Cooperative Committee.
21.6.1 To xxxxxx union-management cooperation, Local 39 and the County agree to convene as needed and no more frequently than four (4) times during a calendar year a Cooperative Committee composed of no more than six (6) employee bargaining unit members, chosen by the Union, in addition to the Union Business Representative, and six (6) County representatives.
21.6.2 Either the Union or the County may request a meeting of the committee. An agenda will be developed prior to the meeting by the Union Business Representative and a designated County representative. The purpose of the Cooperative Committee is to discuss ideas, as agendized, that impact bargaining unit members and/or bargaining unit work, and aim at improving performance, mutual welfare and public benefit within the County departments and divisions that include bargaining unit members. The Committee, however, will not consider matters within the scope of bargaining or matters that are the subject of a grievance. Without prior mutual agreement between the County and the Union, no Cooperative Committee meeting shall exceed one (1) hour.
21.6.3 The parties understand and agree that this Section 21.6 does not abrogate or imply the abrogation of any provision of this MOU. After a trial period consisting of four (4) Cooperative Committee meetings, either the Union or the County may terminate this Section 21.6. This Section 21.6 is not subject to Article 26, Grievance Procedure.
Cooperative Committee a. The parties shall create a Cooperative Committee. The Committee will consist of an equal number of members not exceeding three (3) individuals representing the City and Local 1245. Each party will designate their three (3) representatives. The Committee will meet once every three (3) months beginning after the adoption of this Agreement by the City Council. A representative from the City and from Local 1245 will jointly develop an agenda one week prior to the meeting. The agenda shall be distributed the Friday before each meeting. The parties will discuss those topics listed on the agenda. That does not preclude either party from bringing up items at the meeting to be placed on future agendas.
b. Employees attending such meetings shall be paid at their regular rate of pay for all time absent from their regularly scheduled work while attending such meetings.
Cooperative Committee. The Guild and the AMPTP have established a Cooperative Committee which shall meet at least two (2) times each year, more often at the request of either the Guild or the AMPTP. Employer representatives on the Committee shall consist of at least one (1) officer of the AMPTP and one (1) senior labor relations representative from each major studio. Guild representatives shall consist of at least one (1) Guild executive, one (1) representative from each Guild "category" of Employees and, to the extent possible, at least one (1) co-chair of the 2008 DGA Negotiating Committee. The business of the Committee is to consider in good faith any matter relating to the Agreements between the Guild and the Employers (excluding only "creative rights" issues), inequities, practices and procedures under the Agreements, technological and market changes, abuses by Employers or Employees or the Guild and other matters concerning the relationship between the parties or their mutual interests. The Committee shall have the power to investigate any issue, to appoint subcommittees for this purpose and to recommend to the Guild and the Employers the adoption of any change in the language of the Agreements. Before each meeting, the Guild's National Executive Director and the AMPTP's President shall attempt to agree upon an agenda. Additional representatives shall join the Committee as appropriate for the subject(s) to be discussed.
Cooperative Committee. A Cooperative Committee, consisting of an equal number of Agency and Director representatives, to be agreed upon, shall meet from time to time at the request of either party to discuss, investigate and make recommendations as to the solution of problems arising in the construction, interpretation and administration of this Agreement, and as to any abuses or grievances affecting Agent-Director relationships generally and for which no remedy is provided for in this Agreement.
Cooperative Committee.
21.6.1 To xxxxxx union-management cooperation, Local 39 and the County agree to convene as needed and no more frequently than four (4) times during a calendar year a Cooperative Committee composed of no more than six
Cooperative Committee a. The parties shall create a Cooperative Committee. The Committee will consist of an equal number of members not exceeding three (3) individuals representing the City and the Union. Each party will designate their three (3) representatives. The Committee will meet once every three
Cooperative Committee. The parties shall create a Cooperative Committee. The Committee will consist of an equal number of members not exceeding three (3) individuals representing the City and Local 1245. Each party will designate their three (3) representatives. The Committee will meet once every three (3) months. A representative from the City and from Local 1245 will jointly develop an agenda one week prior to the meeting. The agenda shall be distributed the Friday before each meeting. The parties will discuss those topics listed on the agenda. That does not preclude either party from bringing up items at the meeting to be placed on future agendas.
a. Employees attending such meetings shall be paid at their regular rate of pay for all time absent from their regularly scheduled work while attending such meetings.
Cooperative Committee. The Company and the that the Company and the is to the of the for In with this the reaffirmed. shall of one (1) member from each of the Unions and two (2) representativesfrom the C shall have members at discretion. be held each well-being. the of the Canada agree to In a Health and consider all healthand safety Committee The Company and the acknowledge that they have a mutual Interest in the promotion of of apprentices training and to this end agree to a joint with equal representation (up to six (6) members named b each of the Company and and the selection and
Cooperative Committee. 1.1 Establishment
Cooperative Committee. The Resident Manager his represent- ative will meet the Officers of Local of the United Steelworkers of America for the purpose of discuss- ing problems of mutual interest related to the operation of the plant. An agenda, listing the subjects to be discussed, shall be prepared prior to such meetings. Within seven (7) days following receipt of an agenda, the Company shall suggest a date for the meeting which shall, where practicable, be held between A.M. and To the Company: Mines & Co., Managing Agent Labrador, Newfoundland, Attention: Industrial Relations Department To the Union: The Secretary, Local Union No. United Steelworkers of America Labrador, Newfoundland, Any notices so mailed shall be deemed given as of the next business day after date of mailing. The registration receipt shall establish the date of mailing. Either Party may change its address for ser- vice of notices at any time by notice as above men- tioned.