Annual Leave Sample Clauses

Annual Leave. Employees (other than casuals) will be entitled to four (4) weeks paid annual leave per annum, provided that Continuous Shiftworkers shall be entitled to one additional week’s paid annual leave.
Annual Leave. 33.1 Full-time and part-time Employees will accrue and may take annual leave in accordance with the relevant provisions of the National Employment Standard. 33.2 In summary, the NES provides that: (1) Employees may accrue up to 152 hours (20 days) paid annual leave for each year of service; (2) untaken annual leave accumulates; (3) Employees who work in a business that operates 24 hours seven days a week, and who are regularly rostered to work those shifts, and regularly work on Sundays and public holidays, will receive an additional week’s annual leave each year; (4) annual leave not taken during the employment will be paid out at the time of termination of employment; and (5) annual leave is to be taken by agreement between an Employee and The Reject Shop. 33.3 A part-time Employee is entitled to pro-rata annual leave based on the average weekly hours worked over each 4 week cycle in the year that the leave accrued. 33.4 In addition, under this Agreement: (1) The Reject Shop and an Employee may agree to the taking of any amount of annual leave wholly or partly in advance of the Employee becoming entitled to paid annual leave. In that case, the right to further annual leave shall not commence to accrue until the Employee has worked sufficient time to cover the leave taken in advance; (2) The Reject Shop may direct an Employee to take accrued annual leave or by agreement annual leave in advance, if The Reject Shop closes down the part of the business in which the Employee works. (3) for the purposes of the National Employment Standard, a shift worker entitled to an extra week of annual leave, is an Employee that is employed in the enterprise in which shifts are continuously rostered 24 hours a day for seven days a week; and is regularly rostered to work those shifts; and regularly works on Sundays and public holidays. (4) applications for annual leave may be reasonably refused by The Reject Shop in times of peak business. The Christmas period is generally a peak period of business for The Reject Shop and as such, applications for annual leave may be reasonably refused in this period. The month of June is generally not a peak period of business for The Reject Shop. 33.5 Where a full-time Employee has an accrued annual leave entitlement in excess of 152 hours (or pro-rata for part-time Employees), The Reject Shop may, at the request of the Employee, pay to the Employee an amount equal to the Employee’s ordinary rate of pay (inclusive of leave loading), up to...
Annual Leave. 17.1 An employee shall be entitled to four weeks annual leave for each twelve monthsservice with the Company, exclusive of public holidays. Annual leave accumulates monthly on a pro rata basis. 17.2 The annual leave entitlement for each part time employee shall be calculated pro rata according to the ordinary hours he or she actually works. 17.3 The time of giving and taking of leave shall be by mutual arrangement between the Company and the employee concerned. 17.4 The Company may direct an employee to take annual leave during any shut down, including any such shut down over the Christmas and New Year period, provided the employee has an accrued annual leave balance that will at least cover the period of the shut down. 17.5 The Company may direct an employee to take up to a quarter of his or her total accrued annual leave entitlement if the employee’s accrued annual leave entitlement exceeds 8 weeks. 17.6 Payment for annual leave shall be made at the relevant minimum rate of pay in clause 19Minimum wages, plus a loading of 17.5 per cent on that rate of pay. 17.7 The Company may allow annual leave to be taken by an employee before the right thereto has accrued due. 17.8 An employee has no entitlement to the payment of the loading, when annual leave is taken wholly or partly in advance, until an entitlement accrues due and the loading is then payable in respect of the period of such leave and is calculated on the relevant minimum rate of pay in clause 19 – Minimum wages, payable at the accruing of the entitlement. 17.9 Where leave has been granted to an employee before the leave has accrued due, the Company may deduct the balance of the payment to the employee for that leave period from whatever remuneration is payable to him or her upon the cessation of employment. 17.10 An employee whose employment is terminated by the Company or who lawfully leaves the employment shall be entitled to a pro rata payment calculated on his or her relevant minimum rate of pay in clause 19 – Minimum wages, for the period in respect of which annual leave has not been taken, provided that the loading in clause 17.6 shall only be paid in respect of paid out annual leave for employees who have been employed for a minimum 12 months with the Company.
Annual Leave a. An employee may elect, with the consent of the employer subject to the Annual Xxxxxxxx Xxx 0000, to take annual leave not exceeding five days in single-day periods of part thereof, in any calendar year at a time or times agreed by the parties. b. Access to annual leave, as prescribed in paragraph (a) of this sub-clause, shall be exclusive of any shutdown period provided for elsewhere under this award. c. An employee and employer may agree to defer payment of the annual leave loading in respect of single-day absences until at least five consecutive annual leave days are taken.
