Feasibility Each of the Project Budget, the Project Schedule and the Disbursement Schedule is realistic and feasible.
Evaluation 1. The purposes of evaluation provisions include providing employees with feedback, and employers and employees with the opportunity and responsibility to address concerns. Where a grievance proceeds to arbitration, the arbitrator must consider these purposes, and may relieve on just and reasonable terms against breaches of time limits or other procedural requirements.
Outcomes Secondary: Career pathway students will: have career goals designated on SEOP, earn concurrent college credit while in high school, achieve a state competency certificate and while completing high school graduation requirements.
Developing Educator Plan shall mean a plan developed by the Educator and the Evaluator for one school year or less for an Educator without Professional Teacher Status (PTS); or, at the discretion of an Evaluator, for an Educator with PTS in a new assignment.
Independence of the Parties Nothing herein shall be construed to modify, abridge, or deny the authority or discretion of any Party to independently develop, administer, or control transportation projects pursuant to enumerated authority or funding sources separate from those in this Agreement.
Monitoring In each case in which the Foreign Custody Manager maintains Foreign Assets with an Eligible Foreign Custodian selected by the Foreign Custody Manager, the Foreign Custody Manager shall establish a system to monitor (i) the appropriateness of maintaining the Foreign Assets with such Eligible Foreign Custodian and (ii) the contract governing the custody arrangements established by the Foreign Custody Manager with the Eligible Foreign Custodian. In the event the Foreign Custody Manager determines that the custody arrangements with an Eligible Foreign Custodian it has selected are no longer appropriate, the Foreign Custody Manager shall notify the Board in accordance with Section 3.2.5 hereunder.
Auditing Books and records kept in accordance with Paragraph 9.1 will be open to inspection by representatives or agents of REGENTS at reasonable times to determine the completeness and accuracy of those payments and to assess the LICENSEE’s compliance with terms of this AGREEMENT. As necessary and reasonable, LICENSEE will make its personnel available to interpret documents, understand accounting methodologies employed, and to run reports from LICENSEE’s accounting and enterprise resource planning systems to permit REGENTS agents and representatives to verify the completeness and accuracy of LICENSEE’s payments due REGENTS. The agents or representatives of REGENTS may retain one copy of books and records supporting their findings until the matters identified during the course of the inspection are resolved. Notwithstanding any other provision of this AGREEMENT or any confidentiality agreement between LICENSEE and agents or representatives of REGENTS, such agents and representatives are permitted to disclose their findings regarding the completeness and accuracy of LICENSEE’s payments to REGENTS as well as the evidentiary bases therefore. REGENTS right to conduct an inspection will be preserved for one year following the later of the termination or expiration of this AGREEMENT. or the LICENSEE’s final report setting forth royalties due in connection with LICENSED PRODUCTS manufactured or in inventory at the expiration or termination of the AGREEMENT. The fees and expenses of representatives of REGENTS performing such an inspection will be borne by REGENTS. If, however, the payments made to REGENTS under this AGREEMENT by the LICENSEE are found after REGENTS initiate their inspection to be less than ninety-five percent (95%) of the total payments due to REGENTS under this AGREEMENT for any year, LICENSEE will bear the cost of the inspection. Should an overpayment by LICENSEE be discovered after REGENTS initiate their inspection, LICENSEE will be entitled to a credit equal to such excess payment, minus the expenses of such inspection, against the payment obligations next accruing under the AGREEMENT, provided such payments are due and payable.
Screening After you sign and date the consent document, you will begin screening. The purpose of the screening is to find out if you meet all of the requirements to take part in the study. Procedures that will be completed during the study (including screening) are described below. If you do not meet the requirements, you will not be able to take part in the study. The study investigator or study staff will explain why. As part of screening, you must complete all of the items listed below: • Give your race, age, gender, and ethnicity • Give your medical history o You must review and confirm the information in your medical history questionnaire • Give your drug, alcohol, and tobacco use history • Give your past and current medication and treatment history. This includes any over-the-counter or prescription drugs, such as vitamins, dietary supplements, or herbal supplements, taken in the past 28 days • Height and weight will be measured • Physical exam will be done • Electrocardiogram (ECG) will be collected. An ECG measures the electrical activity of the heart • You may be tested for COVID-19 o Blood tests for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B, and hepatitis C o Blood tests to see how your blood clots ▪ Fibrinogen ▪ PT/INR/aPTT o Blood tests for amylase and lipase (enzymes that help with digestion, Part B only) o Blood tests for a lipid (fats) panel (Part B only) ▪ Total cholesterol ▪ Triglycerides ▪ HDL ▪ Direct HDL o Blood tests to check your thyroid function (Part B and Part C only) ▪ TSH ▪ Free T4 o Urine to test for drugs of abuse (illegal and prescription) o Urine tests to check your albumin/ creatinine ratio o Females who have not had a period for at least 12 months in a row will have a blood hormone test to confirm they cannot have children • The study investigator may decide to do an alcohol breath test • The use of proper birth control will be reviewed (males only) • You will be asked “How do you feel?” HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C will be tested at screening. If anyone is exposed to your blood during the study, you will have these tests done again. If you have a positive test, you cannot be in or remain in the study. HIV is the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). If your HIV test is positive, you will be told about the results. It may take weeks or months after being infected with HIV for the test to be positive. The HIV test is not always right. Having certain infections or positive test results may have to be reported to the State Department of Health. This includes results for HIV, hepatitis, and other infections. If you have any questions about what information is required to be reported, please ask the study investigator or study staff. Although this testing is meant to be private, complete privacy cannot be guaranteed. For example, it is possible for a court of law to get health or study records without your permission.
Experience A minimum of 1 year of IT work experience in computer systems or support with demonstrated working knowledge of basic hardware and software products and problem solving/troubleshooting skills.
CONSIDERING That at the Santa Xxxx Summit of the Americas meeting of Heads of State in 1996, the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (hereinafter “IABIN”) was created with the objective of providing a networking information infrastructure (such as standards and protocols) and biodiversity information content required by the countries of the Americas to improve decision-making, particularly for issues at the interface of human development and biodiversity conservation; That through IABIN, access will be made available to scientific information currently scattered throughout the world in different institutions, such as government organizations, museums, botanical gardens, universities, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs); That in order to fund the building of IABIN, GS/OAS and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter the Bank) acting as an Implementing Agency of the Global Environment Facility (hereinafter the GEF) Trust Fund, approved the GEF Trust Fund Grant Agreement effective on October 4, 2004, as amended on February 10, 2006, June 26 2006, and December 19 2008 with GS/OAS (Annex 1 hereto) in an amount equal to US$6,000,000 (”Master Agreement”); That Article III of the Master Agreement provides that GS/OAS shall enter into sub-project agreements with “Eligible Institutions” to carry out certain project tasks and functions , and the Institution has been designated an “Eligible Institution” under the terms of that Agreement; and That GS/OAS is the central and permanent organ of the Organization of American States and is authorized to carry out relations of cooperation in accordance with Article 112(h) of the Charter and OAS General Assembly Resolution AG/RES. 57 (I- O/71); ARTICLE I OBJECTIVE