Contract Documents and Interpretation. It is agreed by and between the Parties that this Agreement includes the terms and provisions of this Agreement, including Exhibit A hereto and the Addendums A, B, C, D and E, attached hereto, and that the terms thereof shall be binding between the parties (the “Contract Documents”). This Agreement shall in all events be interpreted consistent with Applicable Law but in event of a conflict between the Applicable Law any term in the Contract Documents, the relevant terms of Applicable Law will control. Internally, the Contract Documents will be interpreted in a complementary manner as one document but, in event of an inconsistency or conflict, the documents shall take priority in the following order: (1) this Agreement and Addendums hereto and Exhibit A.
Contract Documents and Interpretation. (Order of Precedence). The term “Contract Documents” shall mean the documents identified below as they may be defined in the Agreement, Agreement Coversheet, and/or the General Conditions (Exhibit A), and as each may be amended or modified from time to time during the Project. The Contract Documents are listed below in order of precedence and if there is a conflict between terms of the Contract Documents, that order of precedence shall apply:
Contract Documents and Interpretation. 1.1 The Contract documents means one or several of the following documents: an application for entry into the Contract, an offer, the policyholder's consent to the entry into the Contract, the policy, the deed of inspection, the list of insured objects, and other documents specified in the Contract. The Contract documents are specified in the policy, unless agreed otherwise.
Contract Documents and Interpretation. 2.1 The Agreement consists of these conditions of contract and the following Appendices: Appendix A: Drawing of the Proximity Area and planned Active Asset route Appendix B: Pre-lay survey results Appendix C: Requirements for proximity to the Affected Asset Appendix D: Contact details of Parties’ Contact Persons Appendix E: General SHE-Requirements for contractors, reference SSC 15-037, (as these may change from time to time) Appendix F: Operational SHE-Requirements for contractors offshore, reference SSC18-024, (as these may change from time to time) Appendix G: Risk Assessments for the Work
Contract Documents and Interpretation. 18.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and un- derstanding between the Parties and supersedes all prior agree- ments and understandings between the Parties with respect to the Solutions and Services. Each Party acknowledges and agrees that it does not rely on, and shall have no remedy in respect of, any promise, assurance, statement, warranty, undertaking or representation made (whether innocently or negligently) by any other party or any other person except as expressly set out in this Agreement in respect of which its sole remedy shall be for breach of contract.
Contract Documents and Interpretation. 19.1 Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, all warran- ties, terms and conditions, whether express or implied by stat- ute, common law or otherwise, are excluded to the extent per- mitted by law.
Contract Documents and Interpretation. 20.1 A reference to (i) "includes" or "in- cluding" shall mean "includes without lim- itation" or "including without limitation", and (ii) a Party to this Agreement include a reference to its successors and permit- xxx assigns under this Agreement.
Contract Documents and Interpretation. 9.1. Only the documents mentioned in this Contract, are considered to be part of this Contract. In the event of conflict in terms, the following shall be the order of priority for purposes of application and interpretation of this Contract:
Contract Documents and Interpretation. It is agreed by and between the Parties that this Agreement includes the terms and provisions of this Agreement, including Exhibit A hereto and the Addendums A, B, C, D and E, attached hereto, and that the terms thereof shall be binding EHWZHHQ WKH SDUWLHV WKH ³&RQsWhUallDinFallWev e'ntsRbFe iXntPerpHreQteWd V´ consistent with Applicable Law but in event of a conflict between the Applicable Law any term in the Contract Documents, the relevant terms of Applicable Law will control. Internally, the Contract Documents will be interpreted in a complementary manner as one document but, in event of an inconsistency or conflict, the documents shall take priority in the following order: (1) this Agreement and Addendums hereto and Exhibit A.
Contract Documents and Interpretation