Community Impacts. Up to one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the net win derived from the Tribal Lottery System, determined on an annual basis, determined by deducting from one percent of said net win the amounts actually paid under Sections 14.1 and 14.2 in said year, shall be applied to Tribal governmental programs which have an impact on the community by assisting the Tribe and its members in become self-sufficient, such as programs concerned with Tribal law enforcement, education, housing, health, elderly care, safety, and gaming regulation.
Community Impacts. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.) Community Impacts includes land use, environmental justice, limited English proficiency, and other issues as addressed in TxDOT Environmental guidance. The Engineer shall perform Community Impact Assessments including relocations and Environmental Justice analysis (in accordance with Executive Order 12898) and Limited English Proficiency analysis (in accordance with Executive Order 13166).
a. Compile analysis to meet requirements of TA 6640.8A. Analysis must conform to applicable current State and FHWA guidance.
b. Process for Community Impact Assessment should follow guidance provided in TxDOT’s Community Impacts Assessment Toolkit.
Community Impacts. Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to assist Owner in creating, assessing and carrying out programs which shall, during all phases of the Work, minimize the impacts upon the host community caused by the construction of the Facility. Such programs shall include sequencing of the Work so as to reasonably minimize the impacts of noise and dust at and around the Job Site.
Community Impacts. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.) Community Impacts includes land use, environmental justice, limited English proficiency, and other issues as addressed in TxDOT Environmental guidance. DocuSign Envelope ID: AF0A5C71-20F3-481C-96D9-9B6E48645CA8 The Engineer shall perform Community Impact Assessments including relocations and Environmental Justice analysis (in accordance with Executive Order 12898) and Limited English Proficiency analysis (in accordance with Executive Order 13166).
a. Compile analysis to meet requirements of TA 6640.8A. Analysis must conform to applicable current State and FHWA guidance.
b. Process for Community Impact Assessment should follow guidance provided in TxDOT’s Community Impacts Assessment Toolkit.
Community Impacts. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of an EA and associated technical reports)
11.1 Community Impacts includes land use, environmental justice, limited English proficiency, and other issues as addressed in TxDOT Environmental guidance. The Technical Expert shall perform Community Impact Assessments including relocations and Environmental Justice analysis (in accordance with Executive Order 12898) and Limited English Proficiency analysis (in accordance with Executive Order 13166).
11.2 Compile analysis must meet requirements of TA 6640.8A. Analysis must conform to applicable current State and FHWA guidance.
11.3 Process for Community Impact Assessment should follow guidance provided in TxDOT’s Community Impacts Assessment Toolkit. • Identify Environmental Justice communities within the study area. • Determine if the project would have disproportionately high and adverse impacts on Environmental Justice communities. All impacts identified in the Community Impact Assessment and other relevant studies (i.e. noise analysis) should be considered to determine if the impacts disproportionately affect environmental justice communities. • Identify possible mitigation measures to avoid or minimize any adverse impacts to the environmental justice population within the project area.
Community Impacts. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.) Community Impacts includes environmental justice, limited English proficiency, and other issues as addressed in TxDOT Environmental guidance and toolkits. The Engineer shall perform Community Impact Assessments including displacements, changes to access and travel pattern, changes to cohesion, and Environmental Justice analysis (in accordance with Executive Order 12898) and Limited English Proficiency analysis (in accordance with Executive Order 13166). • Compile analysis to meet requirements of TA 6640.8A. Analysis must conform to applicable current State and FHWA guidance. • Process for Community Impact Assessment should follow guidance provided in TxDOT’s Community Impacts Assessment Toolkit.
Community Impacts. Assessment (CIA) Assess the potential of the proposed action to disrupt existing communities due to lane reduction, street closures, bisection of existing neighborhoods, or reduced access to community services, using the current census data from the U.S. Census Bureau and American Community Survey for population, racial and ethnic proportions, median household income, and family poverty statistics at the census block level, if possible. For Environmental Justice (EJ) evaluation, also determine if affected communities are disproportionately comprised of minority or low-income populations, compared to the region and the state. Available information will also be evaluated to determine the presence of limited English proficiency (LEP) populations. Results/findings will be included
Community Impacts. 11.1 Community Impacts includes land use, environmental justice, limited English proficiency, and other issues as addressed in TxDOT Environmental guidance. The Technical Expert shall perform Community Impact Assessments including relocations and Environmental Justice analysis (in DocuSign Envelope ID: 4752518C-4424-4800-A370-37F1574D7CC0 accordance with Executive Order 12898) and Limited English Proficiency analysis (in accordance with Executive Order 13166).
11.2 Compile analysis must meet requirements of TA 6640.8A. Analysis must conform to applicable current State and FHWA guidance.
11.3 Process for Community Impact Assessment should follow guidance provided in TxDOT’s Community Impacts Assessment Toolkit. • Identify Environmental Justice communities within the study area. • Determine if the project would have disproportionately high and adverse impacts on Environmental Justice communities. All impacts identified in the Community Impact Assessment and other relevant studies (i.e. noise analysis) should be considered to determine if the impacts disproportionately affect environmental justice communities. • Identify possible mitigation measures to avoid or minimize any adverse impacts to the environmental justice population within the project area.
Community Impacts. Community Impacts includes land use, environmental justice, limited English proficiency, and other issues as addressed in TxDOT Environmental guidance. The Engineer shall perform Community Impact Assessments including relocations and Environmental Justice analysis (in accordance with Executive Order 12898) and Limited English Proficiency analysis (in accordance with Executive Order 13166). This includes compiling analysis to meet requirements of TA 6640.8A. Analysis must conform to applicable current State and FHWA guidance. The process for Community Impact Assessment should follow guidance provided in TxDOT’s Community Impacts Assessment Toolkit.
Community Impacts. Traffic Noise Reduction, associated withmotorized traffic 70.8 2 Noise Mitigation Plan, the reduction of noiselevels associated with construction activities 70 3 Visual Elements 68