Bed and Plow Sample Clauses

Bed and Plow. Prior to planting pine seedlings in certain areas designated by the COR, the contractor will subsoil to a minimum depth of 18 inches parallel to the elevation contours and provide a minimum 4 inch planting bed atop the subsoil rip. Spacing between subsoil rips and beds will be determined by the COR.
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Related to Bed and Plow

  • Gouvernement des États-Unis Le logiciel et la documentation constituent des « Commercial Items » (éléments commerciaux), tel que ce terme est défini dans la clause 48 C.F.R. (Code of Federal Rules) §2.101, consistant en « Commercial Computer Software » (logiciel) et « Commercial Computer Software Documentation » (documentation), tels que ces termes sont utilisés dans les clauses 48 C.F.R. §12.212 ou 48 C.F.R. §227.7202. Conformément à la clause 48 C.F.R. §12.212 ou 48 C.F.R. §227.7202-1 à 227.7202-4, le « Commercial Computer Software » et le « Commercial Computer Software Documentation » sont fournis sous licence au gouvernement des États-Unis (a) uniquement comme « Commercial Items » et (b) uniquement accompagnés des droits octroyés à tous les autres utilisateurs conformément aux termes et conditions ci-inclus. Droits non publiés réservés en vertu de la législation des droits d’auteur en vigueur aux États-Unis.

  • Eindgebruikers binnen de Amerikaanse overheid De Apple software en de bijbehorende documentatie zijn “Commercial Items”, zoals omschreven in 48 C.F.R. §2.101, en bestaan uit “Commercial Computer Software” en “Commercial Computer Software Documentation”, zoals beschreven in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 of 48 C.F.R. §227.7202, afhankelijk xxx xxxxx paragraaf van toepassing is. Overeenkomstig 48 C.F.R. §12.212 of 48 C.F.R. §227.7202-1 tot en met 227.7202-4, afhankelijk xxx xxxxx paragraaf van toepassing is, xxxxxx de “Commercial Computer Software” en “Commercial Computer Software Documentation” aan eindgebruikers binnen de Amerikaanse overheid (a) alleen als “Commercial Items” in licentie gegeven en (b) alleen met de rechten die xxxxxx verleend aan alle andere eindgebruikers conform de voorwaarden die hierin xxxxxx genoemd. Ongepubliceerd: rechten voorbehouden krachtens de auteursrechtwetgeving van de Verenigde Staten.

  • Contract Number All purchase orders issued by purchasing entities within the jurisdiction of this Addendum shall include the Participating State Addendum Number: 46151504-NASPO-17-ACS. This Addendum and Master Agreement number RFP-NK-15-001 (administered by the State of Colorado) together with its exhibits, set forth the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of all previous communications, representations or agreements, whether oral or written, with respect to the subject matter hereof. Terms and conditions inconsistent with, contrary or in addition to the terms and conditions of this Addendum and the Contract, together with its exhibits, shall not be added to or incorporated into this Addendum or the Contract and its exhibits, by any subsequent purchase order or otherwise, and any such attempts to add or incorporate such terms and conditions are hereby rejected. The terms and conditions of this Addendum and the Contract and its exhibits shall prevail and govern in the case of any such inconsistent or additional terms within the Participating State.

  • New Teacher Orientation The Association shall have the opportunity to participate in the opening in-service day including speakers for the sole purpose of greeting new faculty members and informing them of the opportunities available to them through joining their professional association.

