Commission's Representative Designated to Sample Clauses

Commission's Representative Designated to. Handle Grievances at the 2nd Step‌ The Commission will inform the employee of the Commission's representative designated to handle grievances at the second (2nd) step. Where a seconded employee has a grievance the employee will discuss the grievance with their supervisor. Failing resolution, the employee may submit a written grievance, through a xxxxxxx nominated by the Union, to the second (2nd) step of the grievance procedure.
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Related to Commission's Representative Designated to

  • DEPARTMENT'S REPRESENTATIVE The Contract Administrator shall be the Department's representative during the period of this Contract. He/she has authority to curtail services if necessary to ensure proper execution. He/she shall certify to the Department when payments under the Contract are due and the amounts to be paid. He/she shall make decisions on all claims of the Provider, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of the Department.

  • Recipient’s Representative; Addresses 6.01. The Recipient’s Representative referred to in Section 7.02 of the Standard Conditions is the Minister of Finance.

  • Using Agency’s Representative The Using Agency may designate from time to time a Using Agency’s Representative, who shall work with the Design Professional and the Owner’s Representative as a liaison with the Using Agency.

  • City’s Representative The City hereby designates Xxx Xxxxx, or his or her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement (“City’s Representative”). City’s Representative shall have the power to act on behalf of the City for all purposes under this Contract. Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the City’s Representative or his or her designee.

  • JOINT LABOUR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 18.01 A Joint Labour Management Committee shall be established to attend to those matters which are of mutual interest. To ensure its effectiveness the Committee shall be separate and apart from the grievance procedure.

  • Primary Frequency Response Developer shall ensure the primary frequency response capability of its Large Generating Facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls. The term “functioning governor or equivalent controls” as used herein shall mean the required hardware and/or software that provides frequency responsive real power control with the ability to sense changes in system frequency and autonomously adjust the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in accordance with the droop and deadband parameters and in the direction needed to correct frequency deviations. Developer is required to install a governor or equivalent controls with the capability of operating: (1) with a maximum 5 percent droop ± 0.036 Hz deadband; or (2) in accordance with the relevant droop, deadband, and timely and sustained response settings from an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for equivalent or more stringent parameters. The droop characteristic shall be: (1) based on the nameplate capacity of the Large Generating Facility, and shall be linear in the range of frequencies between 59 and 61 Hz that are outside of the deadband parameter; or (2) based on an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for an equivalent or more stringent parameter. The deadband parameter shall be: the range of frequencies above and below nominal (60 Hz) in which the governor or equivalent controls is not expected to adjust the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in response to frequency deviations. The deadband shall be implemented: (1) without a step to the droop curve, that is, once the frequency deviation exceeds the deadband parameter, the expected change in the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in response to frequency deviations shall start from zero and then increase (for under-frequency deviations) or decrease (for over-frequency deviations) linearly in proportion to the magnitude of the frequency deviation; or (2) in accordance with an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for an equivalent or more stringent parameter. Developer shall notify NYISO that the primary frequency response capability of the Large Generating Facility has been tested and confirmed during commissioning. Once Developer has synchronized the Large Generating Facility with the New York State Transmission System, Developer shall operate the Large Generating Facility consistent with the provisions specified in Articles and of this Agreement. The primary frequency response requirements contained herein shall apply to both synchronous and non-synchronous Large Generating Facilities.

  • Per-­‐Registrar Transactions Report This report shall be compiled in a comma separated-­‐value formatted file as specified in RFC 4180. The file shall be named “gTLD-­‐transactions-­‐yyyymm.csv”, where “gTLD” is the gTLD name; in case of an IDN-­‐TLD, the A-­‐label shall be used; “yyyymm” is the year and month being reported. The file shall contain the following fields per registrar: Field # Field name Description 01 registrar-­‐name Registrar’s full corporate name as registered with IANA 02 iana-­‐id For cases where the registry operator acts as registrar (i.e., without the use of an ICANN accredited registrar) 9999 should be used, otherwise the sponsoring Registrar IANA id should be used as specified in xxxx://­‐ids 03 total-­‐domains total domain names under sponsorship in any EPP status but pendingCreate that have not been purged 04 total-­‐nameservers total name servers (either host objects or name server hosts as domain name attributes) associated with domain names registered for the TLD in any EPP status but pendingCreate that have not been purged 05 net-­‐adds-­‐1-­‐yr number of domains successfully registered (i.e., not in EPP pendingCreate status) with an initial term of one (1) year (and not deleted within the add grace period). A transaction must be reported in the month the add grace period ends.

  • Joint Union/Management Committee It shall be appropriate for either the Union or the University to request that a Joint Union/Management committee be convened, with Environmental Health and Safety as a participating member, to discuss health and safety concerns and to explore options for addressing those concerns through appropriate training or other approaches.

  • List of Union Representatives The Union agrees to provide and maintain an up-to-date list of all Union Representatives (including Union Stewards, Union Executive, Grievance Committee, Labour/Management Committee and Negotiating Committee) to the Director of Human Resources or designate.

  • 000 UNION REPRESENTATIVES 9.100 Representatives of the Unions shall have access to the job during working hours on Union business. They shall, as regulations of the plant permit, obtain specific authorization from the Company for each visit.

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