Protocol The attached Protocol shall be an integral part of this Agreement.
Hearing Procedure Prior to initiating the hearing procedure, the school official, the parent(s) or the guardian may request a conference to provide an opportunity for the parent(s)/guardian(s) and school official(s) to discuss the situation, present information, obtain an explanation of data submitted in the application and the decisions rendered. Such a conference shall not in any way prejudice nor diminish the right to a fair hearing. The designated hearing official shall ensure that the hearing procedure provides the following for both the household and the LEA:
Posting Procedure 1. Notice of all bargaining unit vacancies and newly created bargaining unit positions shall be posted at the administrative designated sites in each school building as well as on the District website. A copy of each posting will be forwarded to the President of OAPSE Local 617 for informational purposes. 2. Such vacancies shall be posted for five (5) work days after the date of posting. 3. Employees shall apply for all job postings online.