Planning Periods Sample Clauses
Planning Periods. Job-share teachers shall be entitled to the same number of planning periods as a full-time teacher with the division of the planning periods to be determined between the job-share teachers based on when the planning periods are scheduled.
Planning Periods. 1. All teachers shall be provided a minimum plan time of 200 minutes per week. When possible, teacher(s) shall be provided daily a class period of at least forty (40) minutes of planning time. Elementary plan time will be provided through the following classes: computer, library, art, PE, music. Recess will not be considered plan time. Plan time shall have a minimum of 20 consecutive minutes.
Planning Periods. Each high school and junior high school teacher shall have a minimum of one (1) preparation period per day during the pupil contact time. Each middle school and elementary teacher shall have a preparation period equivalent to any special teacher assignment time. Planning time shall be consecutive in nature.
Planning Periods. The board recognizes the desirability of preparation and planning time for the licensed teacher. The practice of using a regular employee as a substitute other than in emergencies shall be discouraged. In case of a pre-scheduled activity, a substitute shall be hired whenever possible. In the absence of a substitute or a volunteer, an employee may be assigned to serve as the substitute. Such coverage shall be arranged in advance to the extent possible by the building principal. When regular licensed teachers are used as the substitute, the building principal will attempt to distribute the duty as equitable as possible during the school year. Licensed teachers will be paid $20.00 per period or clock hour if assigned as a sub during his/her plan time by administration or office staff. Staff members are responsible for filling out an extra duty pay form and submitting it to the district clerk within 3 business days of the current pay period. (Changes negotiated 2018-19)
Planning Periods. 0501 Each teacher of the bargaining unit who is an elementary classroom teacher (grades 1-5) shall be provided no fewer than five (5) planning periods per week when his/her students are in physical education, art, and music classes.
Planning Periods. In meeting his or her professional responsibilities, a teacher is required to respond to many and varied demands upon his/her time. It is the desire of the Board that some planning time be provided daily for all teachers. Planning time is not to be defined as free time and should not be used as such. The administrator shall provide for at least the equivalent of one daily planning period for all elementary teachers and the equivalent of one class period for all secondary teachers. In the event a teacher performs other school-related educational duties during such planning time, the teacher shall be paid at the hourly rate of $20.00 per hour. It shall not be required that the planning period be used for the development of IEP's. Specifically, the planning period times are defined as follows: • Xxxxxx High School will equal one regular class period, • Xxxxxx Middle School will equal one regular class period, and • Xxxxxx Elementary School will be equal to the combined length of the physical education and music classes. It is the intent that a mutual attempt will be made to include as much regularly scheduled planning time as possible within the normal teaching day.
Planning Periods. During a normal daily schedule, middle school and high school teachers will be provided at least 50 continuous minutes of teacher-controlled planning time. This time shall not be scheduled during the thirty minutes before and after school and thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period. In those extraordinary circumstances when a teacher is requested by an administrator and agrees to teach an additional class during his/her planning period, the teacher shall receive compensation based on the relationship between the planning period(s) bought out and the total number of class periods offered each school day*. Compensation shall be determined based on the employee’s regular salary as it appears on the adopted District Salary Schedule; i.e. one planning period bought out in a six (6) period day for one school year equals 1/6 (one-sixth) of the teacher’s salary. (Note: this does not apply in those situations where a substitute is not available, and a teacher gives up his/her planning period to cover the class.) In the case of an elementary teacher who teaches class during his or her continuous planning period, compensation will be based upon the relationship of the planning time bought out and the total minutes of teaching during the day. Secondary special education teachers who have to collect data for IEP goals in general education classes may use the procedure in Section 8.8(1) to address IEP workload issues. During a normal workweek, elementary certified staff will be provided 45 continuous minutes of teacher controlled planning time daily during regularly scheduled times when the employee's class has been taken over by a specialist (e.g., music, P.E., library, science, etc.) for a total of 225 minutes per week. This time shall not be scheduled during the thirty minutes before and after school and the thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period. Additional planning time will be provided when the employee's class is at a regularly scheduled 15 minute recess provided, however, total planning time shall not be less than 300 minutes per week. Prior to the master schedule being created, the District shall consult with team teachers/co-teachers regarding the need for common planning time and make a good faith effort to schedule opportunities for collaborative planning. If the District applies for and is approved for one or more waiver days, the parties shall bargain the use of the time. Employees will be provided individual planning time on early release days on a p...
