City Standards. Developer’s professional services shall be provided in conformance with the professional standards of practice established by City. This includes all amendments and revisions of these standards as adopted by City. The professional standards of practice established by City include, but are not limited to, the following: City of San Diego’s Drainage Design Manual; City of San Diego’s Land Development Manual; City of San Diego’s Consultant’s Guide to Park Design and Development; City of San Diego’s Street Design Manual; City of San Diego’s Manual of Preparation of Land Development and Public Improvement Plans; City of San Diego’s Technical Guidelines for Geotechnical Reports; City of San Diego Standard Drawings including all Regional Standard Drawings; City of San Diego Data Standards for Improvement Plans; and City of San Diego Stormwater Pollution Prevention Regulations.
City Standards. All design work must be according to City of Tualatin standards, including but not limited to, the Tualatin Municipal Code and Tualatin Public Works Standards, applicable Master plans, and all other applicable documents referenced in any of these documents.
City Standards. A.3.3.1 Design Builder shall meet the requirements set out in City Standards, that are listed in Appendix 18D – City Standards of this schedule, and as set out elsewhere in this DBA. The entire City Standard shall apply, unless expressly modified or noted otherwise in this DBA.
A.3.3.2 Design Builder shall take all responsibility for integrating all City Standards into its design and construction.
City Standards. Subdivider's professional services shall be provided in conformance with the professional standards of practice established by City. This includes all amendments and revisions of these standards as adopted by City. The professional standards of practice established by City include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. City of San Diego's Drainage Design Manual.
B. City of San Diego's Landscape Technical Manual produced by the Planning Department.
C. City of San Diego's Street Design Manual.
D. City of San Diego's Manual of
City Standards. The Developer will construct the Improvements according to the approved Site Improvements Plan, general industry standards, this Agreement, and applicable City regulations (the "City Standards"). The Developer shall instruct the contractor or construction manager to provide timely notice to the Developer, contractor, issuer of the Assurance and the Building Commissioner whenever an observation or related construction activity reveals that an Improvement does not conform to the City Standards or is otherwise defective.
City Standards. Developer’s professional services shall be provided in conformance with the professional standards of practice established by City. This includes all amendments and revisions of these standards as adopted by City. The professional standards of practice established by City include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. City of San Diego’s Drainage Design Manual
B. City of San Diego’s Landscape Technical Manual
C. City of San Diego’s Street Design Manual
D. City of San Diego’s
City Standards. Developer’s professional services shall be provided in conformance with the professional standards of practice established by City. This includes amendments and revisions of these standards as adopted by City. The professional standards of practice established by City include, but are not limited to, the following: The Standard Specifications and the Approved Drawings and Specifications.
City Standards. All construction, repair, maintenance or replacement of the city water supply system or any connections thereto shall be done to comply with all relevant government codes and standards, including City policies and procedures established by the City Council by resolution from time to time.
City Standards. The 2012 Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction ("Standard Specifications") by the Southern California Chapter, American Public Works Association and the Southern California District, Associated General Contractors of California Joint Cooperative Committee as modified and supplemented by the City.