Collective covers. If this cover is a collective cover then the following amendment is made to general condition 6(a) (iv) above: “give the leading insurer on behalf of the insurers such proofs, information and sworn declaration as the insurers may require and forward to the leading insurer immediately any notice of claim or any communication, writ, summons or other legal process issued or commenced against the participant in connection with the event giving rise to the claim.” and General condition 7 is substituted by the following: “7. Company’s rights after an event
Collective covers. If this cover is a collective cover then the following amendment is made to general condition 6(a) (iv) above: “give the leading company on behalf of the companies such proofs, information and sworn declaration as the companies may require and forward to the leading company immediately any notice of claim or any communication, writ, summons or other legal process issued or commenced against the participant in connection with the event giving rise to the claim.” and General condition 7 is substituted by the following: “7. Company’s rights after an event
Collective covers. If this cover is a collective cover then the following amendment is made to general condition 6(a) (iv) above: “give the leading company on behalf of the companies such proofs, information and sworn declaration as the companies may require and forward to the leading company immediately any notice of claim or any communication, writ, summons or other legal process issued or commenced against the participant in connection with the event giving rise to the claim.” and General condition 7 is substituted by the following: Body Corporate Takaful ParTiciPaTion agreemenT General Provisions Subject to the provisions of Section 55 of the Short Term Insurance Act No. 53 of 1998 (as amended).