacation time shall not exceed two times the employee’s annual accrual.
D. Upon separation, the employee shall be paid for all accrued unused days of annual leave, subject to Section C above.
E. If a paid holiday occurs while an employee is on annual leave, that day shall not be deducted from the employee's accrued annual leave.
F. Annual leave schedule shall be agreed upon by mutual consent of the employee and her/his department head. If the employee and the department head cannot reach agreement on annual leave schedule, the matter shall be decided by the department head. Annual leave may be granted in increments of less than one week provided that notice of such intention is given to her/his department head at least seven (27) weeks days in any single year, or an accumulated total of twenty-four (24) daysadvance.
G. Vacation schedules An employee who wishes to take five (5) days (40 hours) or more annual leave shall request such leave from her/his department head at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date s/he wishes to start such leave. The request for such leave shall not be unreasonably denied.
H. Employees shall have preference in scheduling annual leave in accordance with seniority. After an employee's annual leave is scheduled, it can only be changed with the consent of all Departments the department head.
I. Part-time employees shall accrue annual leave prorated on the basis of the ratio of the number of hours s/he works each two-week period compared to a full eighty (80) hour 9/80 two-week work period.
J. Upon layoff, an employee with one year of continuous service shall be developed by the Sheriff or designee and must have his/her approval; provided, however, that Employees shall be granted vacation preference in order of classification seniority subject to the following restrictions:
1. Employees receiving at least twenty (20) leave days annually and/or who have in their Annual Leave Bank sufficient time, shall receive two (2) weeks summer paid for all accumulated annual leave (April/ September) and two (2) weeks winter annual leave (October/March). Exceptions to the twoleave.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Understanding
ANNUAL LEAVE (VACATION). A. Annual Leave leave shall be paid to every full-time Employee according to the following schedule: Years Of Consecutive Service Completed: Days Earned Per Bi-Weekly Period: Up To A Maximum Of: Less than 3 0.38 10 days 5 0.65 17 days 10 0.73 19 days 13 0.84 22 days 20 0.88 23 days 21 0.92 24 days 22 0.96 25 days 23 1.00 26 days 24 1.038 27 days
B. Leave days may be accumulated to thirty (30) work days, except as hereinafter provided. Employees hired on or after January 1, 1974, may not accumulate Annual Leave days and shall be required to use their accumulated Annual Leave days in the year subsequent to the year earned. Each Employee's date of hire will be used to determine the "year subsequent" referred to above. Failure to use accumulated Annual Leave in the year subsequent to the year earned will result in the loss of days accumulated. If the Sheriff requires the services of Employees referred to herein, and requests an exception to this non accumulation provision, the Sheriff shall submit such request in writing to the Human Resources Director for approval prior to granting the exception. In the event approval is granted, the affected Employees may accumulate their respective Annual Leave days not to exceed thirty (30) work days.
C. Leave Days cannot be used by Employees until they have been on the payroll for six (6) continuous months.
D. Upon termination of employment, an Employee who has worked at least thirteen (13) continuous bi- weekly pay periods shall be compensated for his/her accrued vacation leave at the rate of pay received by the Employee during the time the leave accrued.
E. Employees who are working as regular Employees, but for a period each week less than the hours of normal employment, shall be entitled to Annual Leave as above on a basis proportionate to the time they have worked.
F. County of Macomb Employees who have been in the Armed Services of the United States under military leave from Macomb County shall, upon reinstatement, if within ninety (90) days following separation from military service, be given a vacation bank at the rate of one (1) day for each (eight hours) per month of employment during the first year of employment. No annual leave may be taken during the first six (6) months of employment.
B. Beginning in the fourth year of employment, annual leave shall be accrued at the rate of one and one-quarter (1-1/4) days per month. Beginning in the sixth year of employment, annual leave shall be accrued at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) days per month. Beginning in the sixteenth year of employment, annual leave shall be accrued at the rate of one and three-fourths (1-3/4) days per month, or part thereofeffective January 1, spent in 2000.
C. Any unused days of annual leave may be carried over from year to year provided that the Armed Service. Such leave maximum accrual of vacation time shall not exceed two times the employee’s annual accrual rate.
D. Upon separation, the employee shall be paid for all accrued unused days of annual leave, subject to Section C above.
E. If a paid holiday occurs while an employee is on annual leave, that day shall not be deducted from the employee's accrued annual leave.
F. Annual leave schedule shall be agreed upon by mutual consent of the employee and her/his department head. If the employee and the department head cannot reach agreement on annual leave schedule, the matter shall be decided by the department head. Annual leave may be granted in increments of less than one week provided that notice of such intention is given to her/his department head at least seven (27) weeks days in any single year, or an accumulated total of twenty-four (24) daysadvance.
G. Vacation schedules An employee who wishes to take five (5) days (40 hours) or more annual leave shall request such leave from her/his department head at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date s/he wishes to start such leave. The request for Employees of all Departments such leave shall not be developed by the Sheriff or designee and must have his/her approval; provided, however, that unreasonably denied.
H. Employees shall be granted vacation have preference in order of classification seniority subject to the following restrictions:
1. Employees receiving at least twenty (20) leave days annually and/or who have in their Annual Leave Bank sufficient time, shall receive two (2) weeks summer scheduling annual leave (April/ September) and two (2) weeks winter in accordance with seniority. After an employee's annual leave is scheduled, it can only be changed with the consent of the department head.
I. Part-time employees shall accrue annual leave prorated on the basis of the ratio of the number of hours s/he works each two-week period compared to a full eighty (October/March). Exceptions to the 80) hour 9/80 two-week work period.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Understanding