Automatic Payments You can agree with a seller who accepts PayPal to use PayPal as the payment method for future purchases with that seller. This agreement is between you and the seller and allows you to pay the seller on a one-time, regular or sporadic basis. Depending on the seller you wish to pay, you might also be able to directly instruct PayPal to make future payments to the seller on your behalf on a one-time, regular or sporadic basis. Examples of automatic payments that can be arranged by you either with a seller or with PayPal include those that PayPal calls a “billing agreement,” "subscription," "recurring payment,” “reference transaction,” "preauthorised transfer" or "preapproved payment." You authorise and instruct PayPal to pay the third party (or another person they direct) amounts from your payment method for the amounts you agree to owe and as presented to PayPal by that third party. You may cancel an automatic payment up to 3 business days before the date of the next scheduled payment from your account settings or by contacting us. Once you contact PayPal to cancel an automatic payment, all future automatic payments under your agreement with that seller will be stopped. If you cancel an automatic payment, you may still owe the seller money for the purchase or have additional obligations to the seller for any goods or services that you receive but have not paid for. If you have authorised an automatic payment and PayPal performs currency conversion for an automatic payment transaction, PayPal will use the transaction exchange rate (including PayPal's currency conversion fee) in effect at the time the automatic payment transaction is processed.
Payment Options Paper Invoice - Supplier submits a paper invoice to the organisation as standard for each purchase order received. Embedded Purchase Card - This payment option allows the supplier to charge the cost of the goods/services provided to a VISA/MasterCard electronic Purchasing Card (ePC) belonging to a Contracting Authority. The supplier shall receive payment from VISA/MasterCard therefore negating the need to provide an invoice to the Contracting Authority. Consolidated Electronic Invoice - Supplier submits a single invoice covering multiple purchase orders in an electronic file. Self-Billing - Once the Goods Received Note (GRN) has been entered on PECOS P2P, a payment instruction is automatically sent to the Contracting Authority’s finance system to make payment to the supplier for the goods/services received. Electronic Invoices - Supplier submits an electronic invoice either directly to PECOS P2P/relevant system (cXML) and/or via the SG eInvoicing Solution, which can go again direct to PECOS P2P or a Contracting Authority’s finance system.
Lump Sum Payment Upon award of the contract for this improvement, the LA will pay to the STATE, in lump sum, an amount equal to 80% of the LA’s estimated obligation incurred under this Agreement, and will pay to the STATE the remainder of the LA’s obligation (including any nonparticipating costs) in a lump sum, upon completion of the project based upon final costs. Method B - Monthly Payments. Upon award of the contract for this improvement, the LA will pay to the STATE, a specified amount each month for an estimated period of months, or until 80% of the LA’s estimated obligation under the provisions of the Agreement has been paid, and will pay to the STATE the remainder of the LA’s obligation (including any nonparticipating costs) in a lump sum, upon completion of the project based upon final costs.