BID PRICE ADJUSTMENTS. A. When a major item is increased to more than 125% or decreased below 75% of the original quantity stated on the Bid Schedule, the unit Bid price shall be modified by written change order. Payment for major items shall be calculated by multiplying the actual quantity placed by the modified Bid price.
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BID PRICE ADJUSTMENTS. ⬜ a. Adjustment of the number of occupation units served and the number of containers Each year, on the anniversary date of the Contract: • The number of occupation units served as indicated in the price schedule will be adjusted and will be applicable for the next twelve (12) months; • The number of containers as indicated in the price schedule will be adjusted and will be applicable for the next twelve (12) months.


  • Price Adjustments 17.1 Prices for Goods/Services supplied in terms of this Agreement shall be subject to review as indicated in the Schedule of Requirements/Works Order annexed hereto.

  • Price Adjustment Civil works contracts of long duration (more than 18 months) shall contain an appropriate price adjustment clause.

  • Purchase Price Adjustment Attached hereto as Schedule 2.4 is a balance sheet reflecting the Working Capital of the Business and the Purchased Assets as of March 31, 2001, as agreed upon by Buyer and the Seller Parties. At least five (5) Business Days prior to Closing, (i) the Seller Parties shall cause to be delivered to Buyer a detailed written determination of the estimated Closing Date balance sheet reflecting the Working Capital of the Business and the Purchased Assets as of the Closing (the "Estimated Closing Date Balance Sheet") which estimate shall be attached as an Exhibit to the closing statement prepared by the Buyer and the Sellers with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby (the "Closing Statement"), and (ii) the Buyer and the Sellers shall estimate by mutual agreement the amount of the adjustment to the Closing Date Purchase Price as of the Closing Date based upon any difference equal to or greater than five percent (5%) between the Schedule 2.4 and the Estimated Closing Date Balance Sheet other than differences arising in the ordinary course consistent with past practice, and including with respect to the payment of payables only those which are current (within 30 days) (such estimated amount is referred to herein as the "Estimated Amount"). Within sixty (60) days after the Closing Date, Buyer shall prepare and deliver to Sellers a determination (the "Determination") of the actual amount of the adjustment to the Closing Date Purchase Price (which actual amount is referred to herein as the "Preliminary Actual Amount"), including the basis for such Determination set forth in reasonable detail, prepared in accordance with the items included in Schedule 2.4 and the Estimated Closing Date Balance Sheet. If, within thirty (30) days after the date on which the Determination is delivered to Sellers, Sellers shall not have given written notice to Buyer setting forth in reasonable detail any objection of Sellers to such Determination, then such Determination shall be final and binding upon the Parties and the Preliminary Actual Amount shall be deemed the "Final Actual Amount". In the event that Sellers give written notice of any objection to such Determination within such 30-day period, Buyer and Sellers shall use all reasonable efforts to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) business days following the receipt by Buyer of such written notice from the Sellers. If the Parties are unable to reach an agreement as to the actual adjustment to the Closing Date Purchase Price within such 30-day period, the matter shall be submitted to a mutually agreed upon "big five" certified public accounting firm (the "Settlement Accountant") for determination of the Final Actual Amount to be made within 45 days after submission, and the determination of the Settlement Accountant shall be final and binding upon Buyer and the Seller Parties. Buyer and Sellers shall contribute equally to all costs (including fees and expenses charged by the Settlement Accountant) in connection with the resolution of any such dispute. If the Final Actual Amount is higher than the Estimated Amount so that the Consideration paid to Sellers pursuant to Section 2.1 should have been reduced at the Closing, then such amount shall be deemed to be Indemnifiable Damages under Article X hereof and Buyer may set off against and recoup from any Cash Holdback Amount the difference between the Final Actual Amount and the Estimated Amount or take any other action or exercise any other remedy available to it by appropriate legal proceedings to recover such amount.

  • ECONOMIC PRICE ADJUSTMENT is the adjustment to the Aircraft Basic Price (Base Airframe, Engine and Special Features) as calculated pursuant to Exhibit D.

  • Contract Price Adjustment The basis upon which the Contract Price shall be adjusted is as set out in paragraph 9.2 of Schedule IVB.

  • Wage Adjustments If the funding available to be used for wages provided by Government in any fiscal year increases, the Employer shall pass on such increases to employees consistent with the funding increase adjusted for any additional deficits that this contract incurs. This will be the case whether the funding increase is for the entire year or simply a portion of it, and wage increases shall be effective upon the effective date of the increased funding. Should there be no increase provided by Government, wages will be maintained at their present levels. Should there be a decrease in funding, then the Employer will maintain wages at present levels. The Employer will promptly provide the Union with any information it receives from the Government regarding funding available for wages, and the parties will meet as required to work towards cooperative resolution of any issues arising from this Government information.

  • EQUITY ADJUSTMENTS The parties subscribe to the principle of equal pay for work of equal value. The parties will continue to move towards the mutual goal of the Community Social Services Sector achieving the objectives set out in Sections A(1), (2) and (3) above, as follows:

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