Banked Time Sample Clauses
Banked Time. The implementation of these provisions shall not be considered to be a layoff. 8.
Banked Time. In addition to the normal work schedule, a day worker may elect to accumulate extra hours on a straight time basis to a maximum of seventy-five
Banked Time. 11.01 All Full-Time Employees employed on a twelve (12) month basis shall be eligible to bank a maximum of thirty (30) minutes per day to a maximum of six (6) days banked time per year subject to the prior approval of their supervisor.
11.02 Such time may be banked during the thirty (30) minutes immediately preceding or following the Employee's normal daily start or quitting time or by the Employee reducing the employee's normal lunch period to no less than thirty (30) minutes.
11.03 Such banked time may be taken by the employee at a time mutually convenient to the Division and the Employee. Failing agreement, the Employee shall be paid for their banked time at their then regular rate of pay.
Banked Time. Overtime & Time Balancing
(a) Banked overtime hours shall be properly recorded using the Company’s time sheet system, in no less than one-half (0.5) hour increments, to a maximum of thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours at any time.
(b) Commencing January 1, 2017, banked Time should be paid out at the rate in which it is accrued. This does not apply to pre-January 1, 2017 accruals.
(c) Banked straight time shall be properly recorded using the Company’s time sheet system, in no less than one-half (0.5) hour increments, to a maximum of thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours at any time. Authorizations of banked straight time are separate decisions and accumulations of straight time banked time beyond the thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) in total will not, by default, be treated as authorized overtime.
(d) With the agreement of their Managers and subject to operational requirements, employees may use banked time to arrange time off in a patterned way.
(e) Banked time will be paid out to a maximum of seventy-five (75) banked hours.
(f) The company at its discretion may pay out any banked time in excess of 37.5 hours at the end of every calendar year.
Banked Time. During the course of negotiation, the Institute proposed a new procedure for the generation of banked time. The parties agreed that the Institute's proposal would be implemented on a trial basis. Accordingly, notwithstanding Articles 7.05 to 7.08, the following procedure regarding banked time will be applicable for the duration of this collective agreement:
Banked Time. An employee shall have the option of accumulating overtime, rather than being paid for such time. Should the employee wish to bank their time, the employee shall advise their Supervisor within twenty-four (24) hours of the working of such overtime. Overtime shall be accumulated at the appropriate rate as defined by the Collective Agreement, and may be taken as paid leave, at any time mutually agreeable to the Employer and employee. It is recognized that employees utilizing vacation will receive preference over employees utilizing banked time in the scheduling of time off. Banked time shall not exceed seventy (70) hours at any time. Banked time, including time accumulated under Article 18.5, which is not utilized or scheduled as of November 1st, to be utilized by December 31 of that year, shall be paid out, or the employee shall have the option of requesting the carryover of thirty-five (35) hours to the following calendar year.
Banked Time. Employees shall be given the option of choosing overtime pay or equivalent time off in lieu of overtime, up to an aggregate annual maximum of:
a) ten (10) working days in the case of Schedule "A" employees; b) forty (40) hours in the case of Schedule "B" employees; and,
1. The Provisions of this document apply only to full-time Paramedic Supervisors.
2. Paramedic Supervisors will select option “A” or “B” and submit their choice to the Full Time Commander or designate, Scheduling and Payroll responsible for his/her platoon, no later than October 15th of each calendar year. In choosing either option “A” or option “B”, the Employer will place the eleven (11) Statutory Holiday Lieu days (or any other Statutory Holidays as proclaimed by Law) into the Employee’s bank.
3. Once the selection has been made for the calendar year, it will not be subject to change or revision during that period.
4. In lieu of the designated holidays, recognized in the CUPE 1041 Collective Agreement and any new Statutory Holiday designated by legislation, each employee shall be entitled to time off or pay at the employee’s basic hourly rate, in accordance with the “Scheduling Time off Guidelines” in the Memorandum of Understanding – Scheduling. For any remaining time taken on an ad hoc basis, the employee will provide notification to their fulltime Commander or designate.
5. In both options “A” and “B”, should an employee wish to have any banked time paid out as opposed to time off work, it is understood and agreed that such a request can only be made after the day on which the designated holiday occurs, and that the payment of banked time will be made on the pay period following the date on which the designated holiday occurs. Any request received in the second week of a pay period will be processed within the following two (2) pay periods.
6. It is the Paramedic Supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that all overtime shifts are entered in Time Manager as Overtime shifts.
7. Two overtime shifts in a row are both paid at 1.5x for Paramedic Supervisor. For all other categories (i.e., statutory premium, mandatory training, and overtime hours), the following arrangements will apply, subject to the selection of each employee. All banked time and lieu time “pay out requests” must be approved by the Paramedic Supervisor Full Time Commander or designate. All requests must follow scheduling guidelines. For those Paramedic Supervisors who select Option “A”, it is agreed that any overtime incurred on or after December 1 of each calendar year, will be paid out in accordance with “Option B”. For clarity, those Paramedic Supervisors who select Option “A” will be switched to Option “B” effective De...
Banked Time.
a) An employee who with the approval of the employee’s supervisor agrees to work beyond the employee’s normal hours of work may choose:
1. to be paid at the appropriate rate or,
2. to bank at the equivalent amount of time.
b) An employee who chooses to bank the time shall record the time in a log approved by the supervisor. Time worked beyond the daily or weekly hours specified in 18.01, shall be recorded at the appropriate overtime rate as per Article 19.
c) Banked overtime shall be drawn from the bank at times mutually agreed upon by the supervisor and the employee.
d) Should the employee move to a position at a different location, the employee shall make every effort to draw the banked time prior to relocating. Time not drawn from the bank shall be carried forward in the log to the new location.
e) Should the employee resign or retire, every effort shall be made by the supervisor and the employee to ensure that any banked time is drawn prior to the retirement or resignation date. If it is not possible to draw all of the banked time, the employee shall be paid the appropriate rate for the time remaining in the log.
f) The employee and supervisor shall make every effort to draw all of the banked time prior to June 30th of each year. Time banked over the previous twelve (12) months that has not been drawn prior to June 30th of the year shall be paid at the appropriate rate of the pay at the next pay period.
Banked Time. An employee who, with the approval of his or her supervisor, agrees to work beyond his or her normal hours of work may choose:
1. to be paid at the appropriate rate or
2. to bank the equivalent amount of time.