Class Sponsors. A. 9th Grade Class Sponsor (1) 2%
B. 10th Grade Class Sponsor (1) 2%
C. 11th Grade Class Sponsor (2) 3% D. 12th Grade Class Sponsor (2) 3%
Class Sponsors. Each grade at the high school will be assigned two (2) class sponsors and will be paid on the following format:
Class Sponsors a. Senior Class 2.5% b. Junior Class 1.0% c. Sophomore Class 1.0% d. Freshman Class 1.0%
Class Sponsors. 6TH 7TH 8TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH ½ % ½ % ½ % 1% 2% 2% 2% Student Council 3% Art Fair 2% Counselor – 2 weeks b/4 school & 1 week after 7% Robotics 5%
Class Sponsors. Teachers may apply for positions as class sponsors to assist the class officers in preparations for Homecoming activities and other class activities. It is the strong preference that sponsors remain with the class for the full four years. For that reason and because senior class activities are more numerous than for the other classes, the stipends for the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior classes shall be $250 each for two sponsors for each class. The Senior Class sponsors shall receive a stipend of $500 each for two sponsors.
Class Sponsors. Each grade at the high school will be assigned two (2) class sponsors and will be compensated based on the chart below: 9th – 12th grades $1000 The expectation is that these positions are a 4-year commitment.
Class Sponsors. There shall be two sponsors for each of the Senior, Sophomore, and Freshmen class. The Junior class shall have two sponsors and the Industrial Arts teacher paid at the junior class sponsor salary level, to help with the Prom and the Senior Class play.
Class Sponsors a. Senior Class 2.5% b. Junior Class 1.0% c. Sophomore Class 1.0% d. Freshman Class 1.0% 6.Department Heads: a. 1-4 Teachers 5.0% b. 5 or More Teachers 6.0% c. Grade Level Chair-6-8 Grades 6.0% d. Grade Level Chair-K-5 Grades 6.0% e. MS Encore Coordinator 6.0% f. TAT (minimum of 30 hours) 1.5%
Class Sponsors. High School Class Sponsor positions will be filled within the high school teacher ranks. The Sponsor will follow the class through its complete cycle in high school. The Superintendent has the authority to change class sponsors during the class cycle. Positions not filled voluntarily via Article 9 will be appointed using the following criteria: Teachers assigned .5 FTE or more to the high school via the teaching schedule, Full-time Music and Agriculture teachers will be exempt from involuntarily assignment as Class Sponsor, Reverse seniority, Teachers with zero years of experience in the District are exempt from appointment, O nce a teacher has completed all or part of a cycle through the senior year of their assigned class, or has been excused from sponsorship by the Superintendent partway through a cycle they will be exempt from involuntary assignment to Class Sponsorship for a period of time equal to the cycle or partial cycle most recently completed.
Class Sponsors. 6TH ½% 7TH ½% 8TH ½% 9TH 1% 10TH 2% 10th Grade Concessions 2% 11TH 2% 12TH 2% Student Council 3% Forensics 2% Art Fair 2% Vocal Music Comm. Activities 2%