Annual Leave. All personnel on a 12 month basis shall be entitled to annual leave cumulative to no more than 480 hours at the end of any fiscal year. In instances when the employee cannot use the accumulated leave due to the action of the Board, the hours accumulated shall be unlimited. The annual leave allowance shall be*: 4 hours monthly...........0-4 year employees 6 hours monthly.......... 5-9 year employees 8 hours monthly..........10-14 year employees 10 hours monthly..........15 years and up employees *These hours are based on an 8 hour scheduled work day; therefore, 12 month employees who work less than 8 hours would receive a pro-rated amount. Employees that were twelve month employees who were involuntarily reassigned are at liberty to take their annual leave as if they were still on a twelve month contract. Both parties recognize that earned annual leave can be taken by any employee as outlined with the BESPA contract. Credit for annual leave shall be posted as of the last day of each month. Annual leave shall be scheduled so there will be minimum disruption of the school system. Annual leave shall not be earned while an employee is on Workers' Compensation. Upon termination, employees shall be paid for unused annual leave accumulated prior to June 30, 1994 up to 408 hours. Such payment shall be made at the rate of pay by which the person was paid on June 30, 1994. In the event of death of the employee, payment of the unused annual leave accumulated at the time of death shall be made to the person's beneficiary, estate, or as provided by law. The employer will provide at least fourteen (14) days notice of the cancellation of annual leave. An employee who earns annual leave and changes his/her job classification to a position that does not earn annual leave, must use the leave before the beginning date of the new position. In instances when that is not possible, such accumulation shall be carried by the Board until the employee returns to a job classification which earns annual leave or terminates employment with the District at which time the accumulated leave shall be treated as though the employee had continued to hold a position which earned annual leave. Years of service for the purpose of computing annual leave shall be interpreted to mean the years service as an employee of the Bay County School Board in a full-time (52 weeks annually) position. Years service in positions of employment with the Bay County School Board of less than 52 weeks annually do n...
Annual Leave. The employee who wishes to access Annual Leave shall give four (4) weeks notice to the Employer or less by agreement. Annual leave shall otherwise be in accordance with the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard and the Award.
Annual Leave. Employees will be entitled to four weeks annual leave. Annual leave loading will be 17.5 %. An employee: • may take annual leave in periods agreed between the enterprise and the employee provided that one of the periods shall be of at least 10 working days. • working and/or required to work on call for any part of 26 weekends or more in any year of employment will be entitled to an extra week’s annual leave. • by agreement with the Enterprise an employee may take any amount of annual leave before leave becomes due. • having taken undue annual leave having his/her services legitimately terminated prior to completing twelve months continuous service may, at the instigation of the Enterprise, have deducted from whatever remuneration is payable upon termination, the payment received for the taken annual leave. • having worked twelve months in the Industry with more than one Enterprise without taking annual leave will be entitled to take pro-rata annual leave. The employee will be paid 1/12 of an ordinary’s week’s wage based on the leave loading rate for each completed 36 hours of service with his/her current Enterprise. Where the employee has completed five working days or more continuous service (including RDO’s but excluding overtime), leaves or has his/her employment terminated will be paid 1/12 of a week’s pay at the leave loading rate for each period of 36 hours ordinary time worked (or part thereof) with his/her current Enterprise. • Prior to going on annual leave will be paid in advance for the period of annual leave.
Annual Leave. 14.1 This clause only applies to permanent Employees. 14.2 Permanent Employees are entitled to 4 weeks' paid annual leave per year of continuous employment. Annual leave accrues on a pro-rata basis for each completed four week period of continuous employment. 14.3 Subject to clause 14.4, an Employee may elect to forego an entitlement to take an amount of annual leave credited to the Employee by way of a written request to the Employer. Where such a request is made and approved by the Employer, the Employee will receive a payment in lieu of the amount of annual leave at a rate no less than the Employee's agreed rate of pay at the time the election is made. 14.4 The maximum amount of annual leave an Employee can forego during each 12 month period of employment is 2 weeks for Employees working an average of 38 hours per week. Employees working less than 38 hours per week are entitled to forego a pro-rata amount.
Annual Leave. A. Employees should advise their leave approving official of leave they plan to take as soon as they decide they wish to take it. B. An employee's use of annual leave is always at the employee's discretion, when approved by the leave approving official. Annual leave scheduling will be worked out between the employee and the leave approving official. Employees will submit annual leave requests on Standard Form 71 as far in advance as possible. Requests may be made in amounts of leave accrued plus leave to be earned during the leave year as reflected in an employee's biweekly statements of earning and leave. The leave approving official will decide whether or not to approve employee requests as soon as possible, and a decision will be made no later than ten (10) workdays following receipt of the request. If the leave request cannot be decided promptly, the leave approving official and the employee will meet within the ten (10) day period to discuss the best way to resolve the leave request decision. Employees may not be denied annual leave for reasons other than those concerning the employee's and/or the office's work situation. Once approved, employee's leave requests will not be rescinded but for a significant unanticipated change in the employee's and/or the office's work situation. The Employer will give written notice, upon request, of specific reason(s) for rescinding or denying leave. Leave approving officials will make every effort to adjust the employee's and/or the office's work situation to permit employees to be granted annual leave as requested and to use scheduled annual leave once approved. C. Employee may appeal recission in writing to the step 2 Official under Article 11, who must meet with employee within three (3) workdays. D. An employee may request, and have approved, a change in selection of annual leave time provided that another employee's choice is not affected. E. Employees may change annual leave previously authorized to sick leave when sick leave is appropriate and to leave without pay with the employee's, and leave approving official's approval. F. Employees will not be forced to take annual leave except to the extent of the law. G. An employee seeking unscheduled annual leave will ensure that the leave approving official is notified within the first hour of the employee's tour of duty, or as soon thereafter as possible in unusual circumstances. The employee should attempt to contact the leave approving official directly, and inf...