Claims Related to Software or Service Deliverables Sample Clauses

Claims Related to Software or Service Deliverables. Subject to Section 6(b) and Section 6(e), Licensor will, at its expense and under its control (including selection of counsel), defend and/or settle any claim, suit or proceeding brought by a third party (each, a “Claim”) against Customer, its Affiliates, or their respective officers, directors, employees and agents alleging that the Software (excluding Third Party Software), Subscription Services, Documentation or any Service Deliverable, as provided by Licensor, infringes any U.S., E.U., U.K. or Canadian copyright, trademark, trade secret or patent, as applicable, issued as of the Effective Date of the Order Form. In addition, Licensor will pay any final judgment awarded against Customer for such Claim or any settlement amount agreed to by Licensor.
Claims Related to Software or Service Deliverables. Provided that Customer complies with the procedures set forth in Section 8(e) and subject to Section 8(b), OPIE will, at its expense and under its control (including selection of counsel), defend and/or settle any claim, suit or proceeding brought by a third party against Customer or Customer’s officers, directors, employees, agents and affiliates alleging that the Software, or any Service Deliverable, as provided by OPIE, infringes any copyright, trademark, trade secret or U.S. patent issued as of the Effective Date (“Claim”). In addition, OPIE will pay any judgment awarded against Customer for such Claim or any settlement amount agreed to by OPIE and, subject to Section 8(e), any authorized and documented expenses incurred by Customer.
Claims Related to Software or Service Deliverables. Subject to Section 6(b) and Section 6(e), Licensor will, at its expense and under its control (including selection of counsel), defend and/or settle any claim, suit or proceeding brought by a third party (each, a “Claim”) against Customer, its Affiliates, or their respective officers, directors, employees and agents alleging that the Software (excluding Third Party Software), Subscription Werkomschrijving door Xxxxxxxxxxxxx ontwikkelde te Leveren Diensten xxxxxx eigendom van Licentiegever, met dien verstande echter dat hierbij aan Klant een niet-exclusieve en niet-overdraagbare licentie wordt verleend voor het gebruik (uitsluitend ten behoeve van zijn interne zakelijke doeleinden) van de te Leveren Diensten, met inachtneming van de beperkingen die in de Overeenkomst en de desbetreffende Werkomschrijving zijn opgenomen. Rechten die in de Overeenkomst niet uitdrukkelijk xxxxxx verleend, zijn voorbehouden aan Licentiegever en haar licentiegevers. Professionele Diensten en te Leveren Diensten die door Licentiegever aan Klant xxxxxx geleverd, xxxxxx niet op basis van “werk gemaakt in dienstverband” (‘work for hire’) uitgevoerd.
Claims Related to Software or Service Deliverables. Subject to Section 6(b) and Section 6(e), Licensor will, at its expense and under its control (including selection of counsel), defend and/or settle any claim, suit or proceeding brought by a third party (each, a “Claim”) against Customer, its Affiliates, or their respective officers, directors, employees and agents alleging that the Software (excluding Third Party Software), Subscription Services, Documentation or any Service Deliverable, as provided by Licensor, infringes any