Chorus. The term "Chorus," "Chorus member," "member of the Chorus”, "Actor engaged under a Chorus contract" and "Chorus performer" shall include Actors engaged under Chorus contracts and/or Actors actually performing Chorus work, as may be determined by Equity.
Chorus. A group of singers, dancers, mime artists or other performers who perform a single work together.
Chorus. This is a Year-Round position. The Chorus advisor must be a highly qualified instructor in choral music. The chorus advisor will direct the choir and concerts, competitions and community events. Knowledge Bowl – This is a Seasonal Position. All advisors must be certified teachers. Knowledge Bowl will have two co-advisors for high school and one advisor for junior high. The Knowledge Bowl advisors will advertise, organize teams, communicate with parents, hold regular practices, request transportation and coach teams at up to 4 meets (for high school, this includes regionals as part of the regular season). The junior high advisor supervises about 30 students. The high school advisors supervise between 70-90 students. There is an advisor and an assistant for this position.
Chorus. All ARTISTS shall be paid bi-weekly beginning on the Friday in the week following the first week of employment between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and between the hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m, except for ARTIST(S) final week of employment when he/she will receive his/her pay at the half hour of his/her final performance of the week. If an ARTIST is not rehearsing during the regularly scheduled pay day or during "pay hours", he/she can receive his/her pay between the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. of any evening on which there is a performance.
Chorus. (A) Whenever a Play or Musical with a Chorus is produced, a minimum number of the Equity company (not including Stage Managers or non- performing Understudies) shall be engaged on an Equity Chorus contract and actually perform Chorus work (see Rule 24(G), EQUITY SPECIAL PROVISIONS). The minimum number of Equity Chorus required is:
Chorus. The term “Chorus,” “Chorus member,” “member of the Chorus,” “Actor engaged on a Chorus contract” and “Chorus Actor” shall include any individual engaged on an Equity Chorus contract and/or individuals actually performing Equity Chorus work, as may be determined by Equity (see Rule 37(D)). RULE 18. DEFINITIONS RULE 19. DEVELOPMENTAL WORK