By Idorsia Sample Clauses

By Idorsia. Subject to Section 9.3 (Procedure), Idorsia shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Institution and its officers, directors, trustees, employees contractors and agents and Investigator (the "Institution Indemnitees"), from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, court costs and expenses paid to third parties (including reasonable attorneys' fees) (collectively "Liabilities") as a result of a claim, action, or suit, in each case brought by a third party (each, a "Claim") made or filed against the Institution Indemnitees by reason of personal injury, including death, to any person, or damage to property, arising out of, or caused directly by, the Study Drug or its use in accordance with the Protocol; except in each case to the extent such liability arises from the Subject's underlying illness, or any diagnosis, treatment or therapeutic measures not specifically required by the Protocol, and in each case to the extent that Institution is obligated to indemnify Idorsia for such Claims under Section 9.2 (By Institution) below. 9.1
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By Idorsia. Subject to Section 9.3 (Proce- dure), Idorsia shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Institution and its officers, di- rectors, trustees, employees contractors and agents and Investigator (the "Institution In- demnitees"), from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, court costs and expenses paid to third parties (including rea- sonable attorneys' fees) (collectively "Liabili- ties") as a result of a claim, action, or suit, in each case brought by a third party (each, a "Claim") made or filed against the Institution Indemnitees by reason of personal injury, in- cluding death, to any person, or damage to property, arising out of, or caused directly by, the Study Drug or its use in accordance with the Protocol; except in each case to the ex- tent such liability arises from the Subject's un- derlying illness, or any diagnosis, treatment or therapeutic measures not specifically re- quired by the Protocol or procedure demon- strated in accordance with the Protocol, and in each case to the extent that Institution is obligated to indemnify Idorsia for such Claims under Section 9.2 (By Institution) below. 9.1
By Idorsia. Subject to Section 9.3 (Proce- dure), Idorsia shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Institution and its officers, di- rectors, trustees, employees contractors and agents and Investigator (the "Institution In- demnitees"), from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, court costs and 9.1 Ze strany společnosti Idorsia. V souladu s ustanoveními článku 9.3 (Postup) společnost Idorsia odškodní, obhájí a převezme odpovědnost za Zdravotnické zařízení a jeho funkcionáře, členy před- stavenstva, správce, zaměstnance, doda- vatele a zástupce a za Zkoušejícího (xxxx expenses paid to third parties (including rea- sonable attorneys' fees) (collectively "Liabili- ties") as a result of a claim, action, or suit, in each case brought by a third party (each, a "Claim") made or filed against the Institution Indemnitees by reason of personal injury, in- cluding death, to any person, or damage to property, arising out of, or caused directly by, the Study Drug or its use in accordance with the Protocol; except in each case to the ex- tent such liability arises from the Subject's un- derlying illness, or any diagnosis, treatment or therapeutic measures not specifically re- quired by the Protocol, and in each case to the extent that Institution is obligated to in- demnify Idorsia for such Claims under Sec- tion 9.2 (By Institution) below. označované xxx xxxx „Osoby odškodňo- vané Zdravotnickým zařízením“) ve vzt- ahu k veškerým ztrátám, škodám, zá- vazkům, soudním nákladům a výdajům hra- zeným třetím osobám (včetně přiměřených poplatků za právní zastoupení) (xxxx souhrnně označované xxx xxxx „Závazky“) v důsledku nároku, žaloby nebo soudního sporu, v jednotlivých případech vznesených nebo podaných třetí osobou (každý z xxxx xxxx označovaný xxx xxxx „Nárok“) proti Osobě odškodňované Zdravotnickým zařízením z důvodu újmy na zdraví (včetně úmrtí) jakékoli osoby, případně z důvodu škody na majetku, vzniklých v důsledku užívání Hodnoceného přípravku nebo způsobených přímo užíváním Hodnocen- ého přípravku v souladu s Protokolem; v každém případě s výjimkou v rozsahu, v němž taková odpovědnost či závazek vznikne z důvodu základní nemoci nebo z důvodu jakékoli diagnózy, léčby nebo léčebných opatření, které Protokol konkré- tně nevyžaduje, a v každém případě v rozsahu, v xxxx xx Zdravotnické zařízení povinno odškodnit společnost Idorsia za ta- kové Nároky v souladu s ustanoveními článku 9.2 (Ze strany Zdravotnického zařízení) níže.
By Idorsia. Subject to Section 9.3 (Proce- dure), Idorsia shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Institution and its officers, di- rectors, trustees, employees contractors and agents and Investigator (the "Idorsia Indem- nitees"), from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, court costs and expenses paid to third parties (including rea- sonable attorneys' fees) (collectively "Liabil- ities") as a result of a claim, action, or suit, in each case brought by a third party (each, a "Claim") made or filed against the Idorsia Indemnitees by reason of personal injury, in- cluding death, to any person, or damage to property, arising out of, or caused directly by, the Study Drug or as a result of the proce- dure under the Protocol or its use in accord- ance with the Protocol or Protocol proce- dure; except in each case to the extent such liability arises from the Subject's underlying illness, or any diagnosis, treatment or thera- peutic measures not specifically required by the Protocol, and in each case to the extent that Institution is obligated to indemnify Idorsia for such Claims under Section 9.2 (By Institution) below. 9.1

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