U.S., E.U., U.K. or Canadian copyright, trademark, trade secret or patent, as applicable, issued as of the Effective Date of the Order Form. In addition, Licensor will pay any final judgment awarded against Customer for such Claim or any settlement amount agreed to by Licensor. a. Ersättningsanspråk relaterade till Programvara eller Leverabler. Under förutsättning att Kunden följer de procedurer som anges i Sektion 6(b) och med förbehåll för Sektion 6(e) kommer Licensgivaren, på egen bekostnad och under egen kontroll (inklusive val av juridiskt ombud) att försvara och/eller ingå förlikning avseende anspråk, stämning eller rättegångsförfarande som framställs eller inleds av tredje part (vart och ett, ett “Krav”) mot Kunden, dess Närstående Bolag eller dess respektive tjänstemän, chefer, anställda eller agenter, där det hävdas att Programvaran (exklusive Tredjepartsprogramvara), Prenumerationstjänster, Dokumentation eller någon Leverabel, såsom de tillhandahållits av Licensgivaren, gör intrång i tillämplig upphovsrätt, varumärke, affärshemlighet eller patent, som gäller i USA, EU eller Kanada och som gäller vid Ikraftträdandedatum av Orderformuläret. Dessutom kommer Licensgivaren att ersätta Kunden med det belopp som denne genom slutgiltig dom är skyldig att utge i anledning av sådant Krav eller sådant förlikningsbelopp som Licensgivaren accepterat. b.
Claims Related to Software or Service Deliverables. Subject to Section 6(b) and Section 6(e), Licensor will, at its expense and under its control (including selection of counsel), and to the maximum extent possible under the applicable procedural laws, defend and/or settle any claim, suit or proceeding brought by a third party (each, a “Claim”) against Customer, its Affiliates, or their respective officers, directors, employees and agents alleging that the Software (excluding Third Party Software), Subscription Services, Documentation or any Service Deliverable, as provided by Licensor, infringes any U.S., E.U., U.K. or Canadian copyright, trademark, trade secret or patent, as applicable, issued as of the Effective Date of the Order Form. In addition, Licensor will pay any final judgment awarded against Customer for such Claim or any settlement amount agreed to by Licensor. a. Ansprüche in Bezug auf Software oder Serviceleistungen. Vorbehaltlich Abschnitt 6(b) und Abschnitt 6(e) wird der Lizenzgeber, so weit wie es nach dem anwendbaren Prozessrecht möglich ist, auf seine Kosten und eigene Verantwortung (einschließlich der Auswahl eines Rechtsbeistands) jeden Anspruch, jede Klage oder jedes Verfahren verteidigen und/oder beilegen, der bzw. das von einer dritten Partei (jeweils ein „Anspruch“) gegen den Kunden, seine verbundenen Unternehmen oder deren jeweilige leitenden Angestellte, Direktoren, Mitarbeiter und Agenten erhoben werden und geltend machen, dass die Software (mit Ausnahme von Fremdsoftware), die Abonnementdienste, die Dokumentation oder die Serviceleistungen, wie sie vom Anbieter zur Verfügung gestellt werden, ggf. ein US-amerikanisches, EU, britisches oder kanadisches Urheberrecht, Markenrecht, Geschäftsgeheimnis oder Patent, das bzw. die zum Datum des Inkrafttretens des Bestellformulars ausgestellt wurden, verletzt. Darüber hinaus zahlt der Lizenzgeber jedes endgültige Urteil, das gegen den Kunden wegen eines solchen Anspruchs ergangen ist, oder jeden Vergleichsbetrag, dem der Lizenzgeber zugestimmt hat.

