Released Time Sample Clauses

Released Time. Should the investigation or processing of any grievance require that an employee(s) or an Association representative(s) be released from his/her regular assignment, upon request of the Association, he/she shall be released without loss of pay or benefits.
Released Time. (a) The University agrees to provide a total of six (6) units of released time per semester, in both the Fall and Spring semesters, to full-time employees designated by the UFF Chapter to carry out the UFF’s Chapter obligations in representing employees and administering the Agreement. Any units of release time not used by UFF Chapter may be carried forward to subsequent semesters until a successor to this agreement is in force. The UFF Chapter may designate employees to receive released time during the academic year, subject to the following conditions: 1. No more than one (1) employee per fifteen (15) employees or fraction thereof per department/unit may be granted released time at any one time, nor may any employee be granted more than a two (2) unit reduction in a single semester. 2. The UFF Chapter shall provide the Xxxxxxx with a list of requested designees and/or units to be carried forward for the academic year no later than May 1 of the preceding academic year. Upon approval of the designees by the University, the designees shall serve for one (1) academic year. Changes for the spring semester may be made upon written notification submitted by the UFF Chapter to the Xxxxxxx no later than November 1st. (b) (1) a "unit" of released time shall consist of a reduction in teaching load of one (1) course per Fall or Spring semester for instructional employees or, for non-teaching employees, a reduction in workload of ten (10) hours per week. Two (2) units shall consist of a reduction in teaching load of two (2) courses per Fall or Spring semester for instructional employees or, for non-teaching employees, a reduction in workload of twenty (20) hours per week. (c) Employees who are on leave of any kind, other than leave pursuant to Section 3.3, shall not be eligible to receive UFF released time. (d) Upon the failure of the UFF Chapter to provide a list as specified above in 3.4 (a)(2) by the specified deadlines, the University may refuse to honor any of the released time requests which were submitted late. Changes for Spring semester submitted after the November deadline shall be allowed at the discretion of the University. (e) Employees on released time shall be eligible for salary increases on the same basis as other employees, but their released time activities shall not be evaluated nor taken into consideration in making personnel decisions. (f) Employees on released time shall retain all rights and responsibilities as employees but shall not be consi...
Released Time. Members of the Professional Development Steering Committee shall be granted released time to fulfill their responsibilities upon receipt of approval by the Office of Human Resources. Attendance of employees at Professional Development Steering Committee meetings outside the parameters of the workday shall not be used in lieu of other employee obligations outside the parameters of the workday.
Released Time. Members of the Federation Negotiation team shall be released from their assignments with appropriate advance notice for such reasonable time as is necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the Federation. Such time may be granted upon approval of the staff’s immediate supervisor. The provision of substitute service and the payment of salary during time off may be granted only at the discretion of the superintendent.
Released Time. Should the investigation or processing of any grievance require that employees be released from their regular assignment, such employee shall be released without loss of pay or benefits.
Released Time. A. A supervising administrator may release employees for up to two hours without accrued leave being charged against the employee for the purpose of medical and/or dental examinations, and, if deemed necessary, with verification upon return. B. A supervising administrator may release an employee during the employee's regular workday to attend a scheduled interview for an M-DCPS position. Such requests shall be made in advance of the scheduled interview. C. A supervising administrator, subject to staffing and operational needs, may release an employee up to three hours per school year to attend scheduled teacher/parents conferences. Such requests should be made in advance of the scheduled conference and verification may be required.
Released Time. Released time shall be provided for all participants in arbitration hearings, including the grievant, association representatives, and a reasonable number of witnesses. The intent of this item is to insure that released time is kept to the minimum amount necessary. In the event that the grievance is filed by the Association, the Association will provide CCPS with the information sufficient to investigate the alleged violation including where necessary and appropriate, names and places.
Released Time. Grievances will ordinarily be processed during the regular work day and released time shall be provided for those actively involved in the investigating and processing of grievances, including the Grievant, Association representatives, and witnesses.
Released Time. 13 a. An employee with a grievance shall be granted reasonable released time to 14 process the grievance. 16 b. The Association may, upon request of the grievant, have released time for an 17 authorized representative to participate in a grievance conference. 18 19 c. The Association shall designate in writing to Employee Relations Services 20 the names of unit members who are authorized as grievance representatives 21 prior to the District's approval of released time. 22 23 d. Except for the informal conference, an employee must request approval from 24 the appropriate manager at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to being 25 released from duties to participate as a grievant or representative in a 26 grievance conference. 28 e. Released time shall be limited to one Association representative per 29 grievance conference. 31 f. Released time for processing grievances at the site level shall be at times that 32 do not disrupt direct service to students. 33
Released Time. Up to six members of the Union negotiating team may be released from unscheduled (as distinguished from scheduled) duties one month prior to negotiations and during the period of active contract negotiations. The Union negotiating team will be released from all committee assignments during the academic year. The Team Chairperson will be released from teaching one course or equivalent duties during Spring term. Requests for released time to process grievance matters shall not be unreasonably denied. The President of the Union shall be excused from unscheduled duties or equitable time if the President is a non-teaching employee. The University agrees to release the Union grievance officer from administrative and committee responsibilities.