Attainment. The percentage of time the Tyler Software is available during a calendar quarter, with percentages rounded to the nearest whole number.
Attainment. The percentage of time a service is available during a billing cycle, with percentages rounded to the nearest whole number.
Attainment. Product you export (or which are acquired by an End User for export) outside the geographic scope of the Agreement will not count toward attainment of your objectives and will not qualify for applicable promotional offerings and marketing funds.
Attainment. 1. All teachers are encouraged to achieve Highly Qualified Status. The principal and teacher will mutually develop a plan and a timeline for the teacher to achieve Highly Qualified Status.
2. A teacher who is involuntarily reassigned will not be required to achieve Highly Qualified Status more than once every thirty (30) months.
Attainment. 92% of our full-time entrants progress successfully beyond the first year of their programme. This is 3% above our HEFCE benchmark. 94% of our students are in work or further training within 6 months of graduating.
Attainment. Compensation will be based on the attainment of objective at the individual level on a monthly or year-to-date basis, and team level on either a monthly or year-to-date basis depending on the element. Year-to-date results begin with the employee’s first month on the Plan (quota assigned), or at the beginning of a new calendar year. The year-to-date results continue through that calendar year as long as the individual remains on the same plan. Following are examples of commission earnings paid against year-to-date performance: Example January Attainment YTD Attainment February Attainment YTD Attainment
Attainment. It is my responsibility to ensure that all requirements of my study programme are met.
Attainment. The following table shows the most recent performance data from four student groups: 2014/15 HESA data LPN Q1-2 BME Disability NS- SEC 4- 7 Percentage of students from the 63.6% 46.5% 62.7% 66% following groups obtaining a (68.4%) (71.0%) (67.4%) (70%) good degree (2:1 or above) vs. comparator group (in brackets) Ethnicity Reduction of the degree attainment gap for BME students from a 2013/14 baseline of 27% with a target for 2016/17 (27%) and 2017/18 (26%). We await the publication of the 2016/17 attainment gap rate, which will be included in the annual Student Outcomes Report to Academic Board.
Attainment a “point in time” measure of student proficiency which compares the measured proficiency rate with a pre-defined goal.
Attainment of the objectives of the educational program conducted in the schools of the District requires mutual understanding, cooperation, and good faith among the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools and administrative staff, the professional personnel, the service personnel, and other citizens of the community. To this end, free and open exchange of views is desirable, proper, and necessary.