Sales Promotion Promote and use its reasonable endeavours to increase sales of the Supplier/ Principal ATOL holder's Travel Arrangements to existing and potential clients;
Sales Promotions In addition to decreasing prices for the balance of the Contract term due to a change in market conditions, the Contractor may conduct sales promotions involving price reductions for a specified lesser period. The Contractor must submit documentation identifying the proposed: (1) starting and ending dates of the promotion, (2) commodities or contractual services involved, and (3) promotional prices compared to then-authorized prices.
Promotion A promotion shall mean the transfer of an employee to a higher level position of more responsibility as well as salary.
Temporary Promotion A. A regular, probationary or limited-term employee who is assigned on a temporary basis to a higher level vacant regular or limited-term position shall be promoted on a temporary basis to that class when such employee has been assigned to the higher class for one hundred twenty (120) consecutive regularly scheduled hours of work and the employee has been performing all of the significant duties and responsibilities of the higher class, unless the employee requests to be reassigned to his or her former class. At any time before the temporary promotion is made, such employee may request to be reassigned to his or her former class. In such a case, the employee shall be reassigned within five (5) working days. B. An agency/department may, at its option, waive the one hundred twenty (120) hour requirement when it is necessary to utilize a regular, probationary or limited-term employee in a higher level vacant regular or limited-term position for a period that is expected to be at least one hundred twenty (120) regularly scheduled hours but not to exceed eighteen (18) months. C. An employee on temporary promotion shall not be placed on promotional probation. Upon return from temporary promotion, an employee shall serve the remainder of any uncompleted probationary period in the employee's former class and shall have the step status and merit increase eligibility date he or she would have achieved if the employee had remained in the lower class throughout the period of his or her service in the higher class. D. At the end of the employee's assignment to the higher class, the employee shall have the right to return to his or her former class and agency/department. A temporary promotion shall not exceed a period of eighteen (18) months.
Salary on Promotion An employee shall be given an increase to the next higher rate in the new salary range effective on the date of promotion.
Temporary Promotions In cases of prolonged absence from duty, vacancy of an approved position, or other emergencies, the appointing authority with the consent of the Director of Human Resources or designee may, in writing, temporarily promote a Regular Hire employee when such employee is regularly required to substantially perform the full duties of a budgeted position within a higher classification for a period in excess of ten (10) days. In such cases, the employee shall be paid for all hours in paid status at the rate on the salary range of the higher classification that is closest to, but not less than five percent (5%) above his or her base hourly rate in the classification in which he/she holds regular status at the time he/she is temporarily promoted. All increases shall be rounded to the nearest whole percentage using regular rounding rules. In no event shall an employee in a temporary promotion receive more than the top step of the higher classification into which the employee is temporarily promoted. If the full time status of the classification into which the employee temporarily promotes is different from the classification in which he/she holds regular status (e.g., an employee in a classification that is 37.5 hours full time per week temporarily promotes to a classification that is 40 hours per week full time, or vice versa), the employee will continue to work the scheduled hours of his/her Regular Hire classification. An employee’s eligibility for overtime and leave accrual shall be pursuant to his/her regular classification. An employee must meet the minimum qualifications for the job class to which he/she is being temporarily promoted and must have completed the first six (6) months of his or her initial probationary period with the County. The appointing authority will notify all department employees of temporary promotional opportunities and will allow department employees five
Wage Scale The wages shown in Appendix A will be part of this Agreement.
Basic Work Week a) The basic work week of an employee working full- time shall be forty (40) hours consisting of five eight hour days; b) Daily hours of work shall be consecutive with the exception of rest and meal periods. No split shifts shall be worked; c) Employees shall not work longer than their regular, scheduled work day, unless requested to do so by Management; in which event, additional time will be paid at applicable regular or overtime rates. Employees are required to leave the store as soon as it is reasonable to do so.
Investment Promotion 1. Each Contracting Party shall promote investments in its territory by investors of the other Contracting Party and admit such investments in accordance with its legislation. 2. In particular, each Contracting Party shall permit the conclusion and the carrying out of licensing agreements and contracts for commercial, administrative or technical assistance, in so far as these activities were related to investments.
BASIC PROVISIONS A. Employer's Name: [....] Address: [....] B. The Employer is a ( ) corporation; ( ) S Corporation; ( ) partnership; ( ) Sole Proprietor; ( ) Other: [....] C. Employer's Tax ID Number: [....]