Planning Periods. Teachers in secondary schools shall receive not less than 225 minutes of unassigned planning time on a weekly basis and shall be scheduled for one unassigned planning period per day of not less than forty-five (45) consecutive minutes. Neither this provision, nor 8.8 below will apply during times when the normal school schedule must be adjusted during emergencies; or in cases when an individual teacher has requested in writing to teach more than the usual number of periods for teachers in that subject in that school, or in the case of a teacher who volunteers for other school activities during the scheduled unassigned planning period.
a. When scheduled early dismissal days for professional development in secondary schools is school based professional development, HCPS will provide forty-five (45) minutes of block planning time during the course of the duty day.
b. When scheduled early dismissal days for professional development in secondary schools involves content specific professional development that requires travel to other locations, Harford County Public Schools agrees to reduce the maximum number of monthly meetings by one meeting, in accordance with 8.6(A) paragraph 1 to accommodate forty-five (45) minutes of block planning time for that month. Content specific professional development days as described in this paragraph will not exceed more than fifty percent (50%) of the total scheduled early dismissal days within the school year for secondary schools.
Planning Periods. Teachers in secondary schools shall receive not less than 225 minutes of unassigned planning time on a weekly basis and shall be scheduled for one unassigned planning period per day of not less than forty-five (45) consecutive minutes. Neither this provision, nor 8.8 below will apply during times when the normal school schedule must be adjusted during emergencies; or in cases when an individual teacher has requested in writing to teach more than the usual number of periods for teachers in that subject in that school, or in the case of a teacher who volunteers for other school activities during the scheduled unassigned planning period.
Planning Periods. A. All regular kindergarten, R through 5 elementary teachers, and the Special Education teacher of an elementary self contained Emotionally Handicapped or Pre-school class shall have a planning period whenever teachers in the fields of art, music or physical education take over the class. The above teachers shall have such additional planning time as is required to provide the total amount of planning time set forth in the following schedule during all five (5) day school weeks. The remaining personnel on the following schedule shall have the amounts of planning time set forth on said schedule during all five (5) day school weeks. Teachers shall continue to be aware of and prepared for their responsibility for continuity of program in the areas of art, music, and physical education. The teacher has the option to use planning time for either a pre-planned in-service program, parent conferences or for classroom activities. Regular kindergarten, R through 5 elementary teachers, and the Special Education teacher of an elementary self-contained Emotionally Handicapped or Pre-school class: 200 minutes per week, and 250 minutes per week effective September 1, 2008. Art, Music, Physical Education, Reading, Speech and Hearing, Library, and School Counselors: 250 minutes per week. For Special Education teachers other than teachers of elementary self-contained Emotionally Handicapped classes and Pre-School class: 120 minutes and 150 minutes effective September 1, 2009. Effective September 1, 2022, an additional fifty (50) minutes per week will be designated as common planning time for all teachers at the same grade level to communicate, collaborate, engage in professional development, and/or to engage in student achievement data review as a Professional Learning Community (PLC). Administration shall retain discretion to determine if the fifty (50) minutes of PLC time is utilized.
B. When teachers in Art, Music, and Physical Education are absent from work, the Administration agrees that it will use its best efforts to replace them with specialist substitute teachers. In order to improve their compliance with this paragraph the Administration will keep a separate, updated and current list of specialist substitute teachers of Art, Music and Physical Education.
C. Secondary teachers in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Foreign Languages, Science, Music, Art, Physical Education, Library, Guidance, Reading, Business, Special Education, Technology Educatio...