  • Platby In consideration for the services rendered by the Institute, in the Study, the Sponsor agrees to pay to the Institute according to the Budget, attached as Exhibit B hereto (the “Fee”). Jako protiplnění za služby poskytnuté Zdravotnickým zařízením při provádění Studie se Zadavatel zavazuje hradit Zdravotnickému zařízení platby podle Rozpočtu, který je ke Smlouvě přiložen jako Příloha B („Poplatek“). The Fee shall be payable for each eligible Subject properly enrolled according to the Protocol upon proper completion and delivery to the Sponsor of the Case Report Forms (the “CRF”) for each Subject. The Fees, plus VAT calculated in the legal amount, shall be the full remuneration and payment by Sponsor for all costs incurred in the course of the clinical Study. Any and all taxes or other registration charges shall be borne by the Institute. Poplatek bude splatný za každého způsobilého Účastníka, který je zařazen do Studie podle Protokolu, po řádném vyplnění a doručení Zadavateli záznamových formulářů („CRF“) za každého Účastníka. Poplatky navýšené o DPH vypočítanou v zákonné výši budou úplnou odměnou a platbou Zadavatele za všechny náklady, které vzniknou v průběhu klinické Studie. Náklady na veškeré daně nebo jiné registrační poplatky ponese Zdravotnické zařízení. The Institute will recruit a maximum of 300 Subjects into the Study. The Sponsor will not pay Fees, reimburse any expense, charge, cost, nor bear any liability to the Institute, nor to any other person or entity, in respect of any Subject in excess of the maximum number of Subjects specified in the previous sentence. Zdravotnické zařízení do Studie získá maximálně 300 Účastníků. Zadavatel nezaplatí Poplatky, neuhradí žádný výdaj, poplatek ani náklad ani neponese žádnou odpovědnost vůči Zdravotnickému zařízení ani vůči jakékoliv jiné osobě nebo subjektu, pokud jde o jakéhokoliv Účastníka nad rámec maximálního počtu Účastníků specifikovaného v předchozí větě. Fees due will be transferred by the Sponsor upon provision of a respective invoice to the following account of the Institute: Splatné Poplatky Zadavatel převede po poskytnutí příslušné faktury na následující účet Zdravotnického zařízení:

  • Framework Management Structure 2.1.1 The Supplier shall provide a suitably qualified nominated contact (the “Supplier Framework Manager”) who will take overall responsibility for delivering the Goods and/or Services required within this Framework Agreement, as well as a suitably qualified deputy to act in their absence.

