Actor Sample Clauses

ActorThe term "Actor," as used in this Agreement, shall refer to and include Principals, Chorus, Stage Managers, Assistant Stage Managers, Understudies, Professional Theatre Interns, Supplemental Extras, and Extras on Equity contract but excludes Non-Professionals.
ActorAny person whose act or actions result in an Officer Involved Critical Incident as defined herein.
ActorThe term "
ActorThe term "Actor" shall refer to and include all persons who are employed on Equity contract.
Actor. A law enforcement employee who uses force.
Actor. Person who performs a role in any of the following categories: a) Principal actor: performer who speaks eleven (11) or more lines of dialogue or whose visual presence justifies such classification according to the table below; b) Supporting actor: performer who speaks two (2) to ten (10) lines of dialogue or whose visual presence justifies such classification according to the table below; c) bit player: performer who speaks one line of dialogue or who has no dialogue but is identified with a particular role or function, or whose visual presence justifies such classification according to the table below;
Actor performer who acts a xxxx in a dramatic performance one of the following capacities: actor who a) performer: actor speaks than fifty words in more than one hundred and a live broadcast or fifty words or more a recording or who has more than broadcast. lines in a film production performer actor who whose characterization does not speaks from fifty one hundred require more fifty words live broadcast or a television recording or who in a film production has from eleven to actor who in a f i l m production has ten lines or who has no to speak bur who closely with a particular character or xxxx; actor who merely helps is limited to crowd noises or movements. and fifty words in a broadcast.
Actor. A user with the ImmportDAITUser or the ImmportSharedDataUser role Pre-Conditions: The user has logged in to the Immport3.
Actor oriented criteria to evaluate policies and practices of attention towards Vulnerable Groups (VGs) of forcibly displaced people (FDP) 1. Catalogue of actor-oriented criteria to evaluate strategies and practices for the attention and inclusion of VGs of FDP 2. Preliminary study of approaches to integrate actor-oriented criteria in the evaluation of strategies and practices for the attention and inclusion of VGs of FDP  Shifting to the informal economy  Occupational accidents and illnesses due to working in bad conditions  Sexual abuse Immigrants almost always face legal, cultural, communication and social barriers. Working rights are often lacking and this also prevents access to residence, education and health rights. They often have to live out of exclusion, discrimination and bad conditions. Factors that affect the service access of immigrants the most: 1. LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION PROBLEM: The biggest obstacle in accessing all services is that immigrants do not speak languages. Syrian immigrants in our country did not experience this problem significantly because the people in our southern provinces can speak Arabic. Language has been a major problem in provinces such as Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir and Adana, which are attractive for immigration.
ActorThe term "Actor," as used in this Agreement, shall refer to and include persons who are signed to Equity contracts, including Principals, Chorus and Stage Managers. (See also Rule 67, UNION SECURITY.)