Classrooms The Board shall be responsible for maintaining a standard of cleanliness in each teacher’s classroom.
Classroom Visitation To provide patrons of the District the opportunity to visit classrooms with the least interruption to the teaching process, the following guidelines are set forth: A. All visitors to a school and/or classroom shall obtain the approval of the principal, and if the visit is to a classroom, the time will be arranged after the principal or his designee has conferred with the employee, if possible. B. Whenever possible, the employee shall be afforded the opportunity to confer with the classroom visitor before and/or after the visitation. C. This provision does not apply to administrators and Board of Directors members.
Classroom Management The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates in his/her performance a competent level of knowledge and skill in organizing the physical and human elements in the educational setting.
Television Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of covered television equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is compliance with Subchapter Z, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Television Equipment Recycling Program.
Spares Boeing will revise, as applicable, the customized Recommended Spares Parts List (RSPL) and Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC).
Elevators Landlord shall provide passenger elevator service during normal business hours to Tenant in common with Landlord and all other tenants. Landlord shall provide limited passenger service at other times, except in case of an emergency.
Amenities Amenities shall be prescribed as provided in Appendix F of this Agreement.
Landscaping 3.9.1 All plant material shall conform to the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association’s Canadian Nursery Stock Standard (ninth edition or newer). 3.9.2 There shall be an opaque wood fence or masonry wall at least 1.8 metres tall along the eastern property line extending the length of the surface parking area and access to the underground parking area as generally shown on Schedule B. 3.9.3 Prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, the Developer agrees to provide Landscape Plan that comply with the provisions of this section. The Landscape Plan shall be prepared by a Landscape Architect (a full member, in good standing with Canadian Society of Landscape Architects) and comply with all provisions of this section. 3.9.4 Prior to issuance of the first Occupancy Permit the Developer shall submit to the Development Officer a letter prepared by a member in good standing of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects certifying that all landscaping has been completed according to the terms of this Development Agreement. 3.9.5 Notwithstanding Section 3.9.4, where the weather and time of year do not allow the completion of the outstanding landscape works prior to the issuance of the Occupancy Permit, the Developer may supply a security deposit in the amount of 110 percent of the estimated cost to complete the landscaping. The cost estimate is to be prepared by a member in good standing of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects. The security shall be in favour of the Municipality and shall be in the form of a certified cheque or automatically renewing, irrevocable letter of credit issued by a chartered bank. The security shall be returned to the Developer only upon completion of the work as described herein and illustrated on the Schedules, and as approved by the Development Officer. Should the Developer not complete the landscaping within twelve months of issuance of the Occupancy Permit, the Municipality may use the deposit to complete the landscaping as set out in this section of the Agreement. The Developer shall be responsible for all costs in this regard exceeding the deposit. The security deposit or unused portion of the security deposit shall be returned to the Developer upon completion of the work and its certification. 3.9.6 All landscape areas designed to be installed upon any portion of the building must be supported by documentation from a Structural Engineer indicating that the building design is able to support any required drainage or additional weight caused by the landscaped area.
Multiple Bedroom Spaces If this Housing Agreement expressly identifies more than one bedroom space in a multi-bedroom apartment as assigned to Resident on page 1, then: (a) references to a “space” or “spaces” will be deemed to refer to all of the spaces assigned to Resident, or to the entire apartment if all of the bedrooms in an apartment are assigned to Resident; and (b) if Resident is assigned fewer than all of the bedroom spaces in an apartment, use of common areas will continue to be shared with other residents of the apartment and any calculation of Resident’s share of any charges assessed pro rata to all residents of an apartment will be made by dividing the number of bedroom spaces assigned to Resident by the total number of occupied bedroom spaces within the apartment.
Fencing The SPD shall Fence the demarcated boundary of the Demised Premises at the SPD’s own expense in every respect.