  • STAFF ORIENTATION 4101 The Employer shall provide an appropriate orientation program for nurses newly employed. The orientation program shall include such essential information as policies, nursing procedures, the location of supplies and equipment, fire, safety and disaster plans. Where necessary, orientation shall be provided for nurses moving to a new area of practice. 4102 The Employer shall provide a program of inservice education for nurses pertinent to patient care. 4103 The Employer shall provide, access to reference materials as is required in relation to maintaining current knowledge of general nursing care. APPENDIX "A" - SALARIES A1. Effective April 1, 2013 - Monthly salaries include a 2% general increase. - Hourly salary is calculated as (monthly salary x 12) ÷ annual hours. Nurse Classification Annual Hours Start Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 20 Year 1 Licensed Practical Nurse 2015 Hourly 25.198 26.022 26.836 27.825 28.732 29.745 30.804 31.420 Monthly 4,231.164 4,369.528 4,506.212 4,672.281 4,824.582 4,994.681 5,172.505 5,275.942 Annual 50,773.970 52,434.330 54,074.540 56,067.375 57,894.980 59,936.175 62,070.060 63,311.300 Nurse II 2015 Hourly 32.917 34.066 35.218 36.419 37.593 38.811 39.587 Monthly 5,527.313 5,720.249 5,913.689 6,115.357 6,312.491 6,517.014 6,647.317 Annual 66,327.755 68,642.990 70,964.270 73,384.285 75,749.895 78,204.165 79,767.805 Nurse II (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 33.575 34.747 35.923 37.148 38.345 39.587 Monthly 5,637.802 5,834.600 6,032.070 6,237.768 6,438.765 6,647.317 Annual 67,653.625 70,015.205 72,384.845 74,853.220 77,265.175 79,767.805 Nurse III 2015 Hourly 34.168 35.321 36.523 37.697 38.787 39.975 41.201 42.025 Monthly 5,737.377 5,930.985 6,132.820 6,329.955 6,512.984 6,712.469 6,918.335 7,056.698 Annual 68,848.520 71,171.815 73,593.845 75,959.455 78,155.805 80,549.625 83,020.015 84,680.375 Nurse III (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 34.851 36.027 37.254 38.451 39.563 40.775 42.025 Monthly 5,852.064 6,049.534 6,255.568 6,456.564 6,643.287 6,846.802 7,056.698 Annual 70,224.765 72,594.405 75,066.810 77,478.765 79,719.445 82,161.625 84,680.375 Nurse IV 2015 Hourly 35.340 36.649 37.959 39.387 41.024 42.612 44.273 45.158 Monthly 5,934.175 6,153.978 6,373.949 6,613.734 6,888.613 7,155.265 7,434.175 7,582.781 Annual 71,210.100 73,847.735 76,487.385 79,364.805 82,663.360 85,863.180 89,210.095 90,993.370 Nurse IV (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 36.047 37.382 38.718 40.175 41.844 43.464 45.158 Monthly 6,052.892 6,277.061 6,501.398 6,746.052 7,026.305 7,298.330 7,582.781 Annual 72,634.705 75,324.730 78,016.770 80,952.625 84,315.660 87,579.960 90,993.370 Nurse V 2015 Hourly 37.305 38.733 40.369 41.957 43.690 45.388 47.157 48.100 Monthly 6,264.131 6,503.916 6,778.628 7,045.280 7,336.279 7,621.402 7,918.446 8,076.792 Annual 75,169.575 78,046.995 81,343.535 84,543.355 88,035.350 91,456.820 95,021.355 96,921.500 Nurse V (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 38.051 39.508 41.177 42.797 44.564 46.296 48.100 Monthly 6,389.397 6,634.052 6,914.305 7,186.330 7,483.038 7,773.870 8,076.792 Annual 76,672.765 79,608.620 82,971.655 86,235.955 89,796.460 93,286.440 96,921.500 Nurse Practitioner 2015 Hourly 42.515 45.635 47.511 49.385 51.408 52.437 Monthly 7,138.977 7,662.877 7,977.889 8,292.565 8,632.260 8,805.046 Annual 85,667.725 91,954.525 95,734.665 99,510.775 103,587.120 105,660.555 Nurse Practitioner (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 43.365 46.548 48.461 50.373 52.437 Monthly 7,281.706 7,816.185 8,137.410 8,458.466 8,805.046 Annual 87,380.475 93,794.220 97,648.915 101,501.595 105,660.555 Weekend Worker Rates Annual Hours Start Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 20 Year 1 Weekend Worker - Licensed Practical Nurse 2015 Hourly 28.977 29.925 30.861 31.999 33.042 34.206 35.425 36.133 Monthly 4,865.721 5,024.906 5,182.076 5,373.165 5,548.303 5,743.758 5,948.448 6,067.333 Annual 58,388.655 60,298.875 62,184.915 64,477.985 66,579.630 68,925.090 71,381.375 72,807.995 Weekend Worker - Nurse II 2015 Hourly 37.855 39.176 40.501 41.882 43.232 44.633 45.526 Monthly 6,356.485 6,578.303 6,800.793 7,032.686 7,259.373 7,494.625 7,644.574 Annual 76,277.825 78,939.640 81,609.515 84,392.230 87,112.480 89,935.495 91,734.890 Weekend Worker - Nurse II (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 38.612 39.959 41.311 42.720 44.097 45.526 Monthly 6,483.598 6,709.782 6,936.805 7,173.400 7,404.621 7,644.574 Annual 77,803.180 80,517.385 83,241.665 86,080.800 88,855.455 91,734.890 Weekend Worker - Nurse III 2015 Hourly 39.293 40.619 42.002 43.352 44.605 45.971 47.381 48.329 Monthly 6,597.950 6,820.607 7,052.836 7,279.523 7,489.923 7,719.297 7,956.060 8,115.245 Annual 79,175.395 81,847.285 84,634.030 87,354.280 89,879.075 92,631.565 95,472.715 97,382.935 Weekend Worker - Nurse III (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 40.079 41.431 42.842 44.219 45.497 46.891 48.329 Monthly 6,729.932 6,956.955 7,193.886 7,425.107 7,639.705 7,873.780 8,115.245 Annual 80,759.185 83,483.465 86,326.630 89,101.285 91,676.455 94,485.365 97,382.935 Weekend Worker - Nurse IV 2015 Hourly 40.641 42.146 43.653 45.295 47.177 49.003 50.914 51.932 Monthly 6,824.301 7,077.016 7,330.066 7,605.785 7,921.805 8,228.420 8,549.309 8,720.248 Annual 81,891.615 84,924.190 87,960.795 91,269.425 95,061.655 98,741.045 102,591.710 104,642.980 Weekend Worker - Nurse IV (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 41.454 42.989 44.526 46.201 48.121 49.983 51.932 Monthly 6,960.818 7,218.570 7,476.658 7,757.918 8,080.318 8,392.979 8,720.248 Annual 83,529.810 86,622.835 89,719.890 93,095.015 96,963.815 100,715.745 104,642.980 Weekend Worker - Nurse V 2015 Hourly 42.900 44.543 46.425 48.251 50.244 52.196 54.230 55.315 Monthly 7,203.625 7,479.512 7,795.531 8,102.147 8,436.805 8,764.578 9,106.121 9,288.310 Annual 86,443.500 89,754.145 93,546.375 97,225.765 101,241.660 105,174.940 109,273.450 111,459.725 Weekend Worker - Nurse V (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 43.758 45.434 47.353 49.216 51.249 53.240 55.315 Monthly 7,347.698 7,629.126 7,951.358 8,264.187 8,605.561 8,939.883 9,288.310 Annual 88,172.370 91,549.510 95,416.295 99,170.240 103,266.735 107,278.600 111,459.725 1 Eligibility for the 20 Year increment is determined in accordance w ith Article 2105.

