Outcomes Sample Clauses

Outcomes. Secondary: Career pathway students will: have career goals designated on SEOP, earn concurrent college credit while in high school, achieve a state competency certificate and while completing high school graduation requirements.
Outcomes. Committed children will be supported and treated in a congregate care setting for as long as needed so that the child may be safely returned home, or placed in a permanent adoptive home or in another less restrictive setting. These services must be family driven, youth guided, time limited, intensive, evidence informed practices that promote the child welfare goals of safety, permanency, well-being, and stability.
OutcomesThis Agreement will facilitate achievement of the following outcomes:
Outcomes. Provider’s services will result in the following: 1. Increased student enrollment and attendance for the 2021-2022 school year 2. Through information collected from outreach visits, to obtain a better understanding for CPS regarding why students and families are disengaged, informing how we best address these needs in the fall of 2021.
Outcomes. Classroom-focused support is provided to enable the delivery of high quality, student-focused learning programs.
Outcomes. Are intended outcomes focused on closing gaps, reaching universal levels of service, or disaggregating progress by race, ethnicity, and other equity dimensions where relevant for the policy objective? SUBRECIPIENTS must briefly describe the goals of the project, and the evidence base for the interventions funded by the project. a) Demonstrate that the intervention is implemented as a program evaluation, see OMB M-20-12. "Recipients are exempt from reporting on evidence-based interventions in cases where a program evaluation is being conducted. Criteria requires the recipient to: i. describe the evaluation design including whether it is a randomized or quasi experimental design; ii. state the key research questions being evaluated; iii. describe whether the study has sufficient statistical power to disaggregate outcomes by demographics; iv. post the evaluation publicly and link to the completed evaluation in the Recovery Plan; v. describe the timeframe for the completion of the evaluation (including a link to completed evaluation if relevant) vi. after sufficient evidence of efficacy has been provided, determine whether the spending for the evaluated interventions should be counted towards the dollar amount categorized as evidence-based for the relevant project vii. Recipient may be selected to participate in a nation evaluation which would study the project along with similar projects. viii. Consider how a Learning Agenda, either narrowly focused on SLFRF or broadly focused on the recipient's broader policy agenda, could support their overarching evaluation efforts in order to create an evidence-building strategy for their jurisdiction. See OMB M-19-23 b) Strong Evidence-based interventions- Is the intervention, based on a "well-designed and well- implemented experimental studies conducted on the proposed program with positive findings on one or more intended outcomes". i. If yes, identify the program as "Strong Evidence Based", cite the study, summarize the findings, and provide the associations to the COUNTY program.
OutcomesChanges in member health, functional status, satisfaction or goal achievement that result from health care or supportive services.
Outcomes. Applicants must clearly identify the outcomes they expect to achieve by the end of the project period, as identified in the logic model in the Approach section of the CDC Project Description. Outcomes are the results that the program intends to achieve and usually indicate the intended direction of change (e.g., increase, decrease).
Outcomes. On a quarterly basis Contractor will collect and report data to County outcomes of various program activities, and will continue to work with the OBM staff to refine outcome measures. A. Emergency Services - For Emergency Assistance including: clothing, food, shelter vouchers and transportation, delivery of the service itself will be the outcome. The estimated outcome for the FY 2007-10 will be seven hundred twenty (720) emergency services delivered per year. B. Homelessness Prevention - All Rental Assistance and move-in costs paid will be tracked. A follow-up, six months after the assistance ends, will be completed to determine housing status. Clients should be informed of follow-up at the time of assistance and three stable contact phone numbers of those likely to know client's whereabouts will be collected. The estimated outcome of the number of eligible households provided rental assistance will be 100 per year and the percentage of known clients still housed after six (6) months will be seventy (70%).
Outcomes. 1. By September 1, 2013, all individuals in the Birch Exit Target Population will be provided the services and supports described in Section V(A)(1)-(2) necessary to introduce them to work in integrated settings, according to the youth transition process and milestones set forth in Section VIII, and they will become eligible for a Supported Employment Placement, as provided in Section V(D), upon their exit from Birch. 2. By September 1, 2014, all individuals in the Birch Transition Target Population will be provided the services and supports described in Section V(A)(1)-(2) necessary to introduce them to work in integrated settings, according to the youth transition process and milestones set forth in Section VIII. 3. A person-centered planning process will be engaged in every year that a student attends Birch, starting at age 14. The person-centered planning process will minimally include the standards and milestones set forth in Section VIII, including the opportunity to access integrated transition work placements and information about post-secondary work in integrated settings. In addition, individuals with I/DD at Birch will be offered meaningful options for post-secondary Supported Employment and Integrated Day Services beginning no later than the start of the school year in which they will turn 18. Such individuals and their families must be provided information through the person-centered planning process sufficient to make a meaningful informed choice between such services and remaining in school. 4. Effective April 12, 2013, by Order of the PPSD Superintendent, PPSD ceased providing sheltered work at the Birch sheltered workshop. As of the date of this Interim Agreement and going forward, PPSD will continue not to provide services to individuals with I/DD at Birch in a sheltered workshop setting. 5. Effective upon the date of this Interim Agreement, the State will no longer provide placement or funding for new entrants to sheltered workshop or segregated day activity services at TTP, including: a. Transition-age youth with I/DD; b. Any working age adult who is newly eligible for I/DD services; and c. Any working age adult who is already utilizing I/DD services who is not already receiving services at TTP. 6. Effective March 31, 2014, the State will no longer provide placement or funding for sheltered workshop or segregated day activity services at TTP. 7. By September 1, 2013, the State will provide career development plans, as described in Secti...