Related to Claims Related to Software or Service Deliverables

  • SERVICE DELIVERABLES You will receive service on the Covered Product as described below: Carry-In: Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Covered Product must be shipped or delivered and retrieved by You at Our authorized service center during normal business hours. In-Home/On-Site: Service will be performed in Your home or on-site as indicated on the Declarations Page of this Agreement, or on Your sales receipt or invoice provided You have fulfilled the following requirements: (1) provide Our authorized technician with accessibility to the Covered Product; (2) provide a non-threatening and safe environment for Our authorized technician; and (3) an adult over the age of 18 must be present for the period of time Our authorized technician is scheduled to provide service and while Our authorized technician is on Your property servicing the Covered Product. In-Home Service will be provided by Our authorized service provider during regular business hours, local time, Monday through Friday, except holidays. Our authorized service center may opt to remove the Covered Product to perform service in-shop. The Covered Product will be returned upon completion. Additional time and mileage charges for in-home repairs outside of twenty-five (25) contiguous land miles or the normal service radius of Our authorized service center are not covered by this Agreement, and are Your responsibility.

  • SERVICE MONITORING, ANALYSES AND ORACLE SOFTWARE 11.1 We continuously monitor the Services to facilitate Oracle’s operation of the Services; to help resolve Your service requests; to detect and address threats to the functionality, security, integrity, and availability of the Services as well as any content, data, or applications in the Services; and to detect and address illegal acts or violations of the Acceptable Use Policy. Oracle monitoring tools do not collect or store any of Your Content residing in the Services, except as needed for such purposes. Oracle does not monitor, and does not address issues with, non-Oracle software provided by You or any of Your Users that is stored in, or run on or through, the Services. Information collected by Oracle monitoring tools (excluding Your Content) may also be used to assist in managing Oracle’s product and service portfolio, to help Oracle address deficiencies in its product and service offerings, and for license management purposes. 11.2 We may (i) compile statistical and other information related to the performance, operation and use of the Services, and (ii) use data from the Services in aggregated form for security and operations management, to create statistical analyses, and for research and development purposes (clauses i and ii are collectively referred to as “Service Analyses”). We may make Service Analyses publicly available; however, Service Analyses will not incorporate Your Content, Personal Data or Confidential Information in a form that could serve to identify You or any individual. We retain all intellectual property rights in Service Analyses. 11.3 We may provide You with the ability to obtain certain Oracle Software (as defined below) for use with the Services. If we provide Oracle Software to You and do not specify separate terms for such software, then such Oracle Software is provided as part of the Services and You have the non-exclusive, worldwide, limited right to use such Oracle Software, subject to the terms of this Agreement and Your order (except for separately licensed elements of the Oracle Software, which separately licensed elements are governed by the applicable separate terms), solely to facilitate Your use of the Services. You may allow Your Users to use the Oracle Software for this purpose, and You are responsible for their compliance with the license terms. Your right to use any Oracle Software will terminate upon the earlier of our notice (by web posting or otherwise) or the end of the Services associated with the Oracle Software. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Oracle Software is licensed to You under separate terms, then Your use of such software is governed by the separate terms. Your right to use any part of the Oracle Software that is licensed under the separate terms is not restricted in any way by this Agreement.

  • Third Party Software The Software may contain third party software which requires notices and/or additional terms and conditions. Such required Third Party Software notices and/or additional terms and conditions are located at xxxxx:// (or a successor website thereto) and are made a part of and incorporated by reference into this Agreement.

  • SERVICES & DELIVERABLES Seller agrees to perform the services ("Services") and/or provide the goods ("Goods", which term shall include goods provided as part of any Services), described in any PO, in accordance with the applicable PO and with this Agreement. Acceptance of a PO and this Agreement shall occur (i) within five (5) days of receipt by the Seller; or, (ii) upon shipment of Goods; or, (iii) upon commencement of a Service, (whichever is the earlier). Seller shall be bound by the provisions of this Agreement, including all provisions set forth on the face of any applicable PO, whether Seller acknowledges or otherwise signs this Agreement or the PO, unless Seller objects to such terms in writing within five (5) days of receiving the Agreement and/or the PO, prior to shipping Goods or prior to commencing Services. This writing does not constitute a firm offer and may be revoked at any time prior to acceptance. This Agreement may not be added to, modified, superseded, or otherwise altered, except by a writing signed by an authorized Apple representative and specifically stated to be an amendment of this Agreement. Any terms or conditions contained in any acknowledgment, invoice, or other communication of Seller which are inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, are hereby rejected. To the extent that this Agreement might be treated as an acceptance of Seller's prior offer, such acceptance is expressly made on condition of assent by Seller to the terms hereof and shipment of the Goods or beginning performance of any Services by Seller shall constitute such acceptance. Apple hereby reserves the right to reschedule any delivery or cancel any PO issued at any time prior to shipment of the Goods or prior to commencement of any Services. Apple shall not be subject to any charges or other fees as a result of such cancellation.

  • Deliverables Upon satisfactory completion of the work authorization, the Engineer shall submit the deliverables as specified in the executed work authorization to the State for review and acceptance.

  • Detailed Description of Services / Statement of Work Describe fully the services that Contractor will provide, or add and attach Exhibit B to this Agreement.

  • Software Updates XXXXX agrees to keep current with software licensed from Skyward and will install new versions on a timeline approved by XXXXX governance. This timeline will be communicated by NWRDC to the Districts.

  • Evaluation Software If the Software is an evaluation version or is provided to You for evaluation purposes, then, unless otherwise approved in writing by an authorized representative of Licensor, Your license to use the Software is limited solely for internal evaluation purposes in non-production use and in accordance with the terms of the evaluation offering under which You received the Software, and expires 90 days from installation (or such other period as may be indicated within the Software). Upon expiration of the evaluation period, You must discontinue use of the Software, return to an original state any actions performed by the Software, and delete the Software entirely from Your system and You may not download the Software again unless approved in writing by an authorized representative of Licensor. The Software may contain an automatic disabling mechanism that prevents its use after a certain period of time. RESTRICTIONS

  • Project Deliverables The Contractor shall provide each of the following deliverables in writing to the City for review and approval to achieve the project objectives. C.1. <Title> Deliverable 1

  • Licensed Software Computer program(s) provided by Contractor in connection with the Deliverables, subject to Section 14 of this Contract.