Cartan divisors Sample Clauses

Cartan divisors. ‌ The Cartan divisors comprise the components of z = 0 in the resolved geometry z = ζ235ζ2 ζ3δ5δ2δ7ζ12347z1 = 0 . (4.2.18) We now identify these with negative simple roots of E6 as well as the root −α0 corre- sponding to the extended node of the affine E6 Dynkin diagram. The classes are7 Defining Section z1 = 0 δ5 = 0 δ6 = 0 ζ4 = 0 ζ346 = 0 ζ235 = 0 ζ12347 = 0 Locus in Y˜4 Class in Y˜4 Label δ y − ζ 2 235 ζ346ζ12347x3 = 0 6 6 235 346 b δ ζ −b4ζ4ζ346 + b3y7 − δ5ζ346 = 0 b3ζ12347 + δ5δ6 = 0 δ5 + b3ζ12347 = 0 δ7 = 0 S − E1 E5 E6 E4 E3 − E4 − E6 E2 − E3 − E5 E7 D−α 0 −b δ ζ ζ − b4ζ235ζ346x2 + b3y7 = 0 D−α1 3 7 12347 7 346 12347 y − ζ ζ x + δ δ y = 0 D−α2 D−α 3 D−α4 D−α5 D−α6 (4.2.19) The labeling is consistent with the standard ordering of roots of E6. The intersection of the Cartan divisors reproduces indeed the extended Cartan matrix of E6, with z1 = 0 playing the role of the affine root, and the intersections are diagramatically depicted below: [z1] [ζ12347] [δ5] [δ6] [ζ4] [ζ346] [ζ235]
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  • Teams One team for the purposes of the Event shall consist of one Vehicle. Each Vehicle can contain a maximum of three Team Members, provided such Team Members have entered into a Team Entry Agreement with the Company or have otherwise agreed in writing to participate in the Event upon and subject to the Terms of Entry and the Event Rules. For the avoidance of doubt, it is the sole responsibility of each Team to inform themselves of the maximum numbers of persons legally permitted to travel in the Vehicle under Relevant Law. Vehicles: Rickshaws The Company shall provide each Team with the contact details of the Approved Hirer who will be able to provide each Team with a Vehicle for use in the Event, subject to the Team entering into an agreement (the “Borrowing Agreementâ€) with the Hirer outlining the terms of use of the Vehicle. Should the Vehicle not be delivered to the Designated Finish Point up to 3 days after the date of the official Finish Line Party, then the team will be liable for either the cost to retrieve the Vehicle and/or the "Hire Costs" beyond this date. Each Vehicle will be of a similar specification to that outlined in Schedule 4 to the Team Entry Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company shall make no representations or warranties as to the suitability of the Approved Hirer or of the Vehicle for participation in the Event and any rights or warranties which a Team may have or be granted in relation to the Vehicle shall be limited to those contained in the Rental Agreement or implied by any Relevant Law.

  • Coordinators The contractor shall assign coordinators as needed to coordinate At-Sea Monitor deployment and provide At-Sea Monitor support services. The coordinator shall be designated as key personnel under this contract (per section H.8). All coordinators are required to maintain current At-Sea Monitor Certification. Ensure that all key personnel attend any refresher trainings for At-Sea Monitors. For a specific job description see Section J, Attachment 2, Labor Category Classifications and Job Descriptions.

  • LABOUR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS 30.01 A Labour/Management Relations Committee shall be appointed, consisting of a maximum of two (2) Shop Stewards from the Union, and a maximum of two (2) representatives from the Co-operative. The full-time Union Representative may also attend these meetings from time to time. The Committee shall meet at the request of either party, for the purpose of discussing matters of mutual concern. Time spent by bargaining unit employees in carrying out the functions of this Committee shall be considered as time worked and shall be paid for by the Co-operative. The Committee shall not have jurisdiction to interpret and/or amend the Collective Agreement.

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