Certification of Contractor Sample Clauses
Certification of Contractor. The Contractor shall certify, over his own signature, that the Work provided for by the Contract Documents has been completed under the terms and conditions thereof, and that the entire balance of the contract is due and payable.
Certification of Contractor. DRA, & Department
Certification of Contractor. In response to the solicitation, I, the undersigned representative of the named contractor, hereby certify and represent as follows --
Certification of Contractor. CONTRACTOR hereby certifies that CONTRACTOR has not employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee, or other consideration, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for CONTRACTOR) to solicit or secure this Contract. CONTRACTOR further certifies that CONTRACTOR has not agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this Contract, to employ or retain the services of any firm or person in connection with carrying out this Contract. CONTRACTOR has not paid, or agreed to pay, to any firm, organization, or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for CONTRACTOR) any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration of any kind for, or in connection with, procuring or carrying out this Contract. No member or delegate to the Congress of the United States shall be admitted to any share or part of this Contract or to any benefit arising therefrom.
Certification of Contractor. A. “I, (Contractor) (Title) certify under penalty of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, no regular full-time or part- time employee of any State agency of the State of Arkansas will receive any personal, direct or indirect monetary benefits which would be in violation of the law as a result of the execution of this contract.” Where the contractor is a widely-held public corporation, the term ‘direct or indirect monetary benefits’ “shall not apply to any regular corporate dividends paid to a stockholder of said corporation who is also a State employee and who owns less than ten percent (10%) of the total outstanding stock of the contracting corporation.”
B. List any other contracts or subcontracts you have with any other state government entities. (Not applicable to contracts between Arkansas state agencies.)
C. Are you currently engaged in any legal controversies with any state agencies or represent any clients engaged in any controversy with any Arkansas state agency?
D. The contractor agrees to list below, or on an attachment hereto, names, addresses, and relationship of those persons who will be supplying services to the state agency at the time of the execution of the contract. If the names are not known at the time of the execution of the contract, the contractor shall submit the names along with the other information as they become known. Such persons shall, for all purposes, be employees or independent contractors operating under the control of the contractor (sub- contractors), and nothing herein shall be construed to create an employment relationship between the agencies and the persons listed below. NAME RELATIONSHIP
E. The agency shall exercise no managerial responsibilities over the contractor or his employees. In carrying out this contract, it is expressly agreed that there is no employment relationship between the contracting parties.
Certification of Contractor. Calculation of Compensation, as applicable;
Certification of Contractor. Sections A, B and C apply to all service contracts. Sections D and E apply to Professional and Consulting Services contracts only.
Certification of Contractor. Proof of professional registration for relevant project personnel assigned to this project.
Certification of Contractor. The State has no managerial responsibilities over the Contractor or Contractor’s employees. In carrying out this contract, Contractor understands and represents that there is no employment relationship between the contracting parties. Pursuant to Arkansas law, a vendor must certify as specified below and as designated by the applicable laws.
Certification of Contractor. Contractor must include on the invoice the following statement signed by an authorized company representative: This is to certify that the services set forth hereinwere performedduring the period stated. Contractor’s Authorized Representative Date 5.2.5 FDIC Review If errors are found on the invoices, the invoices will be returned to Contractor. When error-free invoices are received, the invoices will be processed for payment. Any discrepancies in the invoices will be resolved between the Contracting Officer and Contractor PRIOR to approval of the invoice by the FDIC. The Oversight Manager will review each invoice for reasonableness and accuracy prior to approving the invoice for payment.