COURSE PROGRESS. The student must maintain satisfactory course progress. The ISP Course Progress Policy outlines the requirements for satisfactory course progress in each department CRICOS course. While school staff will use their best endeavours to offer students reasonable learning, English language and welfare supports, when necessary, We cannot guarantee that a student will successfully complete their course or gain entry into any other institution. Course progress is monitored closely by schools. Schools will contact You if there is a risk of the student not meeting the course progress conditions of their visa. We are required to report students who fail to maintain satisfactory course progress to DHA. This may affect the student’s visa. We will notify You of our intention to report the student to DHA before doing so. Please refer to the ISP Course Progress Policy for further information. Students must purchase OSHC insurance before they arrive in Australia and cannot enter Australia until the OSHC policy has commenced. OSHC must be maintained for the duration of the student’s course. If You request that We help to arrange OSHC with Medibank, We will receive a commission through a preferred provider arrangement with Medibank. You can choose to arrange the student’s OSHC directly through a health cover provider but must ensure that OSHC is arranged prior to arrival in Australia and provide details of the OSHC to the Division prior to CoE, and CAAW if applicable, being issued. You can access a list of approved OSHC providers at by searching for overseas student health cover. Students under 18 years of age must not arrive in Australia before the welfare commencement date stated on their CAAW letter. Students under 15 years of age must reside in Australia with a parent/legal guardian or DHA-approved relative. You must notify the Division and the school immediately of any change of student visa status by emailing if the change is prior to student commencement, or if the change is after student commencement. Students under 15 years of age must reside in Australia with a parent, legal guardian or DHA-approved relative. Students aged 15–18 years of age must reside with a parent, legal guardian, DHA-approved relative or a homestay arrangement approved by the Department under a CAAW arrangement. For further details, please refer to the ISP Accommodation and Welfare Policy. You...
COURSE PROGRESS. 37.1 It is a DHA requirement that students maintain satisfactory course progress during the period of their enrolment. The School assesses the Student’s performance each term using the requirements set by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Please note: these requirements are the same for domestic students.
37.2 The School has course monitoring that includes regularly reporting to students and parents on course progress such as term and semester reports.
37.3 All subjects/units must be completed satisfactorily within the expected duration as specified on the student’s XxX for the student to:
37.3.1 progress to the next year level, or
37.3.2 complete their course of study 37.4 An extension to complete studies may be granted if: 37.4.1 study deferment has been approved, or
COURSE PROGRESS. All students must maintain satisfactory course progress. Student visa holders who do not make satisfactory course progress will be reported to the Department of Education(“DoE”)/Department of Home Affairs(“DHA”). For more information refer to the ELICOS Course progress Policy found on the EU Website.
COURSE PROGRESS. You must maintain satisfactory course progress. To achieve satisfactory course progress you need to achieve competency in 50% or more of your subjects/course requirements during a study period. Continuous breach of this condition will lead to expulsion and reporting to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment and/or the Department of Home Affairs(“DHA”). For more information refer to the College’s VET Course Progress Policy found on the APC Website.
COURSE PROGRESS. All students must maintain satisfactory course progress. To achieve satisfactory course progress you need to achieve competency in 50% or more of their subjects/course requirements during a Study Period (for ELICOS students a study period is the lessor of 6 months or half the length of the Certificate of Enrolment for the course) Student visa holders who do not make satisfactory course progress will be reported to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment/the Department of Home Affairs.
COURSE PROGRESS. The student must maintain satisfactory course progress. At a Victorian Government school, this means students must pass every subject; or alternatively, the school’s Principal may determine that the student’s effort is at least ‘satisfactory’ despite the student not passing all subjects/areas studied. While school staff will use their best endeavours to offer students reasonable learning, English language or welfare support when necessary, students must demonstrate a clear commitment to their studies and We cannot guarantee that a student will successfully complete their course or gain entry into any other institution. Course progress is monitored closely by schools. Students at risk of not meeting course progress requirements will be provided with additional support to help address issues that may be contributing to poor academic performance. Schools will contact You if there is a risk of the student not meeting the course progress conditions of their visa. We are required to report students who fail to maintain satisfactory course progress to DHA. This may affect the student’s visa. We will notify you of our intention to report the student to DHA before doing so. Please refer to the ISP Course Progress Policy for further information.