Released Time Should the investigation or processing of any grievance require that an employee(s) or an Association representative(s) be released from his/her regular assignment, upon request of the Association, he/she shall be released without loss of pay or benefits.
Flex Time Upon agreement of the supervisor's immediate supervisor, an individual flex-time schedule may be established.
Extended Time An employee whose regular teaching contract has extended time added to it shall be compensated at his/her per diem rate in effect at the time the extended time is scheduled to be performed.
Prep Time Each teacher shall be provided daily with a minimum of an uninterrupted sixty (60) minute preparation period, except that an emergency, as determined by the Appointing Authority, within an institution may temporarily necessitate other assignments. During prep time, teachers must be allowed full access to their class room or designated workspace without disruption. Part-time teachers shall receive a pro-rated preparation period based on ten (10) minutes for each class period taught, with a minimum of thirty (30) minutes per day.