Claims Documentation Sample Clauses

Claims Documentation. We shall be provided with the following necessary information and documentation in respect of all claims at Your/Insured Person’s expense within 30 days of the Insured Person’s discharge from Hospital (in the case of Pre-hospitalization Medical Expenses and Hospitalization Medical Expenses) or within 30 days of the completion of the Post-hospitalization Medical Expenses period (in the case of Post-hospitalization Medical Expenses). For those claims for which the use of Cashless Facility has been authorised, We will be provided these documents by the Network Provider immediately following the Insured Person’s discharge from Hospital: a. Claim form duly completed and signed by the claimant. Please provide mandatorily following information if applicable i. Current diagnosis and date of diagnosis; ii. Past history and first consultation details; iii. Previous admission/Surgery if any.
Claims Documentation. We or the associated TPA shall be provided the following necessary information and documentation in respect of all claims at the Insured Person’s expense within 30 days of the Insured Person’s discharge from the Hospital: (i) Claims for Pre-hospitalization Medical Expenses and Post- hosptialization Medical Expenses to be submitted to us within 30 days of the completion of the post- Hospitalisation treatment (ii) For those claims for which the use of Cashless Facility has been authorised, We will be provided these documents by the Network Provider immediately following the Insured Person’s discharge from the Hospital: (1) Duly completed claim form; (2) Photo ID and Age proof; (3) Health Card, policy copy, photo ID, KYC documents; (4) Original discharge card / day care summary / transfer summary; (5) Original final Hospital bill with all original deposit and final payment receipt; (6) Original invoice with payment receipt and implant stickers for all implants used during Surgeries i.e. lens sticker and Invoice in cataract Surgery, stent invoice and sticker in Angioplasty Surgery; (7) All previous consultation papers indicating history and treatment details for current ailment; (8) All original diagnostic reports (including imaging and laboratory) along with Medical Practitioner’s prescription and invoice / bill with receipt from diagnostic center; (9) All original medicine / pharmacy bills along with the Medical Practitioner’s prescription; (10) MLC / FIR copy – in Accidental cases only; (11) Copy of death summary and copy of death certificate (in death claims only); (12) Pre and post-operative imaging reports – in Accidental cases only; (13) Copy of indoor case papers with nursing sheet detailing medical history of the Insured Person, treatment details and the Insured Person’s progress;
Claims Documentation. The Company shall be provided with the following necessary information and documentation in respect of all claims at Policyholder/ Insured Person’s expense within 30 days of the date of occurrence of an Insured Event or completion of Survival Period, at own expense to avail the Claim. a. Claim form duly completed and signed by the Insured Person. Please provide mandatorily following information if applicable i. Current diagnosis and date of diagnosis; ii. Past history and first consultation details; iii. Previous admission/Surgery if any. b. Age/Identity proof document of the Proposer. i. Self attested copy of valid Age proof (passport / driving license / PAN card / class X certificate / birth certificate); ii. Self attested copy of identity proof (passport / driving license / PAN card / voter identity card); iii. Recent passport size photograph. c. Cancelled cheque/ bank statement / copy of passbook mentioning account holder’s name, IFSC code and account number printed on it of Insured Person / nominee ( in case of death of Insured Person). d. Original discharge summary.