Attaining Objectives. Attainment of educational objectives of the District requires mutual understanding and cooperation between the BOARD, the administrative and supervisory staff, and other licensed employees. To this end, free and open exchange of views is desirable and necessary, with all parties participating in deliberations leading to the determination of matters defined as negotiable in ARTICLE IV, Section C of this Agreement.
Attaining Objectives. Attainment of objectives of the educational program of the Western Reserve Local School District requires mutual understanding and cooperation among the Board of Education, the Superintendent, and the Classified personnel staff. Therefore, free and open exchange of views is desirable and necessary in the negotiations process.
Attaining Objectives. Attainment of the objectives of the educational program of the Lake Local School District requires mutual understanding and cooperation among the Board of Education, the Superintendent, and the Certificated/Licensed Staff. Therefore, free and open exchange of views is desirable and necessary in the negotiations process.
Attaining Objectives. Attainment of objectives of the educational program of the Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Local School District requires mutual understanding and cooperation among the board of education, the Superintendent, and the classified staff; therefore, the free and open exchange of views are desirable and necessary in the negotiations process.
Attaining Objectives. 2.2.1 The Association will urge through its leaders that each member fulfill his or her contractual and professional obligations.
2.2.2 Both the Board and the Association agree to meet at reasonable times and places to conduct bargaining sessions in a spirit of mutual respect.
Attaining Objectives. Attainment of objectives of the educational program of the Madison-Plains Local School District requires mutual understanding and cooperation among the Board of Education, the Superintendent and the classified staff. Therefore, free and open exchange of views is desirable and necessary in the discussion process.
Attaining Objectives. Attainment of the District’s educational objectives requires mutual understanding and cooperation between the Board and the members. Free and open exchange of views is desirable and necessary, with all participating in good faith deliberations leading to agreement on matters of mutual concern. “Good faith” implies coming to the negotiating table with the intention of negotiating, not of dogmatically pursuing preconceived stands. “Good faith” requires that the Association and the Board be willing to react to each other’s proposals. If a proposal is unacceptable to one of the parties, that party is obligated to give its reasons and offer counter- proposals. “Good faith” requires both parties to recognize negotiations as a shared process. Neither side is sent to the bargaining table with a “take it or leave it” ultimatum.
Attaining Objectives. Attainment of objectives for the educational program of the District requires mutual understanding and cooperation among the Board, the superintendent, his staff, and the teachers. Therefore, free and open exchange of views is desirable and necessary with all parties concerned. Good faith involves coming together with the intention of solving common problems, insuring good relationships, and educational progress. Good faith requires that the Association and the Board be willing to react to each other's proposals. If a proposal is unacceptable to one of the parties, that party is obligated to give its reasons and offer counterproposals. "Good faith" requires both parties to recognize negotiations as a shared process, preferably a process of mutual problem solving.
Attaining Objectives. Attainment of objectives for the educational program of the East Liverpool School District requires a mutual understanding and cooperation among the Board, Superintendent and the employees. Therefore, free and open exchange of views is desirable and necessary with all parties participating in anything negotiable.
Attaining Objectives. Attainment of the educational objectives of the District is enhanced by mutual understanding, cooperation, and communication between the Board, the Administrative staff, and employees.