  • Sincerely, s/ Xxxx Xxxxx ---------------------------------------- Xxxx Xxxxx Senior Vice President ING Investors Trust ING Mutual Funds ING Variable Insurance Trust ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: The Bank of New York By: /s/ Xxxxxx X. XxXxxx --------------------------------- Name: Xxxxxx X. XxXxxx Title: Managing Director, Duly Authorized 0000 X. Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Tel: 000-000-0000 ING Investors Trust Scottsdale, AZ 00000-0000 Fax: 000-000-0000 ING Mutual Funds ING Variable Insurance Trust AMENDED EXHIBIT A FUND EFFECTIVE DATE ---- ------------------ ING CORPORATE LEADERS TRUST FUND ING Corporate Leaders Trust - Series A May 17, 2004 ING Corporate Leaders Trust - Series B May 17, 2004 ING EQUITY TRUST ING Convertible Fund June 9, 2003 ING Disciplined LargeCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Financial Services Fund June 9, 2003 ING Fundamental Research Fund December 28, 2005 ING LargeCap Growth Fund June 9, 2003 ING LargeCap Value Fund February 1, 2004 ING MidCap Opportunities Fund June 9, 2003 ING MidCap Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING MidCap Value Fund June 9, 2003 ING Opportunistic LargeCap Fund December 28, 2005 ING Principal Protection Fund June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund II June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund III June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund IV June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund V June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VI June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VII May 1, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VIII October 1, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund IX February 2, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund X May 3, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XI August 16, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XII November 15, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XIII TBD ING Principal Protection Fund XIV TBD ING Real Estate Fund June 9, 2003 ING SmallCap Opportunities Fund June 9, 2003 ING SmallCap Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING SmallCap Value Fund June 9, 2003 ING FUNDS TRUST ING Classic Money Market Fund April 7, 2003 ING GNMA Income Fund April 7, 2003 ING High Yield Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING Institutional Prime Money Market Fund July 29, 2005 ING Intermediate Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING National Tax-Exempt Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING GET FUND ING GET Fund - Series N July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series P July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series Q July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series R July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series S July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series T July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series U July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series V March 13, 2003 ING GLOBAL EQUITY DIVIDEND AND PREMIUM OPPORTUNITY FUND March 28, 2005 ING GLOBAL ADVANTAGE AND PREMIUM OPPORTUNITY FUND October 27, 2005 ING INVESTMENT FUNDS, INC. ING MagnaCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING INVESTORS TRUST ING AllianceBernstein Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING American Funds Growth Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING American Funds International Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING Capital Guardian Small/Mid Cap Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Capital Guardian U.S. Equities Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Disciplined Small Cap Value Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Eagle Asset Capital Appreciation Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING EquitiesPlus Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Evergreen Health Sciences Portfolio May 3, 2004 ING Evergreen Omega Portfolio May 3, 2004 ING FMR(SM) Diversified Mid Cap Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING FMR(SM) Earnings Growth Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING FMR(SM) Equity Income Portfolio July 17, 2006 ING Franklin Income Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Global Real Estate Portfolio January 3, 2006 ING Global Resources Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Tollkeeper(SM) Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING International Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Janus Contrarian Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Small Cap Equity Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Value Opportunities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Xxxxxx Xxxx Foreign Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners All Cap Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Value Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING LifeStyle Aggressive Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Moderate Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Moderate Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Liquid Assets Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Lord Xxxxxx Affiliated Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING MarketPro Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Growth Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Moderate Growth Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Moderate Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxx International Opportunities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Mercury Large Cap Growth Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Mercury Large Cap Value Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING MFS Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING MFS Total Return Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING MFS Utilities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Main Street Portfolio(R) January 13, 2003 ING PIMCO Core Bond Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING PIMCO High Yield Portfolio November 5, 2003 ING Pioneer Equity Income Portfolio July 17, 2006 ING Pioneer Fund Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Pioneer Mid Cap Value Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Stock Index Portfolio November 5, 2003 ING X. Xxxx Price Capital Appreciation Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING X. Xxxx Price Equity Income Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxxxx Global Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING UBS U.S. Allocation Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Equity Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Global Franchise Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Growth and Income Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Real Estate Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING VP Index Plus International Equity Portfolio July 29, 2005 ING Xxxxx Fargo Mid Cap Disciplined Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxxxx Fargo Small Cap Disciplined Portfolio