(if applicable) e. Additional documents required in case of Surgery/Surgical Procedure (If applicable) i. Bar code sticker and invoice for implants and prosthesis (if used); f. Original final xxxx from Hospital with detailed break-up and paid receipt. (If applicable) g. Copy of death certificate (in case of demise of the Insured Person). h. For Medico-legal cases (MLC) or in case of Accident as may be applicable i. MLC and First Information Report (FIR) copy duly attested by the concerned Hospital and police station respectively. (if applicable); ii. Original self-narration of incident in absence of MLC/ FIR. i. Original laboratory investigation, diagnostic & pathological reports with supporting prescriptions. j. Original X-Ray/ MRI / ultrasound films and other radiological investigations. In the event of death of the Insured Person post the survival period, the immediate family member/relative of the Insured Person claiming on Insured Person’s behalf must inform the Company in writing immediately and send a copy of all the required documents to prove the cause of death within 30 days of the death. Company upon acceptance of the admission of claim under the Policy shall make payment to the Insured Person or Nominee/legal heirs of the Insured Person, in case of the death of the Insured Person post the survival period.
Claims Documentation. The Company shall be provided with the following necessary information and documentation in respect of all claims at Insured Person’s expense within 30 days of the Insured Person’s discharge from Hospital (in the case of Pre-hospitalization Medical Expenses and Hospitalization Medical Expenses) or within 30 days of the completion of the Post- hospitalization Medical Expenses period (in the case of Post-hospitalization Medical Expenses). For those claims for which the use of Cashless Facility has been authorised, The Company will be provided these documents by the Network Provider immediately following the Insured Person’s discharge from Hospital: a. Claim form duly completed and signed by the claimant. Please provide mandatorily following information if applicable i. Current diagnosis and date of diagnosis; ii. Previous admission/Surgery if any. b. Age/Identity proof document of the Insured Person in case of cashless claim (not required if submitted at the time of pre-authorization request) and Proposer in case of Reimbursement claim. i. Self attested copy of valid Age proof (passport / driving license / PAN card / class X certificate / birth certificate); ii. Self attested copy of identity proof (passport / driving license / PAN card / voter identity card); iii. Recent passport size photograph. c. Cancelled cheque/ bank statement / copy of passbook mentioning account holder’s name, IFSC code and account number printed on it of Policyholder / nominee ( in case of death of Policyholder). d. Original discharge summary. e. Additional documents required in case of Surgery/Surgical Procedure. i. Bar code sticker and invoice for implants and prosthesis (if used);
Claims Documentation. To process a claim, the adjustors appointed by JMF’s Insurer will require sufficient documentation from JMF to support the means by which the claimed property valuations were calculated. You must cooperate with JMF in the claim presentation to JMF’s insurer. You must retain, and possibly surrender to us or the authorities, all packaging and items for inspection until such time as the investigation has been completed.
Claims Documentation. Claims must be submitted with accompanying supportive documentation generated as designated by the State. Claims submitted without supportive documentation will be returned to the Contractor and not processed for payment. Failure to perform or execute the policies or provisions made in this Agreement may result in the denial of claim reimbursement.
Claims Documentation. In the interests of prompt settlement of any claim and to avoid prejudicing Your claim under the Policy, You are required to submit all available supporting documentation without delay including: a) The Original Policy of Insurance. b) The surveyors report.

