Break in Service No absence under any paid leave provisions of this Article shall be considered as a break in service for any employee who is in paid status, and all benefits accruing under the provisions of this Agreement shall continue to accrue under such absence.
Breaks in Service An employee’s seniority record shall be broken by voluntary resignation, discharge, reduction in force, or retirement. Should an employee laid off return to work within one year, the seniority will pick up from the date of return. Seniority rights will be forfeited if a continuous period of layoff exceeds one year. Should an employee leave his/her assignment in this bargaining unit for another position with the district, the seniority will be frozen. Should an employee return to this bargaining unit, seniority shall continue from the seniority level previously attained.
Year of Service An Employee must complete at least Hours of Service during a Vesting Computation Period to receive credit for a Year of Service under Article V. [Note: The number may not exceed 1,000. If left blank, the requirement is 1,000.]
HOUR OF SERVICE The crediting method for Hours of Service is: (Choose (a) or (b)) (a) The actual method. (b) The ____________________________ equivalency method, except:
Hours of Service The minimum number of Hours of Service an Employee must complete during a vesting computation period to receive credit for a Year of Service is: (Choose (c) or (d)) [X] (c) 1,000 Hours of Service.