November 30, 2005 ING MAYFLOWER TRUST ING International Value Fund November 3, 2003 ING MUTUAL FUNDS ING Diversified International Fund December 7, 2005 ING Emerging Countries Fund November 3, 2003 ING Emerging Markets Fixed Income Fund December 7, 2005 ING Foreign Fund July 1, 2003 ING Global Bond Fund June 19, 2006 ING Global Equity Dividend Fund September 2, 2003 ING Global Real Estate Fund November 3, 2003 ING Global Value Choice Fund November 3, 2003 ING Greater China Fund December 7, 2005 ING Index Plus International Equity Fund December 7, 2005 ING International Capital Appreciation Fund December 7, 2005 ING International Fund November 3, 2003 ING International Real Estate Fund February 28, 2006 ING International SmallCap Fund November 3, 2003 ING International Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING Precious Metals Fund November 3, 2003 ING Russia Fund November 3, 2003 ING PARTNERS, INC. ING American Century Large Company Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING American Century Select Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING American Century Small-Mid Cap Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Baron Asset Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Baron Small Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Columbia Small Cap Value II Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Xxxxx Venture Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Contrafund(R) Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Equity-Income Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Growth Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Mid Cap Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fundamental Research Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx(R) Capital Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx(R) Structured Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING JPMorgan International Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING JPMorgan Mid Cap Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners Aggressive Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners Large Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Lord Xxxxxx U.S. Government Securities Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING MFS Capital Opportunities Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Partners Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Regency Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING OpCap Balanced Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Global Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Strategic Income Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING PIMCO Total Return Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Pioneer High Yield Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Solution 2015 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2025 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2035 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2045 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution Income Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING X. Xxxx Price Diversified Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING X. Xxxx Price Growth Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Foreign Equity Portfolio November 30, 2005 ING UBS U.S. Large Cap Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Equity and Income Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING SERIES FUND, INC. Brokerage Cash Reserves June 2, 2003 ING 130/30 Fundamental Research Fund April 28, 2006 ING Aeltus Money Market Fund June 2, 2003 ING Balanced Fund June 2, 2003 ING Equity Income Fund June 9, 2003 ING Global Science and Technology Fund June 2, 2003 ING Growth Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus LargeCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus MidCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus SmallCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING International Growth Fund November 3, 2003 ING Small Company Fund June 9, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Conservative Fund June 2, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Growth Fund June 2, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Moderate Fund June 2, 2003 ING STRATEGIC ALLOCATION PORTFOLIOS, INC. ING VP Strategic Allocation Conservative Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Strategic Allocation Growth Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Strategic Allocation Moderate Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE FUNDS ING VP Growth and Income Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE INSURANCE TRUST ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 1 June 13, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 2 September 12, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 3 December 12, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 4 March 12, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 5 June 11, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 6 September 10, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 7 December 10, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 8 March 9, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 9 June 8, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 10 September 7, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 11 December 6, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 12 March 2, 2006 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 13 June 22, 2006 ING VP Global Equity Dividend Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VARIABLE PORTFOLIOS, INC. ING VP Global Science and Technology Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Growth Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus LargeCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus MidCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus SmallCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP International Equity Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VP Small Company Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Value Opportunity Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE PRODUCTS TRUST ING VP Financial Services Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING VP High Yield Bond Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP International Value Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VP LargeCap Growth Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING XX XxxXxx Opportunities Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP Real Estate Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING VP SmallCap Opportunities Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP BALANCED PORTFOLIO, INC. July 7, 2003 ING VP INTERMEDIATE BOND PORTFOLIO July 7, 2003 ING VP MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO July 7, 2003 ING VP NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST October 6, 2003

  • Name of Xxxxx(s) 2. The named person's role in the firm, and

  • CONTRACT NAME The name of this contract is Prepaid Mental Health Plan - Four Corners Community Behavioral Health Inc.

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