ASSOCIATION INDUSTRY FUND. 12.01 Each Employer bound by this Agreement shall contribute twenty cents ($0.20) per hour for each hour earned by each employee covered by this Agreement and remit such contribution. Such amounts on receipt shall be immediately paid to the Association as each Employer’s contributions for the general purposes of the Association including the Association’s costs of negotiating and administrating the Agreement. The Employer agrees to pay such taxes on the industry fund as may be applicable. Such amount may be amended on notice from the Association.
ASSOCIATION INDUSTRY FUND. 18.1 Each employer bound by this Agreement shall contribute twenty cents ($0.20) per hour for each hour earned by each employee covered by this Agreement and remit such contribution to Local 46 Benefit Plan Administrator or to such other party as the Association shall from time-to- time determine. Such amount on receipt shall be immediately paid to the Association for the general purposes of the Association including the Association’s costs of negotiating and administering this Agreement. 18.2 Effective July 1, 1992, each employer bound by this Agreement shall contribute twenty cents ($0.20) per hour in the manner as outlined in Article 18.01 herein. 18.3 The fund shall be administered by the Board of Governors of the Association. 18.4 Payments for this fund shall be as detailed in Article 21 - Dates of Contributions and Monthly Reports.
ASSOCIATION INDUSTRY FUND. All Employers signatory to this Agreement shall be assessed a Labour Service Fee of four (4) cents per man- – 32 – May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2022 hour earned payable to the Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association.
ASSOCIATION INDUSTRY FUND. Effective May each Employer bound by this Agree- ment shall contribute ten cents per hour for each hour earned by each employee covered by this Agreement and remit such contribution. Such amounts on receipt shall be immediately paid to the Association as each er's contributions for the general purposes of the Asso- ciation including the Association's costs of negotiating and administrating the Agreement.
ASSOCIATION INDUSTRY FUND. Each Employer bound by this Agreement shall contrib- ute an amount in accordance with the below schedule per hour for each hour earned by each employee covered by this Agreement to the Association Fund. May per hour May per hour May per hour The Employer shall remit such contributions with the other contributions under Article together with the sup- porting information as required by the Trustees on the reporting forms. Such contributions shall be immediately distributed to the local or trade association by the administrator of the funds. The Employers agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Union and the Trustees against any liability incurred as a result of such contribution. Notice of delinquency shall be given by the Trustees to the parties affected. When an employer fails to remit delinquent contributions in accordance with the provisions of this Agree- ment, the penalty provision as expressed in shall apply and the affected party shall immediately institute proceedings against the delinquent employer.


  • INDUSTRY FUND a. The Employer shall contribute and remit such contributions to the Union’s Industry Fund as specified in Schedule “A” for each hour worked by each employee covered by this Agreement. b. The Industry Fund shall be used by the Union for the promotion of the industry, to promote unionized construction, and for other purposes as determined by the Union to strengthen the position of the Union and its members in the industry. c. The total amount owing shall be remitted monthly to the Union by the 15th of the month following the month for which the contributions were made. Contributions shall be itemized separately on the remittance form.

  • Association Dues The District agrees to deduct Association dues from the paycheck of each employee who individually and voluntarily authorize dues deductions. Employees’ authorizations will be in writing in a form agreed upon by the Association and the District. Said deduction shall be in nine substantially equal amounts during the school year beginning on or after October 15 of the corresponding school year. A schedule of deductions shall be provided to employees on or about September 1st. Authorizations shall continue from year to year unless revoked by the employee in writing prior to July 1 of any year. Dues deducted from employees’ wages will be transmitted to the Association following each corresponding payroll deduction. The Association will annually certify to the Superintendent the amount of Association dues. The following shall also apply: A. The Association shall provide payroll at District’s Business Office, dues deductions covered under this paragraph by October 1 of the contract year in which the deduction applies for all existing members as of said date, otherwise the employees' previous year deductions shall continue in force for the entire contract year unless terminated by the employee by the dates set forth herein. Deductions for any new employee hired prior to the date of said report shall also be included in the report. B. The form in which the Association reports union dues for existing membership must include, at minimum, employee name, social security number, and total unions dues to be deducted for the corresponding contract year. The report shall list employees alphabetically by last name. C. The form in which the Association reports union dues for new members must include, at minimum, employee name, social security number, total unions dues to be deducted for the corresponding contract year, and signed employee authorization. D. The District payroll office shall make changes to union dues not more than once in any contract year. However, union dues to individual employees may be adjusted as necessary due to changes in employment status with proper notification and reporting from the Association as outlined herein. If an employee elects to become a member after the Association Dues are submitted by the Association, the employee shall be responsible for paying any additional fees directly to the Association. E. The District shall provide the Association a list of all support staff covered under the collective bargaining agreement upon request of the Association, but not more than once per month.

  • Association Establishment and all other expenses of the Association and also similar expenses of the Maintenance In-charge looking after the common purposes, until handing over the same to the Association.

  • Associations Where Associations are shown as Special Terms in the Rights Table relating to Firm Rights, Network Rail’s Flexing Rights shall not be used to break such Associations.

  • Association Activities The parties agree employees shall have the right to form, join, and participate in the lawful activities of the Association for the purpose of representation in matters of employment relations. No employee shall be interfered with, restrained, coerced, or discriminated against because of the exercise of such rights.

  • Association Leaves 1. The Board will provide the Association President or their designee with forty (40) days of paid release time during the course of the school year in order to conduct Association Business. The Association shall reimburse the Board for the cost of any substitute required as the result of any such released time which exceeds forty (40) days during the course of the school year. 2. The following provisions were not bargained and have been included for informational purposes only: a. Because of the many responsibilities imposed on the President of the Association, and in order to enhance the quality of instruction in the classes taught by him or her and maintain continuity, the Board will provide the building to which the President is assigned with a full-time aide who is also a certified substitute teacher. b. The building principal and the President will work out a mutually agreed upon schedule for the use of the aide. c. The presence of this aide will not be used to justify absences in excess of those authorized by the terms of this Agreement.

  • Association Business Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that such activities shall not interfere with normal school operations.

  • Association President The President of the Association has the right to visit schools. The President will coordinate the visits with the offices of the principals in order to facilitate the purpose of this visit. Visits that are made to solve special problems of teachers will be arranged in advance by notifying the office of the principal.

  • Association Grievance A grievance, as defined in Section 7.1, relating to occurrences actually involving at least three (3) nurses or arising under the Association Representative article, may be initiated by the Association at Step 2 of the above-mentioned procedure by the filing of a written grievance, signed by a representative of the Association, within 35 calendar days from the date of occurrence. Such grievance shall describe the problem and the contract provisions alleged to have been violated.

  • Association Business Leave A total of ten (10) days Association Business Leave shall be allowed by the district on condition that a competent qualified substitute employee is available and willing to serve. The designated representative of the Association and officers of the Association shall be allowed to take such leave for conducting Association Business or to attend state or local conferences. Substitutes hired by the District to cover such absences shall be paid for by the Association. At least five (5) normal business days advance notification of intent to take such leave shall be given to the Superintendent by the Association President.