Capacity Building 1. Contractor will work in partnership with AOD to study the viability of billing under Drug Medi-Cal and 3rd party payer. 2. Contractor will document and track consumers who are CalWORKS eligible.
Construction Phase Services 3.1.1 – Basic Construction Services
As-Built Drawings Within thirty (30) Days of the successful completion of the Acceptance Test, Seller shall provide for Company review a set of the proposed as‑built drawings for the Company-Owned Interconnection Facilities constructed by Seller (and/or its Contractors). Within thirty (30) Days of Company's receipt of the proposed as‑built drawings, Company shall provide Seller with either (i) its comments on the proposed as‑built drawings or (ii) notice of acceptance of the proposed as‑built drawings as final as‑built drawings. If Company provides comments on the proposed as‑built drawings, Seller shall incorporate such comments into a final set of as‑built drawings and provide such final as‑built drawings to Company within twenty (20) Days of Seller's receipt of Company's comments.
Interconnection Facilities 4.1.1 The Interconnection Customer shall pay for the cost of the Interconnection Facilities itemized in Attachment 2 of this Agreement. The NYISO, in consultation with the Connecting Transmission Owner, shall provide a best estimate cost, including overheads, for the purchase and construction of its Interconnection Facilities and provide a detailed itemization of such costs. Costs associated with Interconnection Facilities may be shared with other entities that may benefit from such facilities by agreement of the Interconnection Customer, such other entities, the NYISO, and the Connecting Transmission Owner. 4.1.2 The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for its share of all reasonable expenses, including overheads, associated with (1) owning, operating, maintaining, repairing, and replacing its own Interconnection Facilities, and
Project Schedule Construction must begin within 30 days of the date set forth in Appendix A, Page 2, for the start of construction, or this Agreement may become null and void, at the sole discretion of the Director. However, the Recipient may apply to the Director in writing for an extension of the date to initiate construction. The Recipient shall specify the reasons for the delay in the start of construction and provide the Director with a new start of construction date. The Director will review such requests for extensions and may extend the start date, providing that the Project can be completed within a reasonable time frame.
Interconnection Customer Drawings Within one hundred twenty (120) days after the date of Initial Operation, unless the Interconnection Parties agree on another mutually acceptable deadline, the Interconnection Customer shall deliver to the Transmission Provider and the Interconnected Transmission Owner final, “as-built” drawings, information and documents regarding the Customer Interconnection Facilities, including, as and to the extent applicable: a one-line diagram, a site plan showing the Customer Facility and the Customer Interconnection Facilities, plan and elevation drawings showing the layout of the Customer Interconnection Facilities, a relay functional diagram, relaying AC and DC schematic wiring diagrams and relay settings for all facilities associated with the Interconnection Customer's step-up transformers, the facilities connecting the Customer Facility to the step-up transformers and the Customer Interconnection Facilities, and the impedances (determined by factory tests) for the associated step-up transformers and the Customer Facility. As applicable, the Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider and the Interconnected Transmission Owner specifications for the excitation system, automatic voltage regulator, Customer Facility control and protection settings, transformer tap settings, and communications.
Verizon OSS Facilities Any gateways, interfaces, databases, facilities, equipment, software, or systems, used by Verizon to provide Verizon OSS Services to CBB.
Additional Work If changes in the work seem merited by Consultant or the City, and informal consultations with the other party indicate that a change is warranted, it shall be processed in the following manner: a letter outlining the changes shall be forwarded to the City by Consultant with a statement of estimated changes in fee or time schedule. An amendment to this Agreement shall be prepared by the City and executed by both Parties before performance of such services, or the City will not be required to pay for the changes in the scope of work. Such amendment shall not render ineffective or invalidate unaffected portions of this Agreement.
Workloads The parties agree to the following provisions relating to faculty members' workload. (a) The registration limits for all courses currently offered by the Employer in the academic, career and technology areas are 35 unless established by practice as lower, excepting multiple sections where the limit is the correct multiple of the number of sections involved. (b) The registration limits for English are as follows: (i) Writing and Composition Courses - 25 (ii) Writing Skills -17 (iii) Creative Writing - 22
Work Load The professional obligation of academic employees comprises both scheduled and non-scheduled activities. The Guild and the District recognize that it is part of the professional responsibility of faculty to carry out their duties in an appropriate manner and place. As part of this responsibility faculty are expected to play an important role in the recruitment and retention of students, campus and departmental governance, program review, accreditation, planning and mentoring. Faculty commitment to retention will be demonstrated by informing students that they are to talk with the instructor prior to dropping the course. Faculty are encouraged to include a statement to this effect in their course syllabi. While it is understood that course syllabi content falls within the purview of the individual faculty member’s academic freedom, the parties also understand that items required to be part of syllabi in order to maintain college or continuing education accreditation must also be included. Tenured/tenure-track faculty who have less than a full-time contract are not eligible to work any additional assignments including long-term substitution (day-to-day substitution is allowed provided the limits specified in Section are not exceeded). Faculty assignments shall be made in the following priority order: Tenured/tenure-track, pro- rata, overload, Priority of Assignment (POA) adjunct faculty assignments, then non-POA adjunct faculty.