Related to Claims Documentation

  • ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION Each environmental service provided by the Engineer shall have a deliverable. Deliverables shall summarize the methods used for the environmental services, and shall summarize the results achieved. The summary of results shall be sufficiently detailed to provide satisfactory basis for thorough review by the State, The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and (where applicable) agencies with regulatory oversight. All deliverables shall meet regulatory requirements for legal sufficiency, and shall adhere to the requirements for reports enumerated in the State’s NEPA MOU. a. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Review For each deliverable, the Engineer shall perform quality assurance quality control (QA/QC) reviews of environmental documents and on other supporting environmental documentation to determine whether documents conform with: 1) Current Environmental Compliance Toolkit guidance published by the State’s Environmental Affairs Division and in effect as of the date of receipt of the documents or documentation to be reviewed; 2) Current state and federal laws, regulations, policies, guidance, agreements, and memoranda of understanding between the State and other state or federal agencies; and 3) FHWA and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) guidelines contained in “Improving the Quality of Environmental Documents, A Report of the Joint AASHTO and American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Committee in Cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration” (May 2006) for: a) Readability, and DocuSign Envelope ID: CA9F0A59-74CF-45EC-A0BA-DA5EDEFB2344 b) Use of evidence and data in documents to support conclusions. Upon request by the State, the Engineer shall provide documentation that the QA/QC reviews were performed by qualified staff. b. Deliverables shall contain all data acquired during the environmental service. All deliverables shall be written to be understood by the public and must be in accordance with the State’s Environmental Toolkit guidance, documentation standards, current guidelines, policies and procedures. c. Electronic versions of each deliverable must be written in software which is compatible to the State and must be provided in a changeable format for future use by the State. The Engineer shall supplement all hard copy deliverables with electronic copies in searchable Adobe Acrobat™ (.pdf) format, unless another format is specified. Each deliverable shall be a single, searchable .pdf file that mirrors the layout and appearance of the physical deliverable. The Engineer shall deliver the electronic files on CD-R, CD-RW media in Microsoft Windows format, or through the ftp site. d. When the environmental service is to apply for a permit (e.g., United States Coast Guard (USCG) or United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the permit and all supporting documentation shall be the deliverable. e. Submission of Deliverables 1) Deliverables shall consist of reports of environmental services performed in addition to a Categorical Exclusion (CE) determination form and supporting documentation including the required form or Environmental Assessment (EA) document, when applicable. 2) All deliverables must comply with all applicable state and federal environmental laws, regulations and procedures and include all items listed in the Environmental Document Review Checklist and the Administrative Completeness Review Checklist. 3) On the cover page of each environmental assessment (EA), finding of no significant impact (FONSI), environmental impact statement (EIS), and record of decision (ROD) prepared under the authority granted by this MOU, and for any memorandum corresponding to any CE determination it makes, the Engineer shall insert the following language in a way that is conspicuous to the reader or include it in a CE project record: "The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable DocuSign Envelope ID: CA9F0A59-74CF-45EC-A0BA-DA5EDEFB2344 Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT." f. The State shall provide the State’s and other agency comments on draft deliverables to the Engineer. The Engineer shall revise the deliverable: 1) to include any State commitments, findings, agreements, or determinations (e.g., wetlands, endangered species consultation, Section 106, or Section 4(f)), required for the Transportation Activity as specified by the State; 2) to incorporate the results of public involvement and agency coordination; 3) to reflect mitigation measures resulting from comments received or changes in the Transportation Activity; and 4) include with the revised document a comment response form (matrix) in the format provided by the State. g. All photographs shall be 3.5” x 5” color presentation printed on matte finish photographic paper or 3.5” x 5” color presentation printed on matte white, premium or photo quality laser or inkjet paper. All photographs shall be well focused and clearly depict details relevant to an evaluation of the project area. Provision of photographs shall be one original print of each image or electronic presentations of comparable quality. Comparable quality electronic photograph presentations shall be at least 1200 x 1600 pixel resolution. Photographs shall be attached to separately labeled pages that clearly identify project name, project identification (ID) number, address or Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) of resource, description of the picture and direction of the photographic view. In addition to the hard-copy prints, an electronic version of each will be submitted with the same identification information as the hard-copy.

