DURATION OF CONTRACT This agreement shall be in effect for 12 months beginning October 1, 2019 and ending September 30, 2020.
Award of Contract ITT 41.1 The maximum percentage by which quantities may be increased is:15%. The maximum percentage by which quantities may be decreased is: 15%.
FORMATION OF CONTRACT This proposed purchase contract, which incorporates by reference these General Provisions and all other terms and conditions set forth in this proposed purchase contract (collectively, the “Contract”), is Buyer's offer to purchase the services and any related goods, materials, and/or other deliverables (collectively, the “Services”) described in this offer. Acceptance is strictly limited to the terms and conditions included in this offer. Unless specifically agreed to in writing by Xxxxx's Authorized Procurement Representative, Xxxxx objects to, and is not bound by, any term or condition that differs from or adds to this offer. Seller's commencement of performance or acceptance of this offer in any manner shall conclusively evidence acceptance of this offer as written. Seller’s provision of the Services shall be governed solely by this Contract. Xxxxx and Seller are referred to herein as a “Party” or collectively as the “Parties.”
Conditions for Award of Contract The Borrower shall not award any Works contract which involves environmental impacts until:
- AWARD OF CONTRACTS II.9.1 If the beneficiaries have to conclude contracts in order to carry out the action and they constitute costs of the action under an item of eligible direct costs in the estimated budget, they shall award the contract to the bid offering best value for money; in doing so, they shall take care to avoid any conflict of interests. II.9.2 Contracts as referred to in paragraph 1 may be awarded only in the following cases: a) they may only cover the execution of a limited part of the action; b) recourse to the award of contracts must be justified having regard to the nature of the action and what is necessary for its implementation; c) the tasks concerned must be set out in Annex I and the corresponding estimated costs must be set out in detail in the budget in Annex II; d) any recourse to the award of contracts while the action is under way, if not provided for in the initial grant application, shall be subject to prior written authorisation by the Commission; e) the beneficiaries shall retain sole responsibility for carrying out the action and for compliance with the provisions of the agreement. The beneficiaries must undertake to make the necessary arrangements to ensure that the contractor waives all rights in respect of the Commission under the agreement; f) the beneficiaries must undertake to ensure that the conditions applicable to them under Articles II.1, II.2, II.3, II.4, II.5, II.6, II.10 and II.20 of the agreement are also applicable to the contractor.
METHOD OF AWARD AND PROCEDURE FOR AWARDING A SOW AGREEMENT 5.1. Contractor selection, or the determination to terminate the SOW-RFP without award, shall be done in the best interest of the State.