  • Tax Documentation For the purposes of Sections 4(a)(i) and 4(a)(ii) of the Agreement, Counterparty shall provide to Dealer a valid and duly executed U.S. Internal Revenue Service Form W-9, or any successor thereto, completed accurately and in a manner reasonably acceptable to Dealer and, in particular, with the “corporation” box checked on line 3 thereof (i) on or before the date of execution of this Confirmation; (ii) promptly upon reasonable demand by Dealer; and (iii) promptly upon learning that any such tax form previously provided by Counterparty has become inaccurate or incorrect. Additionally, Counterparty shall, promptly upon reasonable request by Dealer, provide, such other tax forms and documents, accurately completed and in a manner reasonably acceptable to Dealer, that may be required or reasonably requested to allow Dealer to make a payment under this Confirmation, including any Credit Support Document, without any deduction or withholding for or on account of any Tax or with such deduction at a reduced rate. For the purposes of Sections 4(a)(i) and 4(a)(ii) of the Agreement, Dealer shall provide to Counterparty a valid and duly executed U.S. Internal Revenue Service Form W-9 or W-8ECI, or any successor thereto, completed accurately and in a manner reasonably acceptable to Counterparty and, in particular, with the “corporation” box checked on line 3 or 4 thereof, (i) on or before the date of execution of this Confirmation; (ii) promptly upon reasonable demand by Counterparty; and (iii) promptly upon learning that any such tax form previously provided by Dealer has become inaccurate or incorrect. Additionally, Dealer shall, promptly upon reasonable request by Counterparty, provide such other tax forms and documents, accurately completed and in a manner reasonably acceptable to Counterparty, that may be required or reasonably requested to allow Counterparty to make a payment under this Confirmation, including any Credit Support Document, without any deduction or withholding for or on account of any Tax or with such deduction at a reduced rate.

  • Product Documentation You should review the policy documents carefully to ensure they accurately reflect the cover, conditions, limits and other terms that you require. Particular attention should be paid to policy conditions and warranties as failure to comply with these could invalidate your policy. Claims can arise, under certain types of insurance contract, long after the expiry of the policy. It is therefore important that you retain and keep safely all documents associated with your policy.

  • Licensed Documentation If commercially available, Licensee shall have the option to require the Contractor to deliver, at Contractor’s expense: (i) one (1) hard copy and one (1) master electronic copy of the Documentation in a mutually agreeable format; (ii) based on hard copy instructions for access by downloading from the Internet

  • Project Documentation All documentation provided to the City other than Project drawings shall be furnished on a Microsoft compatible compact disc.

  • Appropriate Documentation The Company will have received, in a form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Company, dated the Closing Date, all certificates and other documents, instruments and writings to evidence the fulfillment of the conditions set forth in this Article 6 as the Company may reasonably request.

  • Source Documentation Accounting records must be supported by such source documentation as canceled checks, bank statements, invoices, paid bills, donor letters, time and attendance records, activity reports, travel reports, contractual and consultant agreements, and subaward documentation. All supporting documentation should be clearly identified with the Award and general ledger accounts which are to be charged or credited. (i) The documentation standards for salary charges to grants are prescribed by 2 CFR 200.430, and in the cost principles applicable to the entity’s organization (Paragraphs 7.4 through 7.7). (ii) If records do not meet the standards in 2 CFR 200.430, then Grantor may notify Grantee in PART TWO, PART THREE or Exhibit G of the requirement to submit Personnel activity reports. See 2 CFR 200.430(i)(8). Personnel activity reports shall account on an after-the-fact basis for one hundred percent (100%) of the employee's actual time, separately indicating the time spent on the grant, other grants or projects, vacation or sick leave, and administrative time, if applicable. The reports must be signed by the employee, approved by the appropriate official, and coincide with a pay period. These time records should be used to record the distribution of salary costs to the appropriate accounts no less frequently than quarterly. (iii) Formal agreements with independent contractors, such as consultants, must include a description of the services to be performed, the period of performance, the fee and method of payment, an itemization of travel and other costs which are chargeable to the agreement, and the signatures of both the contractor and an appropriate official of Grantee. (iv) If third party in-kind (non-cash) contributions are used for Grant purposes, the valuation of these contributions must be supported with adequate documentation.

  • Medical Documentation The teacher must supply a letter from a medical 3 doctor, who treated the patient, stating that in his/her opinion, there is a strong 4 probability that the illness was contracted at school.

  • Required Documentation The AGENCY is responsible for ensuring that all documents required by this Contract are current and available for the COUNTY’S review upon request. These documents may include, but are not limited to, certificate(s) of insurance, job descriptions and background check confirmations of staff.

  • Supporting Documentation Upon request, the HSP will provide the LHIN with proof of the matters referred to in this Article.